How to proceed? Confident Persistence or Withdraw Attention?


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2014
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Okay, been on three dates with this girl. She got out of a relationship couple months ago, she was with this guy for nearly a year. First date she was pretty distant, second date we kissed a fair bit but she was still a little resistant and third date we were making out all night, I was feeling up her t1ts and pu55y and she wasn't resistant to this at all over the night. But she also said she was unsure because she has only been out of relationship for couple months and didn't want her ex to think she was a wh0re.. she hasn't seen her ex since break up, but she said he took it pretty bad, but still occasionally texts her. She said he was a nice guy but she never fell for him and feels like she strung him on for last year because she was lonely.

Now, how should I play this from here on out? I've been pretty persistant, c/f so far.. been pushing the sexual vibe from the get go and while it has been breaking down here resistance, I do feel this is a lot of work. She wants to meet up this week to get high, but she won't come over to mine, (again the resistance to sex) Should I keep pushing on the sexual, c/f vibe until she caves in and sleeps with me or should I start pushing away, withdraw attention and make her start chasing me? I don't want to seem too available, but it's hard not to when your doing the whole confident persistence thing.
Aug 5, 2014
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let her come to you..........if you chase her, she'll just flake off like most do

besides, if she contacts you, it's more exciting anyway

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
You've done a lot of work now I would say the best thing is just to sit back and let her chase. Make her feel like she's losing you. Let her be the one to come up with plans just to see you.