How to meet women and f*ck them in a half hour


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
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I hate writing tutorials. I wrote a post like this a while back, and people kept telling me I didn’t go far enough into detail. This is the most in-depth I will ever get on this topic. It is an extremely simple process once you understand it, but I will try to break it down as much as I can.


Before I start I want to address two classic responses that I’m sure this topic is going to generate. So please read this paragraph before you reply with one of these clichéd one-liners. “Getting laid is easy, but finding intelligent, socially adjusted women for an LTR is hard.” Everyone loves to point this out, even if it’s completely off-topic. Just don’t say it. Here’s another classic response: “Any girl willing to f*ck you the day she meets you is a slut/*****/whatever.” No, she’s just a female, and she follows the same basic logic and reasoning patterns as every other female. All women desire and actively seek a partner for sex. The only difference between the slut and the proper, respectable lady is that one of them is better at covering it up. The polite, innocent looking girls are usually the ones who have the most casual sex. Trust me, I know this from experience. Now consider the following: It is perfectly acceptable for a girl to meet a guy and “date” (read: f*ck) him for a few months until the relationship ends for whatever reason, at which point she’ll meet a new guy and “date” him. An LTR/marriage is nothing more than two exclusive f*ck buddies who happen to get along well. It’s still sex, no matter how you package it. At least the slut isn’t a victim of conformity.


Your choice of venue is critical

I know I say this in all my posts, but if you want to get laid consistently, bars and clubs are not your best choice. There are just too many obstacles. Not only are you in direct competition with every other guy in the building, but the girl will have at least three ugly c*ckblocking friends with her that she specifically told to not let her go home with some guy should she get too wasted (even though that’s what she secretly wants to happen). Yes, I know you can isolate the target, disarm the pissed off boyfriend, etc. I’ve heard them all and I know they work, so please don’t email me :) But why deal with obstacles when you can just eliminate them altogether?

The best places to find women (especially if you want some insta-action) are places they go during the day when they have nothing better to do. My favorites are coffee shops and bookstores. These places are stuffed with women who are by themselves trying to kill time. The best time is during the afternoon between one and five. I know this sounds trivial and stupid but it’s really important if you want to hook up with her on the spot. A girl will be far less likely to take off with you at night when she’s hanging out with all her friends. During the afternoon, she just got out of school/work/whatever and is by herself and bored. PERFECT. Now you just have to give her something to do.

The Process

If you’re lazy, as I often am, you can simply pull a Gunwitch and start an ordinary conversation in a sexual tone. Although this actually works really well, I don’t normally do it because I find it absurdly hilarious and usually start cracking up right in front of her. Instead I just harass her endlessly with false accusations and bullsh*t qualifiers:

Me: You’re not buying that are you?
Her: *confused look*
Me: Ha! So typical. I bet you read Danielle Steel novels too.
Her: What! No I don’t!

You have to open the conversation with a hint of playfulness so that you won’t come off as a complete douchebag, and yet she’ll still try to qualify herself. They usually react negatively, which is perfect. Keep it up, but every now and then, throw in a compliment. Once she lets her guard down, throw it in her face. For example, the other day this one girl was wearing a silver Hello-Kitty necklace. After torturing her for a few minutes I said:

Me: Wow that’s a nice necklace!
Her: (long pause) Really? Thanks!
Me: Too bad Hello-Kitty is nothing but socialist propaganda.
Her: What! No it’s not-
Me: Shut up, communist.

This kind of sh*t is awesome! It gets them so emotionally ****ed up, it’s hilarious. I’ve had girls extremely angry and upset at me, but at the same time they couldn’t stop laughing. This is what you want. Just remember to remain as calm and detached as possible, as if you can walk away at any moment. Usually I won’t even face my body toward them. I’ll just turn my head, spit out some comment, and then turn back to my magazine or whatever. I’ll continue f*cking with her for the next five minutes or so, getting her all worked up, before I pull the classic switcheroo. This is when I completely stop talking to her. Still caught up in our little play spat, she will have no choice but to engage me with her own line of crappy witticisms. At this point I won’t even look at her, but I’ll fuel the fire with comments like “can you hit on someone else please?” or something along those lines. It really doesn’t matter what you say now because at this point she’d f*ck you right there in the store if it were socially acceptable. You’ll know when you reach that point because she’ll start asking you serious questions about yourself in an effort to figure out why she’s suddenly so attracted to you. Never ever break character. Keep your detached, you-don’t-phase-me attitude all the way to the end. And whatever you do, do not bring her home yet. She may agree, but she will definitely give you last minute bullsh*t. “We shouldn’t be doing this” and “I barely know you” is all you’re going to get.


I only met this girl ten minutes ago, so before I make any advances I have to create some sort of time distortion to make her feel comfortable with me like she’s known me forever. That’s easier than it sounds. I’ll tell her than I’m going next door to Linens & Things to look at some towels (or whatever) and she can tag along if she wants. She will ALWAYS come with me. I’ll spend maybe five minutes there with her throwing pillows at random people or some sh*t, then I’ll take her to the next place. Do that at least three times, and you’re set. Now you’re free to ask her if she wants to see your vintage guitar or meet your goldfish.

I do this three times a week and I ALWAYS get laid. Why? Because I’m persistent. That’s all that matters. If hot girl #1 doesn’t respond, move on down to hot girl #2. You’ll know within the first ten minutes if she’ll **** you or not. Just remember to use the switcheroo


Senior Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
Is this it?

Is this your ONLY goal in life, you remind me of the dogs that I see, spending all their life's going sniffing lamppost to lamppost.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2006
Reaction score
this is awesome.
can you really do it in that short a time frame though?

how does the last minute resistance go? the chick must barely feel like she knows you.. even with all the venue changing...


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2004
Reaction score
I call bullsh!t.

Edit - I guess you could have unusually low standards, though.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
Nottinghamshire, England
I actually thought it was great. Whether it works or not, its well written and practical advice rather than some guy banging on about how you need to be so ripped to be alpha or some incomprehensible ten page self-improvement philosophical post. Good stuff dbot, you give a good feel in your writing for your interaction.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2004
Reaction score
Muzzlehatch said:
I actually thought it was great. Whether it works or not, its well written and practical advice rather than some guy banging on about how you need to be so ripped to be alpha or some incomprehensible ten page self-improvement philosophical post. Good stuff dbot, you give a good feel in your writing for your interaction.

I'm not knocking the method he's using to meet girls. I think that that is actually a solid routine. I call bullsh!t on him suggesting that he can bring home 3 *****es a week after only knowing them for thirty minutes.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
Reaction score
TyTe`EyEs said:
I'm not knocking the method he's using to meet girls. I think that that is actually a solid routine. I call bullsh!t on him suggesting that he can bring home 3 *****es a week after only knowing them for thirty minutes.
It's just a numbers game buddy. With that short of a time frame I can keep trying until someone bites. You'd be surprised how well it works.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
TyTe`EyEs said:
I'm not knocking the method he's using to meet girls. I think that that is actually a solid routine. I call bullsh!t on him suggesting that he can bring home 3 *****es a week after only knowing them for thirty minutes.
Gunwitch claims to be able to do something similar. I don't know if I really BUY it or not. But then, I haven't tried it. I actually disagree about this kind of thing not working in bars, though...


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
I belive the guy, I mean keep in mind..

He is doing all these social things that he can't go into detail with, so some random guy couldn't do this. But if your the kinda guy that talks to strangers and tries to start stuff in public, I have friends who are like this, and I've done it too.. then you probally could get a chick about 18-22.

Any younger and she'll be too freaked and unexperienced, any older and she'll be worrying to much about being a slvt.

From the way it sounds you'd call bullsh!t, but he's leaving out ALL the fun he's supplying these chicks with. How to supply that fun you can only learn from being social and doing it hundreds of times.

Your thinking "Wow these girls are *****s."
The dumb girl is thinking "Wow this is fun, I love this guy so much, I wanna fvck him."


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
You really dont have much patience do you?


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
East Chicago
Great post man. Good way to cut through bull****.