How to get a woman fantasizing about you sexually


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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Las Vegas
I posted this in my journal but I think more people will see it here.

How to get a woman fantasizing about you sexually

An interesting fact I found out over the weekend. Getting girls to fantasize about you is unbelievably easy and NO you do not have to have model status looks to do it. Whats great about this tip is that as long as you have had some sexual experience you can make even a random girl undress you with her eyes. Check it out.

I was talking to these 2 chicks from my church about sex. (ironic eh?) We get to the topic about me having sex. I told em' a few stories about my sexual escapes and one of them made an interesting comment.

HB: I could imagine that.
ME: Really? (C+F tone, awesome smirk on my face)
HB: Well yeah you kinda have to imagine it.
ME: Imagine what?
HB: You having sex
ME: WAIT A SECOND! Backup! You just imagined me having sex? Just because I talked about it? What kind of church girls are you?

When you talk about yourself having sex, GIRLS WILL FANTASIZE ABOUT IT. They can't help it. When you talk about how you made this one redhead curl her toes and scream your name they can't help but imagining the story. You have therefore gotten her thinking about you in a very sexually explicit manner. You can't do better than that, conversation wise, other than closing the deal fellow Don Juans.

Now doing this with random girls is a bit trickier but it all it takes is some good conversational skills to smoothly bring the topic to sex and work from there. Building a good amount of rapport first is essential, no "Hi my name is XYZ, lets talk about sex! You have to be careful, it is VERY easy for you to come off as sleazy. Remember this and don't overdo it. It also probably isn't a good a idea to talk about your "adventures" with ALL the girls you meet. Pick and choose wisely.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2005
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yea! def. awsome point. kino pluse sexual stories equal high sexual intrest. and if shes realy into it, giving you the doggy bowl eyes, then go for a how would you feel, typ of convo. and include her into her stories... and kino her hard core..


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
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exactly works everytime! just make it stealth as possible at first..if you get into it without undetecetd youl sure fire that youre gonna make her wet..
Dec 4, 2006
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Good tip, as long as acting in such a manner is congruent with your personality and seduction style. For me personally, this wouldn't work. For words are for the most part asexual. Very rarely will I make any explicit sexual references to a woman. I much prefer to convey sexuality through non-verbal measures; the look, the touch, etc., with the occasional use of suggestion and innuendo. But like I said, this is a good tip as long as it is congruent with your style. Getting a woman to think about you sexually is essential in seduction, however you choose to go about it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Something I thought about before.....opened my eyes a bit more, thanks!


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
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3 too..but girls are atracted to boldones and keep them off balanced.


New Member
Dec 11, 2006
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this tactic might work on sluts, but i think if u just talk about ur sexual adventures with normal girls, you'll come off sounding really sleazy.

I think it's better to lay off the sex talk with other women until u know the girls better.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Las Vegas
yosho said:
this tactic might work on sluts, but i think if u just talk about ur sexual adventures with normal girls, you'll come off sounding really sleazy.

I think it's better to lay off the sex talk with other women until u know the girls better.
Dude, it worked on church girls. Use your noggin here.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Las Vegas
BuildingSomethingBig said:
Good tip, as long as acting in such a manner is congruent with your personality and seduction style.
I agree. I have been told I have a "bad boy" type of seduction style by a few people. Talking to church chicks about sex definetly fits into my rebel/"I don't give a fvck" personality. For some it might not work. If talking about sex with girls isn't your style so be it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Talking about sex is a great way to do it. I have done it alot, but it is tough to start talkign about it sometimes. My friend is an expert. I've never seen a guy start talking about sex to random girls he just met a few minutes go before him. This was prior to his knowlege of game.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Las Vegas
Bump. Its been a few months, I think some new people should read this.

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
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GM Technique

Good work Fallen! You have brought up what I consider the best technique I have used after years of interest in seduction.

Its called "Grand Master Technique" after Grand Master Flash.

I don't know what happened to this gem. It seems to have just fallen off the radar. Maybe coz its so easy no one can make money from selling it.

Basically the idea is to start talking about sex and keep the subject there. Keep it light hearted and joking but don't be afraid to really get graphic.

They key is to make the conversation fun!

Check out Eddie Murphy's Delirious. Austin Powers is another example. Everything comes back to sex.

sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sexsex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex!

You get the point.

It works an absolute charm.

Just don't give a ****! Tell every funny sex story you know.

Heres the deal, if you can get a girl TALKING about sex then she is THINKING about sex and if she is thinking about sex when she is talking to you then she is THINKING ABOUT HAVING SEX WITH YOU.

If she is having fun talking and thinking about sex with you then the logical progression is that sex with you will be fun.

Don't stress, girls LOVE to talk about sex.

Other guys just look at me like "what the ****?" when they hear me telling girls I just met stories about the times when a GFs mum walked in on me and my first girlfriend in a 69er or how I broke my nose on a pelvic bone when going down.

By talking about sex you have opened the subject up between the two of you. It becomes a subject you tWo can share comfortably.

From talking it is easy to progress to doing.

Words of warning.

Don't kiss and tell. If you tell stories about sex with particular girls to a babe then she will worry that she will be your next story. So don't mention any names!

Exes will inevitably come up when you talk about sex that much. Don't say a bad word about them even if they were evil succubi. In your story they were all beautiful princess you shared a fun experience with (or dirty sluts that really fuked like crazy... no names mentioned tho!).

And don't tell stories about rape, stds, abortion, cheating, heartbreak etc. That will have the opposite effect.

Anyway, hope this helps some of you dudes.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Las Vegas
Jay Jay said:
Good work Fallen! You have brought up what I consider the best technique I have used after years of interest in seduction.

Its called "Grand Master Technique" after Grand Master Flash.

I don't know what happened to this gem. It seems to have just fallen off the radar. Maybe coz its so easy no one can make money from selling it.

Basically the idea is to start talking about sex and keep the subject there. Keep it light hearted and joking but don't be afraid to really get graphic.

They key is to make the conversation fun!

Check out Eddie Murphy's Delirious. Austin Powers is another example. Everything comes back to sex.

sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sexsex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex!

You get the point.

It works an absolute charm.

Just don't give a ****! Tell every funny sex story you know.

Heres the deal, if you can get a girl TALKING about sex then she is THINKING about sex and if she is thinking about sex when she is talking to you then she is THINKING ABOUT HAVING SEX WITH YOU.

If she is having fun talking and thinking about sex with you then the logical progression is that sex with you will be fun.

Don't stress, girls LOVE to talk about sex.

Other guys just look at me like "what the ****?" when they hear me telling girls I just met stories about the times when a GFs mum walked in on me and my first girlfriend in a 69er or how I broke my nose on a pelvic bone when going down.

By talking about sex you have opened the subject up between the two of you. It becomes a subject you tWo can share comfortably.

From talking it is easy to progress to doing.

Words of warning.

Don't kiss and tell. If you tell stories about sex with particular girls to a babe then she will worry that she will be your next story. So don't mention any names!

Exes will inevitably come up when you talk about sex that much. Don't say a bad word about them even if they were evil succubi. In your story they were all beautiful princess you shared a fun experience with (or dirty sluts that really fuked like crazy... no names mentioned tho!).

And don't tell stories about rape, stds, abortion, cheating, heartbreak etc. That will have the opposite effect.

Anyway, hope this helps some of you dudes.

Thanks man! I knew I couldn't have been the first to come up with this technique, good to know I rekindled the fire on this lost technique then! haha!

I must be progressing well if I figured this out on my own then huh? Sweeeet! haha


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
Good advice JJ. No names, no bitterness, keep it light and keep it fun.
Apr 21, 2008
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The armpit of Southern USA
Fallen33 said:
Now doing this with random girls is a bit trickier but it all it takes is some good conversational skills to smoothly bring the topic to sex and work from there.
No to be too rude, but shyt sherlock!