How to create romantic feelings in a woman


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
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I was just looking through and I came to this article. I think it has some good tips, but some things it says goes against what is taught in the DJ Bible about flowers and such. Any feedback? Here's the article...

How to Create Romantic Feelings in a Woman
by Ron Louis & David Copeland

To seduce a woman, you must take her into another world, a special world where only the two of you exist, a romantic world, a poetic world.

Sometimes this happens automatically with a woman: if you've ever fallen in love, you remember what it's like to feel like you are the only two people who've ever existed. You probably also remembered that, in that state, she really wanted sex. A lot.

If you haven't ever felt that, don't despair - by following these simple guidelines, you can learn to create those special feelings. It's your responsibility, if you want to get laid. So how do you do it?

* Keep on the lookout for romantic ideas or situations.

You can train your mind to always be looking for ways that little romantic moments can be created.

The other day a friend of ours was at a Chinese restaurant, and got the fortune, "Take the next opportunity you see - it will be wonderful" in his fortune cookie. Seeing an attractive woman sitting alone, he wrote his name and phone number on the back of the fortune, and as he left stopped at her table and said, "You look lonely here... perhaps this fortune will cheer you up. By the way, I think you look beautiful." She smiled and accepted the fortune and he smiled and left. Two days later she called him and they now have a date planned.

This effortless introduction worked because it created a small, special moment in her otherwise busy, stressful day. He was appreciating her. He was doing something romantic.

You can tell if an idea is romantic by asking yourself, "Would a woman look back on it as incredibly special?" Our friend knew that the fortune cookie was a tale a woman would gladly tell about how she met her boyfriend. So it was romantic, made her feel special, and it worked.

* Look like you put thought into it.

Women feel special, just like anybody does, if they think someone has done some preparation just for them. Cooking a meal, wrapping a little present, or hand-making a card for her will all make her feel like you are sitting around thinking of ways to delight her.

The key here is to do things that give the appearance that you are thinking of her. When you do things to make her feel special and appreciated it will increase her desire to put out for you.

* Do something special and "out of the ordinary."

Don't take a woman to the same place you'd go with buddies if you want sex. Take her someplace out of the ordinary. A river- front cafe in a nearby small town, a walk in the woods where you've previously and secretly stashed a bottle of champagne, two glasses and a blanket you can "discover" together are all examples of "out of the ordinary" events. Even art films (if she likes that kind of thing) or museums can be out-of-the-ordinary events. You can be an "out of the ordinary" man if you know some love poetry by heart. That will make her feel very special.

* Focus on the details.

Women want the "little things," so you should make sure every little thing is right when you are seducing a woman. This means flowers, new candles just lit for the first time, clean linens, the works. Everything is clean, nothing is sloppy. Romance is in the details, and you must have them right in order to succeed.

Just as a businessman is always looking for new situations that can make money, a "man's man" is always looking for new situations that can create romantic feelings. If you take on this practice you'll make her feel special, and you will get sex.

For more detailed information about this particular topic and many others visit


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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ryannath said:
I was just looking through and I came to this article. I think it has some good tips, but some things it says goes against what is taught in the DJ Bible about flowers and such
This article was not written by sosuave members or anyone affiliates with sosuave. The author is from another site and has his own point of view on how to seduce women. It is a pick up advice nothing more that doesn't teach you how to attract women naturally.

The sosuave way is basically saying the more you approach the better you become at attracting women and the less you will need to supplicate or resort to gimics. Have your own hobbies and control over your life and this will naturally make you a more exciting adventurous unpredictable guy and you won't have to worry about silly things such as finding the right place for a date or making an evening perfect for your date.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Or if you use enough tongue while you kiss her a$$ she might give you a little reward sex for being such a good puppy. I guess either way works. This crap should be in Cosmo or something.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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TheNewGuy said:
I actually liked the fortune cookie idea...
Its a nice idea but its flawed. You don't have any interaction with the girl prior so you can check for interest and or increase it and you can come off as a coward just leaving her your number and running without saying a word. Plus you are putting the ball in her court and waiting for her call and most chicks are flakey at that department. The rate of success for this is quite low since you are dealing with one woman (unless you are some kind of a wierd nut walking around with a bag of fortune cookies with your number on them and tossing it to every woman you meet and run)

The success rate will be much higher if you approach women, have a conversation with them and get their phone number. Since its a numbers game the more you approach the more likely you will connect with someone.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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TheNewGuy said:
I actually liked the fortune cookie idea...
true it does have its negative sides...but hell, its worth a shot right?:rockon:
Dec 4, 2006
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The one thing I really dislike about SoSuave is the AFC/DJ dichotomy. The way people, characteristics and actions are neatly sectioned into two halves. The more advanced you become in terms of understanding interpersonal relationships, the more you will understand how flawed it is. You will realise that buying flowers, writing poetry, and all of the other ‘AFC’ actions scoffed at in the DJ Bible are not inherently bad.

You have to understand that, despite the name, the DJ Bible should not be taken as gospel. There’s articles in there written by teenagers, ffs. Don’t get me wrong, it serves its purpose well; it’s good at what it is intended for. The average male comes to SS, reads the DJ Bible and it gives him a new perspective on interpersonal relationships. No longer resigned to viewing the world through the lens given to him by the media, etc. The DJ Bible will improve the dating life of the average male, at least to some degree.

However, that doesn’t mean the DJ Bible is for everyone. Personally, I have been very influenced by the book ‘The Art of Seduction’ by Robert Greene. Contrary, to the DJ Bible, TAOS gave me an appreciation of the process - To treat seduction as not simply a means to an end, but as an art form to be enjoyed. It also gave me an appreciation of the many different seductive personality types, not simply constraining my view to the limited DJ/AFC dichotomy. In this context, you will realise that any of the actions described in the above article can be successful if use correctly as part of your seduction strategy. Don’t take such a superficial view of these actions, and don’t consider them in isolation, but instead think about how they might fit into your master plan.

To seduce a woman, you must take her into another world, a special world where only the two of you exist, a romantic world, a poetic world.
This first line was perhaps the best part of the whole article. To take a woman to the place should be the ultimate goal of seduction. This is a far lengthier process, and goes far beyone the process of simply getting laid, and thus will go far beyond the interests of the average SS members. However, for those interested in the process of seduction, the rewards are far greater.

It's not for everyone, but for those interested in the process of seduction as an artform and not simply a means to an end, I highly recomment The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene:


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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The specific points in the original post, taken alone, are not all complete crap. The tone and overall message is a huge pile of merde.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
You will realise that buying flowers, writing poetry, and all of the other ‘AFC’ actions scoffed at in the DJ Bible are not inherently bad.

I agree; it's part of push-pull. Keeping her guessing involves occasional acts that would be AFC if we did them too much or too soon. A small amount of traditional romance has its place in keeping her guessing.