How To Connect Deeply With Women And Make Them Feel Wow?


Don Juan
May 30, 2006
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Everyone talking about having a great personlity, being interesting, ****y and funny, having a great attitude that will attract the women.. But I believe women also yearn for someone to connect with them emotionally.

Have anyone done this before? What goes in the mind of the women would be

"wow, he knows everything about me.. I finally found someone that understands me."

Any techniques and tricks for this? What to say to her, and how you know what to say?

How would you find out what she needs deeply inside her heart and said to her in such a way that she thinks that you understand her well and feel that you are the only one for her?


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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Use your knowledge of women/relationships learnt here to show you are not like the other clueless chumps.

Mirroring is also effective. Elicit values and casually and subtly reflect them, though be careful not to be a kiss-ass by also challenging her more retarded ideas.

Do you understand how astrology appears to work? By using deceptively vague language which gets the target to fill in the specific blanks. People are not so different, but they want to think of themselves as unique. Study human psychology and you can tell women quite obvious things about themselves that they thought were well hidden. And that power is very sexy.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2004
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If you want to connect shut up and listen.

If your girl is disclosing information, shut up and listen while giving eye contact. Don't say "yeah" or "uh huh". Shut up and let her have the floor. On the rhythm of speech itself you can tell when their idea or thought is done and want some form of feedback.

Then you can say whatever you want. You can ask a question to lead to more information, reveal something about yourself, say a statement showing you listened like "Heard that the *subject* was 50 feet tall". Then they'll talk about that and relate it to them or whatever.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
Yo Troops!

Interesting topic.

In a nutshell this is a post about building a SIGNIFICANT rapport with a woman----making her FEEL an INCREDIBLE CONNECTION.

I believe it's done much like strumming a multi-stringed guitar. Each string represents a different emotion in the woman. The key is "plucking" as MANY of the positive strings during one conversation/outing/encounter as possible.

And ocassionially, you may have to pluck a less-positive string too, in order for her to really FEEL that rush when the positive emotions are strummed. I used the word less-positive because the word negative sounds so, well,...NEGATIVE. LOL

This is usually done by topics of conversation, voice tonality, and kino. You should focus on anything that you see that elicits a strong emotional response in her. You see, what we should be striving to offer women is a SAFE emotional rollercoaster ride.

What do I mean by "safe"?

Women, I believe, are natually GIDDY or prone to nervousness due to their emotions. So therefore, once you can get a woman comfortable with you by NOT being nervous and anxious YOURSELF, she will begin to trust you.

Once she trusts you, she will begin to open up to you emotionally. And once her EMOTION VALVE is turned on in a SAFE environment for her (see----isolated in YOUR presence), then you might as well OPEN THE FLOOD GATES, Troops!

When this happens, what you have done is given her two a well-built guide rails (see---COMFORT and TRUST) that she feels free to let her emotions flow in between.

I personally don't know of ANYTHING that women like more than to freely express their emotions WITHOUT fear of being JUDGED, SHAMED, or CONDEMNED.

And the first step to doing this is usually always by paying close attention to what she's SAYING to you.

Troops, Consider this:

The secret to establishing an incredible emotional connection with ANYONE is knowing the difference between LISTENING...and just WAITING FOR YOUR TURN TO TALK. day.

I love Hyori Lee

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
It's really all about the words that you say. Just research a bit on and search for the threads and you should know what to say.

Think about it, a woman reads romance novels all the time. She either buys Comsmopolitan magazines or she reads a romance novel.

When you really think about it, those books are just filled with words.

Words and nothing more.

If you are able to emit those words that trigger these in her mind, than you have her. Just don't talk to her like a tepid friend. Add some sexuality to your words. And be yourself. But don't just be yourself, put the best "you" forward.

Finally, don't dominate the conversation. Let her speak most of the time.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Yeah, Victory Unlimited is right on the money.

I don't want to sound like a walking advertisement, but I recommend checking out David Shade's material. If you want to go even deeper. He breaks having a deep connection with a women down in four ways:

1. Make her feel appreciated
2. Emotional intimacy
3. Make her feel like a women
4. Passionate Sex

He gets more deeper into each one in his material, but basically you have to make her feel like shes in a place where she can lose all responsibility. Remember though, it's all done in the context of not being a afc wuss, and not all women don't deserve such treatment, some women you can just skip straight to the sex without the passionate part, so pick carely the women who you feel deserves such.