How to change a nice guy image?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Just like the title says, how does one go about changing the fact that you have a nice guy image? That's something I'm needing to change. I know all about game and how to utilize it. My physical game is good(kissing, making out, having sex, etc...), but my image and approach game are lacking. I'll focus on the image part today.

I don't fit into any particular "tribe" or group of people and I never have. I'm very friendly and charismatic, but having friends to rely on and people to do things with has always eluded me. I mostly have a lot of acquaintances but few people to do things with, so I'm mostly out alone at restaraunts, bars, etc...

I'm always having trouble getting the most attractive women even though I'm either not bad looking or good looking by most people's estimations. I kill with average-above average women with low self esteem though. Those women end up worshipping me the more they're with me.

I know I have a nice guy image even though I'm not that way at all. I've had people say "Hey D, I can't believe you like stuff like Dimmu Borgir, you look like you're smiling in a pic for your Mom". And one of my elders recently said that my look was more metrosexual than thug-like compared to a guy I'm friends with.

So, I'm lacking an edge, and I never have new women messaging me on Facebook. Some women just downright ignore me on FB, and I delete them for doing so. Don't need them in my life if they're going to ignore me.

Overall, I think I have a lot of incongruences in my life.

What are the basic things to do to change a nice guy image?


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
Deicide said:
Just like the title says, how does one go about changing the fact that you have a nice guy image? That's something I'm needing to change. I know all about game and how to utilize it. My physical game is good(kissing, making out, having sex, etc...), but my image and approach game are lacking. I'll focus on the image part today.

I don't fit into any particular "tribe" or group of people and I never have. I'm very friendly and charismatic, but having friends to rely on and people to do things with has always eluded me. I mostly have a lot of acquaintances but few people to do things with, so I'm mostly out alone at restaraunts, bars, etc...

I'm always having trouble getting the most attractive women even though I'm either not bad looking or good looking by most people's estimations. I kill with average-above average women with low self esteem though. Those women end up worshipping me the more they're with me.

I know I have a nice guy image even though I'm not that way at all. I've had people say "Hey D, I can't believe you like stuff like Dimmu Borgir, you look like you're smiling in a pic for your Mom". And one of my elders recently said that my look was more metrosexual than thug-like compared to a guy I'm friends with.

So, I'm lacking an edge, and I never have new women messaging me on Facebook. Some women just downright ignore me on FB, and I delete them for doing so. Don't need them in my life if they're going to ignore me.

Overall, I think I have a lot of incongruences in my life.

What are the basic things to do to change a nice guy image?
Not sure, guess maybe you could be more happy with yourself. With who you are. From what I hear (and can tell), those metrosexual types get laid.. or that very least I suppose they should be able to attract gorgeous women cause they look gay (no pun intended). Why not just embrace that image whole heartly?

Good luck and may you start banging drop dead gorgeous women like a mother M!@$%&ing rockstar.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
loverlust has a point.. embrace what makes you unique and dont give a **** what women think. That alone will erase your nice guy image.

Anyway.. a nice guy image isnt a bad thing, its being a 'nice guy' around women thats the killer.. being agreeable, the shoulder tocry on, the overly generous type. Just learn when to pull back on this behaviour and it'll work wonders! Go upto girls like "How are you girls? I don't know anyone here and you look friendly, can i hang with you?" (only the soulless *****es will say no to this)then get to know them.. use some kino, be witty and funny and you're in... just be willing to take risks to seal the deal! : :)


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Depends how one defines "nice guy". Being kind and respectful, that's good. Being accommodating and a doormat is bad.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Deicide, I want to strongly urge to read, "No more Mr. Nice Guy." A well written book by last name Glover. Amazon has it as well. How do you stop being a nice? First and foremost, you have to understand what are your motives behind being, "Nice" are Then analyze why? Ultimately, Start making it about YOU!!! I went through this... a lot of guys did.. Sometimes you think being nice will get people, just not women, to like you more. But women are the major reason why you are, no? I have never considered myself a nice guy, neither should you!!! Think of yourself as a good guy!!

To answer your question in a short response... JUST STOP!!! Nice guys finish last. Good guys are where you want to be!! Nice guy will get you in a lot of trouble and my friend to ask to borrow unwanted trouble is senseless. Life is hard enough as is!!

Start being more selfish... Only do favors you truly want to do,not because what you think you will get in return for it. If a women asks you to something, and you do not want to... tell her no! Simply as that. If you do it, instead of being eager, use ****y and funny and bust on her for doing it.

Now you have homework my son.. report back to us!


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
To op - how? Easy start being clear in your head on who you really are &what you really want. Then be you and do and say what you actually want to instead of what you think other people want to hear.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Deicide said:
So, I'm lacking an edge, and I never have new women messaging me on Facebook. Some women just downright ignore me on FB, and I delete them for doing so. Don't need them in my life if they're going to ignore me.

Overall, I think I have a lot of incongruences in my life.

What are the basic things to do to change a nice guy image?
One thing you gotta realize is, your personality is what it is. You can shift things a bit in a different direction, but mostly, we are who we are. Think of it like sports: some players have a style that's big and physical. Other players are smaller, but quicker. They can't change how they were made, but they can learn to use what they have to an advantage.

If you were doing "way too nice" things for a girl like taking her shopping, or listening to them cry about boyfriends, then I'd say change that behavior.

If your personality guides you to smile a alot, be friendly to strangers, treat people well, then that's who you are. I'm the same way. What would people tell you to do? Frown more? Start more fights?

If you're not getting the most attractive girls around, then all I can say is - keep swinging. You don't know that they're rejecting you because of your perceived niceness. You're just assuming that. There are 100 reasons why a girl could reject you.

My overall point is this: if you're nice, you're nice. That's the personality you were born with. You can get girls and still be nice. Just combine nice with sexual. I'm a nice guy too...I counter it by being dominant sexually (with girls I'm hooking up with). And being flirty (with girls I'm trying to hook up with).

I'm never going to be the guy with tattoos on my face, starting fights in a club. If my smile, and my friendliness, and my charisma turns a girl off, then she's just not gonna work for me. You can only work with the girls who like your vibe. Simply put - some women will buy what you're selling, and some won't.