How many of you are vaccinated?

How many of you are vaccinated?

  • I am

  • I am not

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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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humans have a limited life-span and they don't live forever.
That's the truth for sure. I recently visited my parents' graves, and I was thinking how transitory life is. When you get to be my age, it's a lot more real. It really does go by in a blink of an eye, we're a vapor, we whither like grass. Compare the time we spend here with eternity, the amount of time we're not here, and we're less than a blink of an eye.

I don't trust the government any more than anyone else. But vaccines have never bothered me, I always got the flu shot. To me it's acceptable risk. I'm likely not going to be here much longer anyway. If the vaccine doesn't kill me, if Covid doesn't kill me, if whatever else doesn't kill me, something will. I know a few people battling cancer right now. People freaked out so much over Covid, but no one is going to stay here forever. If the vaccine ends up killing me, then I guess the government got me. But like I said, for now I feel fine. I'm more concerned about the government taking our freedom and sowing division than I am about them coming up with some bizarre plan to kill us all. I would think there would be more efficient ways to do it than this.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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You do not have a monopolization of any conspiracy that's circulating out there. I think everyone knows what the likes of you think.

But, here is another conspiracy....humans have a limited life-span and they don't live forever. People have died centuries ago. Do you know anyone born in the 1700s that's still alive today? What about that conspiracy? What about other governments that have existed in the past that were more barbaric and primitive then today? They get a pass because its history.
War, genocide and the way things are done change throughout time. Most of what you posted has nothing to do with the topic. Do I think we're in a spiritual battle? Doesn't take a religious person to see we are. You mentioned Psalm 91, which is your intuition/God trying to warn you. You know in your gut somethings off about all this, but fear is what gets people time and time again to submit to the devil. Look how many times you cancelled your apt and now you bring up Psalm 91 having impact on your decision. That's God trying to wake your as$ up but you're letting the Satan use fear to get in the way.

I don't trust the government any more than anyone else. But vaccines have never bothered me, I always got the flu shot. To me it's acceptable risk. I'm likely not going to be here much longer anyway. If the vaccine doesn't kill me, if Covid doesn't kill me, if whatever else doesn't kill me, something will.
See how you continue calling it a vaxx in every post? You've tricked yourself to believe it's vaxx when it isn't. What part of it not being a vaxxx don't you understand? Help us understand why you keep talking about it as if it's like a flu shot? It's an experiment, you're the guinea pig, it's not approved.

You guys are like a song stuck on repeat that can't move to the next track. I'm repeating myself over and over again trying to press the skip button for you guys when you're the ones holding the player. The fact only a couple people here are furious at these crooks for blatantly killing people and people like you act is if its not happening is all I need to realize I'm wasting my time.

Makes me furious all my friends & submitted & took orders from same crooks who told you to wear a mask, you can't go to church, you cant visit a loved one in the hospital, you cant go to that funeral, gotta close your business, but you can go to Walmart or Costco. Yet these same crooks were caught doing the opposite all year "rules for thee, not for me".

You're talking about freedoms being taken away when people like you are the ones responsible for them being taken away. You have to fight in order to keep your freedoms. I'm pissed more than I can write in words what these pieces of chit have done in the past year. Here I am wasting my time having to explain all this non sense to people who for whatever reason ignore it. Instead, we should be coming together to fight the beast, not submit to it like a pu$$y.



Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
War, genocide and the way things are done change throughout time. Most of what you posted has nothing to do with the topic. Do I think we're in a spiritual battle? Doesn't take a religious person to see we are. You mentioned Psalm 91, which is your intuition/God trying to warn you. You know in your gut somethings off about all this, but fear is what gets people time and time again to submit to the devil. Look how many times you cancelled your apt and now you bring up Psalm 91 having impact on your decision. That's God trying to wake your as$ up but you're letting the Satan use fear to get in the way.

See how you continue calling it a vaxx in every post? You've tricked yourself to believe it's vaxx when it isn't. What part of it not being a vaxxx don't you understand? Help us understand why you keep talking about it as if it's like a flu shot? It's an experiment, you're the guinea pig, it's not approved.

You guys are like a song stuck on repeat that can't move to the next track. I'm repeating myself over and over again trying to press the skip button for you guys when you're the ones holding the player. The fact only a couple people here are furious at these crooks for blatantly killing people and people like you act is if its not happening is all I need to realize I'm wasting my time.

Makes me furious all my friends & submitted & took orders from same crooks who told you to wear a mask, you can't go to church, you cant visit a loved one in the hospital, you cant go to that funeral, gotta close your business, but you can go to Walmart or Costco. Yet these same crooks were caught doing the opposite all year "rules for thee, not for me".

You're talking about freedoms being taken away when people like you are the ones responsible for them being taken away. You have to fight in order to keep your freedoms. I'm pissed more than I can write in words what these pieces of chit have done in the past year. Here I am wasting my time having to explain all this non sense to people who for whatever reason ignore it. Instead, we should be coming together to fight the beast, not submit to it like a pu$$y.

Its not fully approved yet but its emergency approved. A google search will show that it will be eventually fully approved soon.

I did do some research with other passionate born again believers in Jesus and they have also taken the "vaccine" in faith. Whatever is not of faith is sin. Of course if there is an aspect of fear taking the "vaccine" because there is an intuitive feeling I may be one of the unlucky minority that gets a terrible reaction then that is another story.

If I ever eventually take the "vaccine" then I would not be rushed into it and will have time to verify the facts.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
I don't trust the government any more than anyone else. But vaccines have never bothered me, I always got the flu shot. To me it's acceptable risk. I'm likely not going to be here much longer anyway. If the vaccine doesn't kill me, if Covid doesn't kill me, if whatever else doesn't kill me, something will. I know a few people battling cancer right now. People freaked out so much over Covid, but no one is going to stay here forever. If the vaccine ends up killing me, then I guess the government got me. But like I said, for now I feel fine. I'm more concerned about the government taking our freedom and sowing division than I am about them coming up with some bizarre plan to kill us all. I would think there would be more efficient ways to do it than this.
Interestingly, the some of the same people who were saying that COVID has a low death rate and is nothing to be afraid of are now insisting we all panic over the vaccine, which has a low death rate.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Interestingly, the some of the same people who were saying that COVID has a low death rate and is nothing to be afraid of are now insisting we all panic over the vaccine, which has a low death rate.
As I calculated in an earlier post, over 700 times lower - and that assumes all alleged deaths linked to the vaccine takers were directly caused by the vaccine (which we have yet to find concrete cases of vaccine induced mortality).


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
Canadian here. Unvaxed myself but my brother has gotten his first shot a week or two ago.

my brother eats a terrible diet of processed food and coffee. Smokes cigarettes constantly, weighs probably 120 lbs (auschwich survivor skinny), and yet he didn’t die or even get sick from the vax.

this has me rethinking the conspiracies.

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
Interestingly, the some of the same people who were saying that COVID has a low death rate and is nothing to be afraid of are now insisting we all panic over the vaccine, which has a low death rate.
I can appreciate a good irony, but let's be objective here. If the covid panic was legitimate, there wouldn't have been a need to label any and all flu related deaths as "covid" (people have always died of non-covid flu in the past, but not this year). In fact, it's also been proven that many covid labeled deaths were a result of previous non-flu, but fatal underlying conditions.... but the "cause of death" was falsely labeled as a "covid death."

In other words, covid couldn't stand on its own, and so there was altered data to ensure a panic within the gullible-minded sector.
Personally, I believe that it's too early to conclude if there will be any adverse affects with the vaccine. I'm not "paranoid." In view of previous deception, I'm simply a skeptic.

With the conclusive knowledge that covid data was over-inflated and exaggerated (let's face it; we were lied to) ... then why would anyone voluntarily accept a vaccine; endorsed by the same lying sources?


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
my brother eats a terrible diet of processed food and coffee. Smokes cigarettes constantly, weighs probably 120 lbs (auschwich survivor skinny), and yet he didn’t die or even get sick from the vax.

this has me rethinking the conspiracies.
Curious - what exactly do the conspiracies say is going to happen to a person after getting vaxxed?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
There’s many different ones but the most common are you’ll die or get very sick
That's generous. The thing is if you are looking for bad side-effects, there not hard to find on facebook, youtube, or even in the grapevine. There is no conspiracy with it, its fact. But it would be skewed since the vast majority that have little or no side effects won't likely post that on facebook or youtube or make it public. I've only heard of very bad side-effects/death either through the grapevine, youtube, or second-hand from someone who knows someone else, etc... but never anyone from direct contact that I know of. The people who have refused the vaccine tend to be people who personally know someone who actually died from the vaccine.

Other theories is that your blood is magnetized and can attract metal (debunked), there are microchips implants so the government will know your location at any time, to the point there are microscopic changes in your blood cell chemistry because there is some gene therapy going on that's altering your blood so the cells of the pre-vaccinated and post-vaccinated are different.

The Christian conspiracy concept is that this is a world-wide dress-rehearsal for an eventual mark of the beast, where you can't buy or sell without the 666 mark on the right hand or forehead. This is certainly foreshadowed by some aspects of the vaccine passports. Where one can't function in society without a vaccine passport (which may include employment), to vaccine having some personality (ie demon) in its own right. At least conceptually, the world is being united together under a vaccine and you'll have two classes of people, the vaccinated and unvaccinated. If unvaccinated are treated as second class citizens in a post-pandemic world, then it sounds eerily similar to the mark of the beast.

The mRna vaccine was heavily attacked by a church last year as having the enzyme Luciferace, (a substance found in fireflies that allows them to glow) so that people could be tracked and confirmed if they have a vaccine or not. The name of the chemical being similar to the name of the devil, etc....


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
That's generous. The thing is if you are looking for bad side-effects, there not hard to find on facebook, youtube, or even in the grapevine. There is no conspiracy with it, its fact. But it would be skewed since the vast majority that have little or no side effects won't likely post that on facebook or youtube or make it public. I've only heard of very bad side-effects/death either through the grapevine, youtube, or second-hand from someone who knows someone else, etc... but never anyone from direct contact that I know of. The people who have refused the vaccine tend to be people who personally know someone who actually died from the vaccine.

Other theories is that your blood is magnetized and can attract metal (debunked), there are microchips implants so the government will know your location at any time, to the point there are microscopic changes in your blood cell chemistry because there is some gene therapy going on that's altering your blood so the cells of the pre-vaccinated and post-vaccinated are different.

The Christian conspiracy concept is that this is a world-wide dress-rehearsal for an eventual mark of the beast, where you can't buy or sell without the 666 mark on the right hand or forehead. This is certainly foreshadowed by some aspects of the vaccine passports. Where one can't function in society without a vaccine passport (which may include employment), to vaccine having some personality (ie demon) in its own right. At least conceptually, the world is being united together under a vaccine and you'll have two classes of people, the vaccinated and unvaccinated. If unvaccinated are treated as second class citizens in a post-pandemic world, then it sounds eerily similar to the mark of the beast.

The mRna vaccine was heavily attacked by a church last year as having the enzyme Luciferace, (a substance found in fireflies that allows them to glow) so that people could be tracked and confirmed if they have a vaccine or not. The name of the chemical being similar to the name of the devil, etc....

but did you read my post? My brother, who should be dead by how unhealthy he is, has suffered no effects whatsoever. I’ll take my personal experiences over what’s been written on Facebook any day


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I can appreciate a good irony, but let's be objective here. If the covid panic was legitimate, there wouldn't have been a need to label any and all flu related deaths as "covid" (people have always died of non-covid flu in the past, but not this year). In fact, it's also been proven that many covid labeled deaths were a result of previous non-flu, but fatal underlying conditions.... but the "cause of death" was falsely labeled as a "covid death."
They have said that because of the social distancing, lockdowns and masks, the seasonal flu has been eradicated. Society never had the will-power to do what it needed to do to get rid of the seasonal flu since the death/hospital rates were too low to justify the extreme measures needed to get rid of it. If covid cases were brought under control, then for sure the flu is also gone as its less transmissible than the original strain of covid!

It's difficult to say what death is caused by what since covid can cause strokes, heart-attacks, or other types of complications, not just not being able to breathe or lung inflammation. It's like saying someone with asthma who caught covid died of covid rather than asthma? It's no different than someone with a bad heart condition gets the covid blame.

But that's still a point because vaccines side-effects, especially from Pfizer, are often blamed for the underlying conditions rather than the vaccine. They will end up saying "there is no increase in XYZ in the general population as a result of this vaccine therefore the vaccine is not to blame". So if you get some rare case its always discounted as "not statistically significant enough to be taken seriously to panic everyone else", etc....


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score

but did you read my post? My brother, who should be dead by how unhealthy he is, has suffered no effects whatsoever. I’ll take my personal experiences over what’s been written on Facebook any day
Yes, I've read your post. This was not about your brother, or what you thought about taking the vaccine, however, its about your reply to another post about what the conspiracies are. We all agree there are conspiracy theories. @stovepipe contributed allot to that on here already so its not new. In fact, everyone that I've had a one to one with who took the vaccine reported no side effects at all! My dad took it and has no side effects. My home is polarized religiously, with my mom being a strong passion for Jesus, and my dad that's very non-religious/secular (he'll go along to get along with mom). My mom refused 100% the vaccine.

My mother wants my life insurance and bank information if I get the vaccine so she knows what to do if there is a side-effect. Not very encouraging, lol!
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Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
Yes, I've read your post. This was not about your brother, or what you thought about taking the vaccine, however, its about your reply to another post about what the conspiracies are. We all agree there are conspiracy theories. @stovepipe contributed allot to that on here already so its not new. In fact, everyone that I've had a one to one with who took the vaccine reported no side effects at all! My dad took it and has no side effects. My home is polarized religiously, with my mom being a strong passion for Jesus, and my dad that's very non-religious/secular. My mom refused 100% the vaccine.

My mother wants my life insurance and bank information if I get the vaccine so she knows what to do if there is a side-effect. Not very encouraging, lol!
My bad I should have read your post. Yeah it’s crazy and I’m not religious but I used to be. And the mark of the beast similarities has me rethinking that as well. Funny thing is I used to get all my flu shots and stuff but this vax is so pushed it’s downright suspicious


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2017
Reaction score
If you don't think that governments are capable of killing their own people for their own nefarious agendas, then you're not a student of history.
If we are to run with this, one theory would be that we haven't had any major wars lately which is what was used to control the population in the past. Corona could've been used for population control but in addition, the vax could also be a backup in case they need to further control the population in the future.

As @stovepipe indicated, if this vax does break down organs and their functions, people could die of various "health" related deaths that are disguised as something else when the underlying culprit is the vax itself. If you think deeper, this would line several people's pockets from the politicians to big pharma in medical costs, insurance, policies, research, grants, etc.

With all the guys becoming pvssified in the modern times, maybe we'll see a shift from physical wars and defense contracts to big pharma/biotech to control population coupled with cyber wars where all these video gamers that sit on their arse now can excel in. Heaven forbid a lot of these pansies can't hack it in a real battle field.

Just a random thought/possibility/sci-fi story and nothing more whichever you guys look at it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
My bad I should have read your post. Yeah it’s crazy and I’m not religious but I used to be. And the mark of the beast similarities has me rethinking that as well. Funny thing is I used to get all my flu shots and stuff but this vax is so pushed it’s downright suspicious
If you think about it, people get beheaded or suffer immediate consequences if they don't take the mark. Here we are worried with a virus that has a 4% chance or so of killing you (other factors can depend on age, etc...), compared to a certain, 100%, chance with the actual mark of the beast! If people were given a 96% chance to live if they refused the mark that wouldn't sound as scary? Yet people will flock to lines, protest and fight for this vaccine.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
In other words, covid couldn't stand on its own, and so there was altered data to ensure a panic within the gullible-minded sector.
I wouldn't call it a "panic." There was a mobilization. I don't think the "the other side is gullible" argument holds much water, that's just virtue signaling. Anyone can say that about anyone regarding anything: You're gullible, you're a sheep if you believe this, etc. I don't think anyone here has his own private COVID research lab, so the information has to come from someone.

Plus we've seen the goalposts moved many times. It only affects the old and infirm. Okay, but they hospitals are filling up. No, they're not, that's a lie and you're gullible. It goes on and on.

If people want to believe that the government (can't deliver the mail on time), hospitals (can't bill properly), and corporations (the less said, the better) all colluded to crash the economy and inject us, I won't call them gullible or sheep. What I will say is that I'm impressed with their faith in these institutions. Especially government. Not saying they don't lie and get down to skullduggery, just that they're not good at it.

Now if you told me it was Netflix behind, it, I might believe that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
My next vaccine appt is June 27th. Have a family doctor appt on June 25th and will be on a fact finding mission in the meantime. We will see if I get gene therapy experiment or not and consent to all the potential side effects anyway. This is like a reality show.


May 23, 2013
Reaction score
Plus we've seen the goalposts moved many times.
Yes, forget covid as not many seem to be on the same page regarding that issue and it’s almost history now, but the main question being missed here is why are we not, the public as a whole receiving the same message…
The 185 posts on this thread send the only sad message to me that I care about acknowledging, - Public Division…


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Yes, forget covid as not many seem to be on the same page regarding that issue and it’s almost history now, but the main question being missed here is why are we not, the public as a whole receiving the same message…

The 185 posts on this thread send the only sad message to me that I care about acknowledging, - Public Division…
I have a feeling we're going to have a Covid surge this winter. We'll see if they'll play that up or if they decide the virus has outlived its usefulness. But I agree there is a whole lot going on right now that is acting to increase divisiveness. Most likely both intentionally and unintentionally.