How is this for advice if gf is ignoring you?

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Women are cats. If you chase a cat, it will run from you. If you ignore it, it will come to you. Women's emotions ebb and flow. When she withdraws, you should withdraw. She will eventually hunger to be with you. If she doesn't, then you don't belong with her in the first place.

The OP's link is preposterous. "Non-violent communication" LOL.

Pursuing a woman who is backing off is the death knell for your relationship. Back off, give her space, and let her see clearly that you can do just fine without her. Enter the hamster-spin. She will talk herself into valuing you much more highly. You've created an uncomfortable vacuum that she will feel internal pressure to fill. Such is the mind of womankind.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2016
Reaction score
I was basically joking/trolling with the OP haha. Just wanted to see what people would say here or how they'd react. That article was probably written for like teenagers or something.

Yeah I feel like once a girl gets into the "I need space" thing or stops communicating as much with you, it's hard to come out of it okay and you're pretty much done. If you chase her and start asking her to tell you what's going on and what's wrong and all that, or asking if you're annoying, it will likely be a self-fulfilling prophecy ending with her denouncing you as clingy and needy and dumping you. On the other hand, if you do nothing, you also run the risk of just looking like you don't care either or like you're not into the whole thing. It can be tricky.