How I got out the Friend Zone but didnt fvck


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2014
Reaction score
Background : known this girl for a year, was always really close friends with her but never saw her as anything more. I had massive oneitis for her house mate and was a COMPLETE AFC. So I never got anywhere with her friend.

After this oneitits it lead me to game. I completely changed the way I acted around women. This girl had started losing some weight and started to look hot, we were out on a night out a few days ago and I managed to kiss close multiple times.

How I did it:

1. It takes time - getting out of FZ is NOT easy.

2. Bring up sex in conversation - You can do this by innuendos, talking about girls you've been with, make it up if you have to. This creates sexual tension. I was also being pretty crude when I spoke to her, SOI's if you will. We somehow got into a conversation about how she was going to give me a BJ next to a pond. It was said in a humorous way but got her thinking about us doing sexual acts together.

3. Following on from this, make her jealous - talk with other girls, get with other girls, tell her about this. This makes her jealous. She thinks why are you not flirting with her. It also makes you look like a man and a hunter.

4. Don't be a nice guy - I was always nice with girls I liked and it gets you NOWHERE. You've got to tease her. Don't agree with everything she says. Call her names and use push-pull tactics. This creates a challenge and also nice guys are boring. You've got to be fun!

5. Kino, Kino, Kino - You must increase physical contact. hold her hand when you walk through a club. Rest your hand on her back or arm when you talk to her. slap her bum. Read up on how to use kino efficiently

After the night I managed to go back with her. We were spooning and I was wondering my hands. She didnt like this and kept pulling my hand away. I didnt get to fvck and maybe this will come in time. Anyone have any advice on this?


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2014
Reaction score
I may have to try this I have one girl I'm in the friendzone with I put myself there to learn how to get out of it but also get out with knowing how the inside feels lol. Jealously I found is one tactic if used right. I'm looking at this one like a chess game. I may need the experience down the line. Run to the fear they are sometimes seeds of success.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
I hopped out of the Friend Zone in a familiar fashion to the OP. You HAVE to make sure they see you get with other girls. The girl that I wanted happened to be a co-worker AND seeing another dude we BOTH worked with...

She knew I wanted out of the Friend Zone but wasnt giving me no play. I put my foot down for a few weeks and did the push pull.. invited her to the bar when I saw progress being made, gave her a ride.. little did i know the OTHER guy was meeting her there and I was her Taxi.. I told her she better find another ride home and told her she was ****ed up using me for a ride when I saw them dancing. Then I proceeded to go into god mode and I hooked up with 3 girls infront of them. The next day and days after that I was officially out of the Friend Zone and ended up ****ing her that entire summer.

Good times


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
So technically OP, you didnt get out of the friendzone.