How has SoSuave changed over the years? Where there certain trends? Who was the most striking user?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2015
Reaction score
Can you mention specific changes over the years? Like a certain topic or movement or target group that was characterizing this period or a specific year? Are there SoSuave "legends" who attracted a lot of attention due to their statements? Has SoSuave in general become more positive or more negative? Which year was the best?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2015
Reaction score
A lot of people may mention how SS used to be really good, and that these days it sucks.
Human beings tend to glorify the past. Who knows what tomorrow brings. Human beings don't like uncertainty. That's why they escape to the place they know best - the past. And in order to cleanse their souls, these memories have to pleasant. That's why we see things through rose-colored glasses when we look back over our lives. Memories always shine brighter than reality.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
Back in the day (early 2000's) there used to be a subforum here called "unusual techniques in seduction." It was all about using things such as NLP, patterns, and gimmicks to attract women. This is when Ross Jeffries was really popular. The DJ Bible also had a lot of articles devoted to this stuff which have since been deleted.

David D'Angelo used to post here before he became internet famous although I can't remember what his username is.

I was here when Pook was an active member and he's considered somewhat of a God on the site.

There used to be no women on this site at all that I'm aware of, but now we have several members.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2015
Reaction score
It was all about using things such as NLP, patterns, and gimmicks to attract women.
Now that you mention it, I heard several times that this NLP thing must have been huge back in the days. It's strange that they didn't notice that if a “pickup NLP pattern” does happen to work, it’s because she wanted you anyway for reasons other than the techniques.

This is a common problem with success. People often want to convince you that they had success because they've done something special, which, in reality, didn't have any effect at all. It's like a sprinter telling you that he set a new record because he was wearing red shoes while sprinting. He's talking about these fantastic red shoes for half an hour but doesn't say a single word about the fact that he had been training everyday from morning to night.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Human beings tend to glorify the past.
I agree people tend to glorify the past. I think that just from the time I've been here, the forum has moved away from discredited PUA techniques and attitudes and more toward common sense. So IMO I'd say the forum has improved.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
One really positive thing that has happened is the addition of cool videos and gifs.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Can you mention specific changes over the years? Like a certain topic or movement or target group that was characterizing this period or a specific year? Are there SoSuave "legends" who attracted a lot of attention due to their statements? Has SoSuave in general become more positive or more negative? Which year was the best?
When I initially joined back in 2001, Sosuave was divided into two camps: Those who practised Speed Seduction, and those who didn't. Lots of heated debates ensued between the two camps.

Back then, there were fewer members on the forum. Sometimes you'd have to wait up to 4 hours for a response to your thread.

The most noteworthy Sosuave legend is Pook.

No year is the best. Sosuave has been very progressive with regards to how men deal with women, but has retained it's core values.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
I stumbled on Sosuave in 2000. I think it had a different URL then, and most certainly a different look from the bulletin board format. Very basic looking. I think it was called "The Don Juan Center" or something like that. The look was old-school internet yellow font on black background or something similar. I didn't get into the personalities of the users back then; I was just happy to find the information.

One thing I do remember was that there was a newsletter you could have emailed to you. I was a subscriber. It included a tip or piece of advice. I even wrote one that was used. There were also links to external articles...I remember one criticizing "nice guys" that was supposedly written by a woman. It hit home.

A decade or so ago this place had some interesting debates. I suppose they still happen and I've just heard them all. STR8TUP used to post a lot and he would rattle some cages. Rollo, Jophil, guys like that would really get into it.

Can't say if one year was better than any other. Mostly forums tend to repeat themselves. New users join but they have the same old problems. The way to make money from an internet forum is to think of a subject a lot of people want to know more about or chat about. Getting laid is about as old a subject as there is. So you'll see the same old threads: "No contact." "We broke up." "Not getting past first date." "Kiss on first date?" Etc. etc.

I'd say the one major change is the infusion of politics and the fusion of red pill thought with political ideology. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. It makes sense that men who choose to take action and accept blame might be conservative/libertarian leaning. There just seems to be more overlap between politics and sex - probably as a response to decades of feminists taking over left-wing ideology.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Been around since 2005. The software has obviously gotten better, but I don't really know about the content. SoSuave was instrumental in helping turn my life around, so I owe this community a lot IMO. Not any one single poster, but the whole place.

I do not, however, like the route the forum has taken over the past 2-3 years. That could very well be because I spend less time f*cking with women and more time on useful issues like politics, which they don't really want to discuss here. Some of this could be the glorification of the past like others have said. But it sure seems that the moderators now are very ban-happy over what I consider to be trivial things. There used to be pretty tough love (on all forums, not just Anything Else - Mature Man especially), but like society it seems this forum has followed suit and gotten soft and sensitive. Disagreements used to be handled by the content of posts but now it's handled by whining to moderators. Very good posters have been kicked to the curb at the request of some of the worst.

My 2 cents.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
Would it be possible to revive threads that had a lasting impression or improvement in your life

Stuff other than the DJ bible that been here for years.

For users like me, who screen just the first page for the useful stuff and have yet to complete the reading of the DJbible


Senior Don Juan
Jun 18, 2001
Reaction score
I think people are here, to avoid mistakes. So they ask for a lot of advice about every single type of incident.
There's many ways to skin a cat.

Some advice is opposite other advice.
Doesn't mean one is worse than the other.
It's not just dating, but life, biz, career.
I think we just have to acquire more experiences good and bad.

The advice hasn't gotten better or worse.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Good post..

I've been here since I was 14 & on the whole a lot has remained the same. Some poster's rattle cages, some can't speak English & some provide quality advice.

I do think that there will come a point in my life where I no longer come on here, I do not envisage it anytime soon though.

I love the new layout, my only beef is that a lot of links to advice are dead, I think these are important reminders for seasoned DJ's and critical for new DJ's.

When I joined in 2007 there were posters saying that the forum isn't what it used to be & the quality of advice was going downhill. I put that down to people gaining all they can out of the website.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
There are a lot of elements to this discussion, but I would say the general thing I have witnesses in my 10+ years is that the forum used to be further geared towards seductions, getting women, etc. Now, it of course has that but there is also a solid part of it that is just about self improvement and becoming great men. In addition to that, the notion that to improve and become a great man, you don't have to have women to do it. I call this a collective maturity on the forum, that life doesn't have to revolve around women.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2015
Reaction score
I just took a look at the threads from 2003. Some of the titles are

"Being a challenge is useless????"

"Don't use kino!!"

"Amusement park as an action date?"

"College chick playing games..."

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
But it sure seems that the moderators now are very ban-happy over what I consider to be trivial things. There used to be pretty tough love (on all forums, not just Anything Else - Mature Man especially), but like society it seems this forum has followed suit and gotten soft and sensitive. Disagreements used to be handled by the content of posts but now it's handled by whining to moderators. Very good posters have been kicked to the curb at the request of some of the worst.

My 2 cents.
I would beg to differ.

We actually act very little on "whining" or reported posts. Virtually all of our decisions are generated by us in response the obvious breaking of the clearly stated rules. All established members who have been banned have been warned first, usually several times, and we carefully discuss each banning of any member who has been around for any length of time until we come to a consensus.

Usually when someone is banned, they have ignored the warnings and continued breaking the rules.

I observe that those who complain about the banning of members are actually at odds with the rules themselves, and not with the mods, who in fact give very wide berth and who amply warn before starting to discuss the possibility of banning.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
I observe that those who complain about the banning of members are actually at odds with the rules themselves, and not with the mods, who in fact give very wide berth and who amply warn before starting to discuss the possibility of banning.
I would agree with this, but the mods get lumped in. Where are the rules anyway? I don't even know where they are posted.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2015
Reaction score
Whining and complaining about other people's posts usually just p1sses us off and generally makes us want to ban the complainer instead of the dude being complained about.
It's like a nice guy telling the woman of his dreams to quit spending time with the bad boy. It usually has the opposite effect.