How does the human species survive?


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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If this board was any indication of how hard it is to have sex with a girl, there is simply no way the human population could sustain itself. We should be down to a few million people on the planet. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
Reaction score
Easy for some, hard for others. If you want it to be 'easier', learn how to play better.

Also - don't take this out of context. I don't know the exact number of average lifetime sex partners for males, but last I heard it was single digits. So yea, if you're like most guys and only sleep with a handful of chicks your entire life, it may seem like it's 'really hard' by comparison.

However, it only takes 1 girl and 1 lucky sperm to propagate the species, so your point is moot.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2012
Reaction score
Of the 3 billion men on the planet, only a few hundred of them are on here consistently. Keep in mind that the entire seduction community appeals to a certain type of neurotic men who get rejected by women because of their neuroticism. Although we understand the science to attracting women, we don't don't understand the art to it and that is why a lot of us find it hard.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
st_99 said:
If this board was any indication of how hard it is to have sex with a girl, there is simply no way the human population could sustain itself. We should be down to a few million people on the planet. :rolleyes:
Haha. Very true.

According to the site, 99% of women are banging Clooney, Channing Tatum, and uh...let's say Brad Pitt (i don't know the new "cool" stars in Hollywood). And the rest of male society is single, miserable, and oppressed by evil, manipulative women.

But then I walk around in public and see plenty of happy couples having brunch or walking around in stores. I mean, could sosuave be wrong? Looking around here, you'd think that men were on the verge of rioting and taking the power back, etc, etc.

Could it be that people outside of this site are actually happy, getting laid and/or accepting the ups and downs that come with dating without interpreting each dump or bad date to symbolize the downfall of mankind?


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
Iceberg is so content.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
st_99 said:
If this board was any indication of how hard it is to have sex with a girl, there is simply no way the human population could sustain itself. We should be down to a few million people on the planet. :rolleyes:
Got to understand bro you are getting the board where guys suck with women. The board next door you get guys who suck with making money and being rich.

One issue here I think people have is that they are playing by the rules they have been taught and still not getting any action, then get angry, bitter and frustrated that its not fair. It's like the economic meltdown, go to school, get a loan, go to college, study hard, get a job, work hard, get fired, no one cares about your school anymore. Same with women, they do everything right or so they have been taught, and the girl still uses them, makes fun of them, wont have sex with them. Its not natural to them to get women, they are a product of their environment...the same guy who doesn't know how to have sex can control a board room of 10 people. It's all relative.

Another thing that frustrates guys with women is that people want to see them fail and use it to their advantage. Your friends want it, your coworkers, their wives want it. It's good for them and feeds their own ego.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
My impression is that this board is built around goals which go beyond simply that of 'having sex with a girl.'

If your goal is to have sex with some average unremarkable girl that you don't truly desire, and you are content in an unstable relationship with random IL fluctuations, insecurity, etc., then you don't really need this board. I think this is what the majority of men already have.

It's the aim to strive beyond that - to have sex with the girl you want, and also to maintain a stable relationship with her - which is what fuels the activity on this board, and the PUA movement in general.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
It's easy to have sex with women if you have the right looks and personality type. It's hard if you don't. It's been explained a hundred times on here that there's evidence that only 40% of men are responsible for all pregnancy, women are hypergamous etc. I'm not saying it's happening but it would only take a small percentage of men to sex up and impregnate virtually all the women, maybe less than 10% theoretically.

It's like saying there's a lot of wealth in this country so it must be easy to become wealthy. Although it's probably easier to become wealthy than it is to transform yourself to be attractive to women :p.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
Haha. Very true.

According to the site, 99% of women are banging Clooney, Channing Tatum, and uh...let's say Brad Pitt (i don't know the new "cool" stars in Hollywood). And the rest of male society is single, miserable, and oppressed by evil, manipulative women.

But then I walk around in public and see plenty of happy couples having brunch or walking around in stores. I mean, could sosuave be wrong? Looking around here, you'd think that men were on the verge of rioting and taking the power back, etc, etc.

Could it be that people outside of this site are actually happy, getting laid and/or accepting the ups and downs that come with dating without interpreting each dump or bad date to symbolize the downfall of mankind?
Much of sosuave is filled with delusional men who just want a 9 or 10 to bang constantly without any commitment or trouble whatsoever. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
On Earth
The irony is , I see more of beta guys having a peaceful nice relationship, or maybe not that much beta.

You know being there for girl, 'cute' nicknames and ****.

And the guys portrayed as alfa I see here, in reallity I meet simply don't seem to get much of a poon.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
Reaction score
ScottMustaine said:
The irony is , I see more of beta guys having a peaceful nice relationship, or maybe not that much beta.

You know being there for girl, 'cute' nicknames and ****.

And the guys portrayed as alfa I see here, in reallity I meet simply don't seem to get much of a poon.
You're not seeing the full picture. Alpha fvcks, beta bucks. That same beta who's having a 'peaceful nice relationship' has a girlfriend who's probably getting boned by the alpha. Just saying.

Furthermore, being alpha does not preclude you from relationships. On the contrary, it allows you to better screen for girls you want to commit to and makes your relationships all the more satisfying. The game never stops.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
They say something like 10 percent of children are not sired by the men who think they are sired by. In other words, shes ****ing the alpha and letting her beta raise his kid. Its a dirty game yall. keep yo mind on yo riches.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
I haven't read this entire thread, so forgive if I repeat.

I think that most of us here are deeper thinkers than the average man. Deep thinkers generally do not do well with women. In fact, high intelligence is a deficit when it comes to women unless harnessed and steered by a moderating force (such as this site).

Great intelligence is not sexy. Women say they want an intelligent man, but trust me my friends, they only want a man who is slightly more intelligent than themselves.

The "red pill" may be a little played out, but it is really a perfect illustration. Intelligence exposes the players for who they really are. Hyper-awareness is what we all tend to share, while those guys out in the world who get married and do what everyone else is doing are completely unaware and virtually every last one ends up a worker drone for his wife and family.

That's why we "unplugged" men need to discuss these things and come up with tactics that help to overcome the challenges we face as men of awareness.

Ever notice how the "stupid" guys who show up here tend to argue a lot, find favorite targets to latch onto and persecute, then silently slip away? It's because they are driven to remain unaware. They sense that if they swallow the red, they will never be able to go back, and they are right.

Unfortunately we find ourselves in a sick, contrived society where emotional, bratty children are in control of society at large, and this is because unaware men have just rolled over and exposed their soft white underbelly instead of exercising their natural authority. This is because of simple fear of rejection on a societal level, and nothing more. Sites like this are our only defense and offense against this. It is my fervent hope that critical mass will one day be achieved and men will once again become men and put a stop to this madness en-masse. Only by coalescing together, discussing and mutually educating can this be achieved.

The more men who come here and unplug from their "safe" illusions the better. We are pioneers in the restoration of society, and although we may only be able to partially taste the fruits of our efforts, our sons and grandsons will eat of that fruit if we continue to educate men out of their miserable, worker-drone existences.

We who are aware don't have it easy. But look at the men out there who are drifting about the ocean of societal mores and expectations. They are dead driftwood, having given up on their manhood and resigned themselves to be just another inert cog in the great machine.

There probably exists a small subset of men who don't need this site and who are not necessarily plugged in, and those are the guys who are of average to slightly below-average intelligence, have had proper masculine role models growing up, and who by shear luck had some positive initial interactions with girls in their teen years which snowballed into confidence with women.

For the rest of us, we need to keep on exploring and discussing until that critical mass is attained. That's what women did back in the 60s. They got what they wanted, but they lost love and respect in the process and turned into amoral monsters.

It is up to the aware to restore order.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
I haven't read this entire thread, so forgive if I repeat.

I think that most of us here are deeper thinkers than the average man. Deep thinkers generally do not do well with women. In fact, high intelligence is a deficit when it comes to women unless harnessed and steered by a moderating force (such as this site).

Great intelligence is not sexy. Women say they want an intelligent man, but trust me my friends, they only want a man who is slightly more intelligent than themselves.

The "red pill" may be a little played out, but it is really a perfect illustration. Intelligence exposes the players for who they really are. Hyper-awareness is what we all tend to share, while those guys out in the world who get married and do what everyone else is doing are completely unaware and virtually every last one ends up a worker drone for his wife and family.

That's why we "unplugged" men need to discuss these things and come up with tactics that help to overcome the challenges we face as men of awareness.

Ever notice how the "stupid" guys who show up here tend to argue a lot, find favorite targets to latch onto and persecute, then silently slip away? It's because they are driven to remain unaware. They sense that if they swallow the red, they will never be able to go back, and they are right.

Unfortunately we find ourselves in a sick, contrived society where emotional, bratty children are in control of society at large, and this is because unaware men have just rolled over and exposed their soft white underbelly instead of exercising their natural authority. This is because of simple fear of rejection on a societal level, and nothing more. Sites like this are our only defense and offense against this. It is my fervent hope that critical mass will one day be achieved and men will once again become men and put a stop to this madness en-masse. Only by coalescing together, discussing and mutually educating can this be achieved.

The more men who come here and unplug from their "safe" illusions the better. We are pioneers in the restoration of society, and although we may only be able to partially taste the fruits of our efforts, our sons and grandsons will eat of that fruit if we continue to educate men out of their miserable, worker-drone existences.

We who are aware don't have it easy. But look at the men out there who are drifting about the ocean of societal mores and expectations. They are dead driftwood, having given up on their manhood and resigned themselves to be just another inert cog in the great machine.

There probably exists a small subset of men who don't need this site and who are not necessarily plugged in, and those are the guys who are of average to slightly below-average intelligence, have had proper masculine role models growing up, and who by shear luck had some positive initial interactions with girls in their teen years which snowballed into confidence with women.

For the rest of us, we need to keep on exploring and discussing until that critical mass is attained. That's what women did back in the 60s. They got what they wanted, but they lost love and respect in the process and turned into amoral monsters.

It is up to the aware to restore order.
Right and before women's rights women were examples of love fidelity and everything pure. A close examination of self will reveal that amorality exists in all of us, and just needs to be activated by certain circumstances. Claims of moral superiority based on arbitrary bias, reveals a lack of insight into ones own true nature.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
I do think that men (as rational thinkers) are far greater equipped to be moral agents than women, who are true slaves to their emotions. When they were properly submitted to us, they fed off our our masculine sense of morality because they valued it. When that was combined with their femininity, many if not most were indeed examples of love and fidelity as you say.

Women no longer value our sense of right & wrong and our guidance, and hence all hell has broken loose.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
I do think that men (as rational thinkers) are far greater equipped to be moral agents than women, who are true slaves to their emotions. When they were properly submitted to us, they fed off our our masculine sense of morality because they valued it. When that was combined with their femininity, many if not most were indeed examples of love and fidelity as you say.

Women no longer value our sense of right & wrong and our guidance, and hence all hell has broken loose.
while I can see where your coming from, morality is also plagued by ignorance. because morality is just as self-serving as any other bias. Men predominantly commit murder, how does that come from the sex that are supposedly true moral agents?


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
I haven't read this entire thread, so forgive if I repeat.

I think that most of us here are deeper thinkers than the average man. Deep thinkers generally do not do well with women. In fact, high intelligence is a deficit when it comes to women unless harnessed and steered by a moderating force (such as this site).

Great intelligence is not sexy. Women say they want an intelligent man, but trust me my friends, they only want a man who is slightly more intelligent than themselves.

The "red pill" may be a little played out, but it is really a perfect illustration. Intelligence exposes the players for who they really are. Hyper-awareness is what we all tend to share, while those guys out in the world who get married and do what everyone else is doing are completely unaware and virtually every last one ends up a worker drone for his wife and family.

That's why we "unplugged" men need to discuss these things and come up with tactics that help to overcome the challenges we face as men of awareness.

Ever notice how the "stupid" guys who show up here tend to argue a lot, find favorite targets to latch onto and persecute, then silently slip away? It's because they are driven to remain unaware. They sense that if they swallow the red, they will never be able to go back, and they are right.

Unfortunately we find ourselves in a sick, contrived society where emotional, bratty children are in control of society at large, and this is because unaware men have just rolled over and exposed their soft white underbelly instead of exercising their natural authority. This is because of simple fear of rejection on a societal level, and nothing more. Sites like this are our only defense and offense against this. It is my fervent hope that critical mass will one day be achieved and men will once again become men and put a stop to this madness en-masse. Only by coalescing together, discussing and mutually educating can this be achieved.

The more men who come here and unplug from their "safe" illusions the better. We are pioneers in the restoration of society, and although we may only be able to partially taste the fruits of our efforts, our sons and grandsons will eat of that fruit if we continue to educate men out of their miserable, worker-drone existences.

We who are aware don't have it easy. But look at the men out there who are drifting about the ocean of societal mores and expectations. They are dead driftwood, having given up on their manhood and resigned themselves to be just another inert cog in the great machine.

There probably exists a small subset of men who don't need this site and who are not necessarily plugged in, and those are the guys who are of average to slightly below-average intelligence, have had proper masculine role models growing up, and who by shear luck had some positive initial interactions with girls in their teen years which snowballed into confidence with women.

For the rest of us, we need to keep on exploring and discussing until that critical mass is attained. That's what women did back in the 60s. They got what they wanted, but they lost love and respect in the process and turned into amoral monsters.

It is up to the aware to restore order.
While I do agree that a lot of men here are more insightful, I'm not sure if intelligence is necessarily a marker in success with women or lack thereof. There are both smart and stupid men who do well 'naturally'. A large result, I believe, is upbringing - did you have early on success? Was it reinforced? Did you have a positive masculine role model(s)? I had none of these, so I had to learn it all.

Also - women were never moral. Because they are physically submissive, they must adapt to circumstances in different ways. The rationalization hamster accommodates this perfectly. Women will make the best use of their current environment while covertly attempting to bend it more their own agenda. This is nothing new, nor is it wrong. It's just their way of playing the game of power, which is amoral. Men could learn quite a few lessons from them in this regard.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Kbomb said:
while I can see where your coming from, morality is also plagued by ignorance. because morality is just as self-serving as any other bias. Men predominantly commit murder, how does that come from the sex that are supposedly true moral agents?
I'm speaking more of societal morality, the rule of law (being able to define decent behavior that serves mankind) and less of individual, which will vary widely.

Men are the architects of society, and indeed virtually every system and object that exists today was designed and built by men. Men in leadership positions have a built-in ability to aspire to greatness and nobility, despite individual failings and corruptions, which do happen with all too much frequency.

There exists no such mechanism of greatness and nobility in women. They are all about that which is expedient in the moment.

It is men who are able to make monumental sacrifices for the betterment of his fellow man. Women are only able to comprehend personal sacrifice on a one-on-one level, most typically for their families.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
muscleman said:
While I do agree that a lot of men here are more insightful, I'm not sure if intelligence is necessarily a marker in success with women or lack thereof. There are both smart and stupid men who do well 'naturally'. A large result, I believe, is upbringing - did you have early on success? Was it reinforced? Did you have a positive masculine role model(s)? I had none of these, so I had to learn it all.

Also - women were never moral. Because they are physically submissive, they must adapt to circumstances in different ways. The rationalization hamster accommodates this perfectly. Women will make the best use of their current environment while covertly attempting to bend it more their own agenda. This is nothing new, nor is it wrong. It's just their way of playing the game of power, which is amoral. Men could learn quite a few lessons from them in this regard.
Intelligence carries with it the promise of exposure of the other, and stirring up the mud within the other. Highly intelligent people are feared and looked upon with suspicion because of the "felt" awareness that exposure may occur, that the status-quo may be breached. Women don't want men to be aware of their games and the inner working of their social structures.

In the past, since women valued men and masculinity, it was in women's best interest to submit in return for safety and provision.

Covert people have much to hide, and a gaze that pierces behind the veil is a very real threat. A more dull man will just go through the motions of life, barely ever questioning the status quo.

I don't necessarily disagree with you on anything you said, except to say that I do believe that intelligence is not sexy to women because it's a game-changer and exposer of that which is best hidden, from their point of view. I think that they sense this. They only want to be entertained, but an man of intelligence will entertain and probe, thereby causing her to feel psychologically naked.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
I'm speaking more of societal morality, the rule of law (being able to define decent behavior that serves mankind) and less of individual, which will vary widely.

Men are the architects of society, and indeed virtually every system and object that exists today was designed and built by men. Men in leadership positions have a built-in ability to aspire to greatness and nobility, despite individual failings and corruptions, which do happen with all too much frequency.

There exists no such mechanism of greatness and nobility in women. They are all about that which is expedient in the moment.

It is men who are able to make monumental sacrifices for the betterment of his fellow man. Women are only able to comprehend personal sacrifice on a one-on-one level, most typically for their families.
I can tell you are bunkered in on your position so argument is futile. But I will try to make a point.

Its just self-serving bias that prevents you from seeing that which you choose to be blind to. Moral superiority is a programmed reaction in your brain regardless of what your own morality is actually doing. Do you think Hitler wasn't morally superior? He was cleaning his nation of scum sucking leeches. Was he justified then?