how do you treat b1tches


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2009
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theres this girl at my workplace dutch or german hb7 now when she first started she sliced her finger and i went down (1 floor) and got her a plaster (i had no interest in her just didnt want blood near me) she obviously saw this as me being an afc and would walk past with a smug look.
now a few weeks later im in the lift with a sexy australian workmate hb8.5(oppisite side) and the b1tch walk in looks at me so i smile she gives me the most dirty look she can as if(who are you) i turn away when i look back shes still the same. the hb8.5 sees and comes to my side and we resume the convo to which the b1tch has a oh im sorry look and she trys to smile i ignore her.

now the b1tch works in a all girl team(i talk to all) with a definite hb9.5 asian alpha female(all ready set me up with a friend) now alpha females other friend is getting married and they invite me out for a drink we go and b1tch is there for the whole night she is tryna give me eye contact and get into my convos as im sittin with my back to the wall with 6 girls 2guys facing me.
we get up to dance and the b1tch starts dancing and looking in my eyes i just turn round as if she aint there and dance with the alpha and my other co worker.

when we are sitting i make a comment about rude people(as the ****tail girl is rude) and she comes out with "if i aint got my glasses im kind of rude sometimes i dont reckonise people" but she wears contacts i just ignore her still.
later on when shes tipsy she corners me puts her arms round my neck and says " im sorry sometimes im a ***** but i dont mean it im sorry why do you ignore me, we should get to know each other
to which i say "wat do you mean? im like that with everyone i dont know, any way youre not my type and youre drunk you should sit" i then make her sit and leave.
now at work she looks away when she sees me fine by me.
the asian alpha told me as soon as she found out that i talked to the alpha and her pack she was asking questions about me and that they think shes a ***** too.
shes the defintion of a status b1tch f her


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
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sounds like your going step by muhfukn step from the DJ book my bro.

ur doing good, dont give her the time of day.

But dont overdo it.

what you need to know is, girls like this will do anything to prove themselves, and that usually means atleast one really really good session in bed.

Her self confidence is taking a beating now and to overcome it, she needs to have won your attention, this is good for you.

Pull this off for a few more days, then next time SHE comes to talk to you, you talk to her, politely, not overly however. Remind her that she insisted you guys should get to know each other, and that you want to take her for a drink this friday at 8pm, thats the only time you are free.

She will 90% say yes. dont say anything till friday, take her out and have fun.
1. dont give her all your attention, spread it between her and other women in the club. this will make her work harder.
2. Do not agree that she is a b*tch most times, act like you dont really notice. like who is she at work?
3. Dont hook up when she wants to, you control the hook up "tell her you dont hook up in public, you like keeping your private life private, this will give you an opp to isolate her.
4. take her to HER place (she'll feel comfy + you can exit when you're done) bang it REALLY REALLY good and leave.
5. DO NOT give her more attention at work when you see her. wait for her to come ask you out again, if not ignore.

She will be really good in bed coz she'll try to prove herself, make sure that you continually ask her to perform better in bed like "do it", "cmon girl show me what you got, im sure you can ride this d*k better..", or "are you holdin out on me?im sure you know how to work that fine body better"

this is forcing her to prove herself/complimenting her a lil.

DISCLAIMER: I have been down the path of banging chix at work, 8/10 times has ended in drama for me and her. ive had to quit 3 jobs due to my johnson wanting to break into ms.johnson's. so id recommend staying away from work chix unless you are a pro at hiding and moving on.

never let your private life get in your work life, but if she's hot and bothered then you have a resposibility to ease it out :p

good luck.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2009
Reaction score
slickaz said:
sounds like your going step by muhfukn step from the DJ book my bro.

ur doing good, dont give her the time of day.

But dont overdo it.

what you need to know is, girls like this will do anything to prove themselves, and that usually means atleast one really really good session in bed.

Her self confidence is taking a beating now and to overcome it, she needs to have won your attention, this is good for you.

Pull this off for a few more days, then next time SHE comes to talk to you, you talk to her, politely, not overly however. Remind her that she insisted you guys should get to know each other, and that you want to take her for a drink this friday at 8pm, thats the only time you are free.

She will 90% say yes. dont say anything till friday, take her out and have fun.
1. dont give her all your attention, spread it between her and other women in the club. this will make her work harder.
2. Do not agree that she is a b*tch most times, act like you dont really notice. like who is she at work?
3. Dont hook up when she wants to, you control the hook up "tell her you dont hook up in public, you like keeping your private life private, this will give you an opp to isolate her.
4. take her to HER place (she'll feel comfy + you can exit when you're done) bang it REALLY REALLY good and leave.
5. DO NOT give her more attention at work when you see her. wait for her to come ask you out again, if not ignore.

She will be really good in bed coz she'll try to prove herself, make sure that you continually ask her to perform better in bed like "do it", "cmon girl show me what you got, im sure you can ride this d*k better..", or "are you holdin out on me?im sure you know how to work that fine body better"

this is forcing her to prove herself/complimenting her a lil.

DISCLAIMER: I have been down the path of banging chix at work, 8/10 times has ended in drama for me and her. ive had to quit 3 jobs due to my johnson wanting to break into ms.johnson's. so id recommend staying away from work chix unless you are a pro at hiding and moving on.

never let your private life get in your work life, but if she's hot and bothered then you have a resposibility to ease it out :p

good luck.
hey first things first ive never read any dj book i just really aint feeling this chick she walks around like she jessica alba and second i had no plans to bang her and i wont thats the whole princible she aint even nice her nose is the size of my d1ck im just making her know not to take me for no afc d1ckhead.

but you are puttin thoughts in my head lol


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
Its very childish AFC behaviour in my opinion.

You're very bothered by a b!tch at work, why? Why does something like that bother you? So what if she is a b!tch. All it means is that she'll continue to make her own life hard for herself. As you say the other girls also don't seem to like her.

You should treat her with manners at least. Treat people with respect and you'll notice that they'll respect you more. If she walks around like she owns the place then let her off. Its nothing to do with you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
My boss is a woman at my landscaping company. She can be a ***** sometimes but, you just gotta ignore it. You cant let someone ruin your day over a bad attitude.