How do you deal with women that leave bruises, scratches, and bite marks?

Donnie Darko

Don Juan
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
I've noticed that a few of my plates tend to give me bruises, scratches, or bite marks during sex.

This doesn't bother me except for the fact that I tend to think that they are attempting to mark their territory and I frankly don't want to be marked like that.

My main concern is one of my other plates freaking out when she sees the bruises and bite marks and then denying me sex.

I generally tell my plates that I can't have these marks because when I go to the pool or lake I don't want my friends or family to see them.

One plate recently mentioned that now that summer is ending she is looking forward to being able to bite and scratch me. I'm concerned that the other plates will notice and that it will lead to drama and no sex for me with them.

It seems like a lot of women are like this or maybe it is just the type that I attract.

Anyway, I would appreciate any advice on how to deal with this.

Sir Psycho Sexy

Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2010
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City of Angels
You must communicate with them,"Im not into biting and scratching, i dont like it." (I know, communicating is hard, but try your best)

If they start doing it during sex pause and let them know they need to stop.

Because your fear of other plates seeing the scratching/bites is a legit concern but something you have complete control over so dont sweat it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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I'm usually too proud of my marks to worry about anyone seeing them. Hell, that's what I WANT.

But, if you're cheating on a wife or GF (I don't recommend) or it might affect your job remember one thing...You're the Man. Yeah, I said it. Tell them not to. If they do, push them off and make them pay with Thrusts of Doom.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
They are like cats clawing your back and sh!t. Most guys in "relationships" not only don't want that, but also don't want a highly perfumed girl. I say bring on the perfume and the scratch marks, bc I'm loyal to NO woman. She's just gonna have to deal with the fact that I'm seeing many different women.

Donnie Darko

Don Juan
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
I guess I was concerned that I would come across as a pvssy if I told them not to do it.

I mean I actually like some of it but the real concern is having the other plates freak out about it.

I'll try the pause during sex the next time they do it and just tell them no.

I realize now that I may have brought some of this on myself by being a little rough during sex and biting them. They are probably just mirroring my actions.

I'm not cheating on a wife or GF. I haven't agreed to be exclusive with these girls but I'm not going to tell them that I am sleeping with other girls.

I'm pretty sure some of the girls would cut me off if I directly told them I was sleeping with other women but I'm not 100% positive about that.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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Poonani Maker said:
They are like cats clawing your back and sh!t. Most guys in "relationships" not only don't want that, but also don't want a highly perfumed girl. I say bring on the perfume and the scratch marks, bc I'm loyal to NO woman. She's just gonna have to deal with the fact that I'm seeing many different women.
Right fvcking on!!!! I am into the rough **** as well as the romantic $hit!!! If she wants to play rough then I am getting rougher on her. Biting, choking, jerking, snatching, pulling..... you name it!!!


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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f283000 said:
You need to stop dating vampires and cannibals :D

These girls are sadists. One scratched my back so bad, it burnt 2 days. And it was during foreplay. Sure as hell I wasn't enjoying it. Then she threaten me with bitting. The oral sex was just like watching a horror movie. I was more concentrated on punching her unconscious the moment she would bite me there, so she can't do any real damage. During sex (if it can be called that) she wanted to chew on my hand when she had an orgasm.

FREAKS. NEVER EVER AGAIN. I should have spiked her with a wooden pole first time she scratched me. No fun. Weirdos. The scratching really hurt.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Donnie Darko said:
I've noticed that a few of my plates tend to give me bruises, scratches, or bite marks during sex.
You tell her to sign up in "anger management" and also insist that she takes First Aid, and bring a botte of Betadene next time.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
I guess I was concerned that I would come across as a pvssy if I told them not to do it.
Who the fvck cares? You're WAY more of a pvssy if you let her do that when you dont want it.

Try biting her right back, in a way that really hurts, not the kinky kind that she would like.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
Donnie Darko said:
My main concern is one of my other plates freaking out when she sees the bruises and bite marks and then denying me sex.
my question is .... why are you scared the other women will deny you sex?
do they think they are the only one you are dating? if so you shouldnt be lying/misleading them

if they do know, then 'ignore it'... ie "one of the other girls is into biting, ..anyway...[back to your frame]"

if the girl is gonna get all stupid and deny you sex, then you shouldnt give a damn, ...she just wont see you again/for a while..... meh you are indifferernt

you seem "scared"

and just tell the biter "NO" dominantly


i completely missed this...
Donnie Darko said:
I'm not cheating on a wife or GF. I haven't agreed to be exclusive with these girls but I'm not going to tell them that I am sleeping with other girls.
if they think you are not seeing others you are essentially misleading them, not the DJ way

and if they get all pissed then its THEIR problem...

Donnie Darko

Don Juan
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for everyone's feedback.

kingsam said:
i completely missed this...

if they think you are not seeing others you are essentially misleading them, not the DJ way

and if they get all pissed then its THEIR problem...
I have the frame of mind that everything is fair game until they ask and you agree to be exclusive with them.

I've had two of the girls ask and I explained that I wasn't ready to be exclusive with them at this point in time.

I don't consider that to be misleading at all.

At the same time I don't want to throw it in their face that I am seeing/sleeping with other girls.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
You need to be vocal about it.

There was one time a girl was scratching up my back so bad that it was actually too painful to continue, so I left without even finishing. This was the only time I ever encountered a girl that was "too much for me" as she put it later. Fvck her though, I just called her a crazy with daddy issues.

Another time, a girl kept trying to suck on my neck after I repeatedly told her not to. So every time she tried I would grab her face and seriously slam it back down into the bed pretty harshly. She got the hint after that.

Sometimes I'll do as horaholic mentioned, but one time that back fired on me, and the purely innocent nibbles turned into full blown bite marks.

Nowadays, depending on which position I am in. I can grab their hands to stop the scratching, and just tell them "Stop. Now." Or if they are getting too comfortable with my neck I will grab them by the hair and hold it down to where they can't reach me. This seems to work best. They will usually get the hint after that.

Good luck with everything.
