How do ugly guys get girlfriends


Sep 11, 2013
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I was hooking up with this girl and she had give me her cell phone to me previously. Since we had the same phone, I accidentally pulled hers out thinking it was mine. I saw that there was ugly fat guy with her on her screen saver. How do these guys even get a step in a door? All I get is teased.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2014
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Start to love yourself. think positive about yourself for a start. people seems to know if you have a low self esteem. when you work on your self esteem then people well see you in a positive light. sit down and write all the good things about you.
"I am......" is the first words in each sentence.
I am honest, i am caring i am friendly. most ladies love a very honest and caring and friendly guy. Talking about myself, I am no oil painting but i have a great personality and caring
and friendly nature. but it did not stop me from getting some great looking guys!!! beauty is in the eye of the beholder and there is someone for everyone. good luck and I am sure there is a lady out there worthy of your charms!!! you are not ugly!!! don't think like that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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I wish people would read the DJ Bible before posting...

Then you'd realize looks play a smaller role than you think when it comes to women having a raw attraction towards you.

That ugly fat guy could also have been a brother, cousin, father, etc. Don't manufacture false assumptions into your head. You're better off using that processing power towards gaming her.

I myself look pretty good, plus I'm tall, but that only gets a few smiles and stares when I'm out. You still need to TAKE ACTION.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
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I have a redhead model for screensaver on my phone! I just love turning it on and see her! I've kept this screensaver for 2 years in which I have been with 3 women and 1 was a LTR!

Just because it was there, it doesn't mean it is her LTR!

Other than that, why wouldn't a not good looking guy be with a beautiful woman? Do women search for looks? I thought that was man's values! Of course a woman will be attracted to a good looking man, but that's just not everything! Some reasons could be:

low self-esteem (woman's)
dude's character

and more that I can't think of right now.

The thing is that what we are trying to do here, is go beyond looks and discover what other things women search for, in a man. If it was differently we should be reading fashion magazines or the health and fitness section of this website!

There are many more things than looks. We may find it difficult to understand this, because as men, we are attracted to beauty, but women are different! They want security and someone who can keep their sh*t together! Many more of course, but as Vice said, there is the DJ bible for you to read!

go go go!


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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I assume when you mean ugly guys getting a girlfriend, you mean they are getting attractive decent looking girlfriends?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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JaegerPilot217 said:
I assume when you mean ugly guys getting a girlfriend, you mean they are getting attractive decent looking girlfriends?

You read my mind, Jaeger.

Truth is that I can get a girlfriend any time I want. All I have to do is pick up a fatty at the club. Many of them want to fcuk me.

But I have standards which is why I have been single a while. I'm not going to fcuk any fat whale who comes along my way. I see PLENTY of guys with girlfriends and wives who I would not touch with a 10 foot pole. Are they happy? I guess, whatever floats their boat. But just because that's their taste doesn't mean that it's yours. You can't compare yourselves to ugly guys who have girlfriends, because they might have totally different standards than you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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I know what this guy means. I see it a lot around where I live too. I've been wondering what the deal was, and I can't explain it either. I have a feeling a lot of these "wtf couples" come from social groups. A lot of times these doofy looking b@stards were just in the right place at the right time. Hot girl gets tired of dating guys equal to her in looks, doofy guy has nothing to lose so he asks her out, they go out and before you know it they end up together. Before long they have built a "history" together and that's tough to overcome. All of a sudden it doesn't matter that hes stupid looking, or drives a pos, never had a decent gf before but got lucky as balls and landed a 8 or 9. Now you have all this history to compete with between them. Also, if you notice, these goofy looking guys are QUICK to get the girl knocked up. I guess they think it'll keep them in her life, I dunno, but it ruins it for everyone else because who is going to want some knocked up woman with a weirdo bf that she'll dump later on but will always be in her life because of the kid?

I just stay away from hot girls that date WAY below what they can reasonably get because it's always a red flag to me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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It's pretty simple actually. It is most likely a social circle hookup. They met and the guy, as preached here on SS, picked up his balls and asked her out. She said yes, had a good few dates and eventually banged him. Social circle continues, time passes, she sticks with him. Doesn't mean they are happy, doesn't mean she doesn't want out, doesn't mean they will bang forever.

A good looking girl will literally fall into a relationship by default. They fear a bad label if single for too long. When nothing good is around, they'll hook up with the first chumpdiggity in proximity. Fat ugly dude is ok until they find a better looking guy.

Sometimes it's a series of actions like a chemical reaction, that gets these girls into relationships. Don't think that those guys are always amazing talkers or light years ahead of you in attracting girls. Those guys will turn beyond AFCs when they get dumped.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
I remember when I was in HS, I never had a huge problem dating chicks, I kept cute girlfriends. But in the 10thg rade, when i got to high school, i didn't have a GF all year long. Sad Backbreaker :( . I wasn't that popular, I wanted to get my grades right and i wasn't playing a lot basketball wise so no one knew who i was. I didn't have a car, etc.

However, for whatever the freaking reason may be, the hottest 12th grade black girl in school had this thing for me. This girl was on a level that I had not yet been with. she was really half black half native american, long jet black hair, high yellow, curves, just BAD. At first I thought it was a joke. I gave her my number and i thought i twas a joke and she called me and she actually wanted to talk! I was like damn. Then we'd met up at the mall and kick it and stuff and go to basketball games. She would come watch me play even though I wasn't palying lol. then we kissed. then she invited herself over my house. then one day she asked me when are you going to ask me to date you.

I really wanted to say, like seriously.. WTF do you want with me lol? To this day i have no earthly idea what she saw in me at the time. I wasn't bad looking but every dude in the school wanted this chick and she wanted me.

The only thing I reason is that beucase she was so out of my league, I never really pressed around her because i knew i had no shot and she liked my personality.

Eventually we dated and i started going all AFC and 3 weeks later my reality came crashing back down. but she was so out of my league i felt like i was playing with house money anyway lol

my point being.. to this day I dont know what she saw in me. a lot of times it's not one thing. we spend so much time trying to figure it out. sometimes you really can't.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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backbreaker said:
I remember when I was in HS, I never had a huge problem dating chicks, I kept cute girlfriends. But in the 10thg rade, when i got to high school, i didn't have a GF all year long. Sad Backbreaker :( . I wasn't that popular, I wanted to get my grades right and i wasn't playing a lot basketball wise so no one knew who i was. I didn't have a car, etc.

However, for whatever the freaking reason may be, the hottest 12th grade black girl in school had this thing for me. This girl was on a level that I had not yet been with. she was really half black half native american, long jet black hair, high yellow, curves, just BAD. At first I thought it was a joke. I gave her my number and i thought i twas a joke and she called me and she actually wanted to talk! I was like damn. Then we'd met up at the mall and kick it and stuff and go to basketball games. She would come watch me play even though I wasn't palying lol. then we kissed. then she invited herself over my house. then one day she asked me when are you going to ask me to date you.

I really wanted to say, like seriously.. WTF do you want with me lol? To this day i have no earthly idea what she saw in me at the time. I wasn't bad looking but every dude in the school wanted this chick and she wanted me.

The only thing I reason is that beucase she was so out of my league, I never really pressed around her because i knew i had no shot and she liked my personality.

Eventually we dated and i started going all AFC and 3 weeks later my reality came crashing back down. but she was so out of my league i felt like i was playing with house money anyway lol

my point being.. to this day I dont know what she saw in me. a lot of times it's not one thing. we spend so much time trying to figure it out. sometimes you really can't.
Lmao. I know exactly what you're talking about. It happened to me too except it was in college. This girl would do anything to be around me. She would even do my homework for me. She was overly flirtatious and everything. I'm just average looking but I knew for sure she was punching below her weight. She eventually transferred schools to Texas and sometimes I kick myself for not taking action.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Get money or get funny.

Making pretty girls laugh has worked for me a few times. Also, and this goes against EVERYTHING you will hear on this board, being nice and friendly and a respected member of a social circle with hot girls gets you attention that you might not have had otherwise. Just don't be needy and have the balls to escalate.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
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Most girls have self esteem issues and most girls have a fear of being alone so they cling onto whatever is available, followed by upgrading to better men when they get the chance.

My ex dated someone shorter than her who was also fat, then another guy who was skinny and ugly, followed by a tall kid with a hunchback and Tourrette's.

This is how women work, when nobody wants them they will lower their standards to whoever will make them feel wanted and pretty, when new options come along they dump the guy or cheat on him. Happened with my ex, I knew about her boyfriend for a long time but she saw the improvement and jumped ship. She turned out to be a sociopath with no emotions, but most women will act the same.


New Member
Dec 31, 2013
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South Africa
I've read most of the replies and a lot are about how the ugly guys can get lucky and that they were in the right social circle or other sh*t like that. But have any of you considered that the ugly guy has game, what if he is a Don Juan.. Looks don't really matter that much if you can show alpha-ness to the max, according to the bible...

But I'm still a beginner so what do I know..


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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MrNiceGuy23 said:
Most girls have self esteem issues and most girls have a fear of being alone so they cling onto whatever is available, followed by upgrading to better men when they get the chance.

My ex dated someone shorter than her who was also fat, then another guy who was skinny and ugly, followed by a tall kid with a hunchback and Tourrette's.

This is how women work, when nobody wants them they will lower their standards to whoever will make them feel wanted and pretty, when new options come along they dump the guy or cheat on him. Happened with my ex, I knew about her boyfriend for a long time but she saw the improvement and jumped ship. She turned out to be a sociopath with no emotions, but most women will act the same.
This right here. Repped.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
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skinnyguy said:
I see PLENTY of guys with girlfriends and wives who I would not touch with a 10 foot pole. Are they happy? I guess, whatever floats their boat. But just because that's their taste doesn't mean that it's yours. You can't compare yourselves to ugly guys who have girlfriends, because they might have totally different standards than you.
I have known girls who I don't think would use that logic and leave people alone that they aren't attracted to, I could be wrong. They would probably use more insensitive wording than you did. What they can (through my experience of it) do is psychologically or emotionally attack the guy with her group of girls. I was in such a state about feeling unattractive to the point of self-abuse and counseller-seeking, and all I got in return was this condescending spiel by girls, pretending to be on the same wavelength as the 'ugly' ppl, saying how they can relate whilst at the same time digging into them further, making pre-assumptions about me being *alone* and how I should be 'what I truly am', even though I knew that would result in exclusion and ridicule by strangers, thanks to today's society. I never believed that a mother can have the same mindset or actions as the young things out there who do this to guys.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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i'll need to see visual evidence of these ugly guys with decent looking girlfriends


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
JaegerPilot217 said:
i'll need to see visual evidence of these ugly guys with decent looking girlfriends
I could show you pics all day that would blow your mind. The problem is you can't upload pics on this site.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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Robert28 said:
I could show you pics all day that would blow your mind. The problem is you can't upload pics on this site.
so the way to sum it up in a nutshell is these guys look like trolls and they have hot, cute girlfriends?


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
JaegerPilot217 said:
so the way to sum it up in a nutshell is these guys look like trolls and they have hot, cute girlfriends?
Let's put it this way, think of a guy like Channing Tatum. Could probably have any girl he d@mn well wanted at the snap of a finger. Instead of dating his equal or above in looks, he settles for dating Melissa McCarthy without the funny personality. And you can't wrestle her away from him if you tried your hardest to get him to leave her and do better.