How do I get this girl?


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
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Hi this is my first post so bear with me.
I have been using ****y/funny on this girl i met last term at uni and she always blushes/laughs at every joke at make. Got her digits before christmas and invited her to help me with my christmas shopping - she declined saying her housemates were having a christmas party. Gave her the benefit of doubt. Saw her again waiting for my supervisor meeting and we chatted for 35mins while she waited for her friend - again had her laughing the whole time, good banter with each other. I'm sure she's attracted to me when we talk but I have to text/initiate first. I've asked her out once and she declined. She's a 7 I think I'm cooler than most of her friends you know the type quiet in seminars etc. Do I have a chance with this girl? I have no problem running game on this girl when we're together but I have to initiate and I have problems getting her to met up with me.Freezing her out won't work I don't think she'd contact me. What to do?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Low interest level. She might enjoy your company and think your funny, but she is not sexually attracted to you at this point.

When she declined your offer did she counter offer?? A girl with a healthy interest level will make time for you. If she had a Christmas party that night but didn't suggest another time and day she's not that interested if at all.

Don't expect anything, but I'd say to chat her up again and suggest getting a drink together. To increase your chances of her saying "yes" make it during the week when she's more likely to be available. If she says "no" to this with no counter offer..........move on.



Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
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Do you go the same parties at all? That's probably the best way to move forward with a girl who is very responsive in person but that you are unable to take out on a date, for whatever reason. A kiss-close would do it.

If there is no chance of that happening, then you're gonna have to take another stab at asking her out. Make sure you think of something that she would be genuinely interested in to maximize your chances. Open up with the usual banter to make her comfortable, then try to make it more sexually charged than usual using some kino, then go for it.

Agree with pimp tho. One more try then you move on...


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2009
Reaction score
instead of sitting and talking to her for 35 mins, try to use that time to do other stuff. Like walk around with her, go to a coffee shop or a food place. I've always liked walking & talking, wayy better than sitting & talking. Then during your interaction, work up kino. From this, you'll see her real interest level.


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
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My thoughts were also along the lines of giving it one more shot and then moving on. I don't really move in the same sort of cirlces as her mates so bumping into her is a little tricky but I could invite her somewhere she would be around other people/her mates to build comfort.

Kino is a good point I always seem to forget about that when I'm just chatting to girls. The reason I was talking to her for 35mins was I was waiting outside my supervisors office so I couldn't really wander off anywhere.

Best news is that I'm not too invested so I guess it's all good practice. Appreciate your thoughts.