How Did You Get Out of the FRIEND ZONE?

Mack 86

Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by LikRetsam
As I said, go past page 1. I have alot of posts on how I got out of the friends zone, had her ask me out and had the greatest relationship of my life.

You buddy need to shut the **** up. Don't call me kid when you are in this HIGH SCHOOL forum. And while you're at it, go ahead and post your age. And while we're at it, why don't you post a field report and show us what you're made of tough guy?

You're all talk so far bro. Weak talk at that. Go ahead and back up your point in regards to this thread's topic.

Please note, when communicating with people over the internet it is not wise to assume things.

Please, I'm waiting for the field report. Feel free to check out mine.
Haha a field report!! You take this too serious man look at yourself. Here's on of mines: Walked outside saw a pretty girl and then got her number. See it's that easy. Everyone on hear is all talk it's a message board genius you don't know any of us in real life. You're barely 16 you meet girls at school which is easy as hell. Take a deep breath bradley the internet is not real. If you were a real playa you wouldn't even sweat what I saying but you pulled your own card so be gone.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mack 86
Haha a field report!! You take this too serious man look at yourself. Here's on of mines: Walked outside saw a pretty girl and then got her number. See it's that easy. Everyone on hear is all talk it's a message board genius you don't know any of us in real life. You're barely 16 you meet girls at school which is easy as hell. Take a deep breath bradley the internet is not real. If you were a real playa you wouldn't even sweat what I saying but you pulled your own card so be gone.
I think you should really stop talking guy. You've been put back in your place. It's funny to see you starting **** and then getting told. And here you are, your only argument against Lik is his age. If you ever get the pleasure of getting to know more of him, you'd realise that he's far smarter than your typical 16 year old and he scores chicks in the 18-20 range.

Clearly, you're here for a reason (on this site). I think you're used to acting like the sh*t in real life and expected to be able to do it here to. The guys here are the sh*t. They don't act like it. They are the real deal, you are not. Maybe one day, but for now. You're just full of fake confidence and that's probably why you're here. It's not a problem, we're all here to change. So get your act together and don't assume you know more than the veterans here.

Real life or internet, what's the difference? We aren't talking to computers, we're talking to people.

Pure Drive +

Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, thanks for jacking my thread you ass tard!

Take your bickering somewhere else!

Ok back to the topic. Lik, especially you because I know you're a master DJ who's been through this. Please help me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
No thanks I don't need any tips playa but thanks anyways.
Thanks Mack for posting that here. If you don't need any help, please leave.

Pure, I'll get you a solid reply tomorrow.

Mack 86

Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Biphoria
I think you should really stop talking guy. You've been put back in your place. It's funny to see you starting **** and then getting told. And here you are, your only argument against Lik is his age. If you ever get the pleasure of getting to know more of him, you'd realise that he's far smarter than your typical 16 year old and he scores chicks in the 18-20 range.

Clearly, you're here for a reason (on this site). I think you're used to acting like the sh*t in real life and expected to be able to do it here to. The guys here are the sh*t. They don't act like it. They are the real deal, you are not. Maybe one day, but for now. You're just full of fake confidence and that's probably why you're here. It's not a problem, we're all here to change. So get your act together and don't assume you know more than the veterans here.

Real life or internet, what's the difference? We aren't talking to computers, we're talking to people.
I'm here yo help.


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Originally posted by Ian Gots Game

BTW has anyone seen Chris Rock's piece on platonic friends? If you have there's truth to that.
Lol. Yeah I have. Its called bring the pain. Stand up show in 1996 here is the exert:

You know one cool thing about women?
Women get to have platonic friends.
“He’s my pal, he’s my bud. He’s my platonic friend, I love him like a brother! He’s my bud! My platonic FRIEND!”
Men don’t have platonic friends. We just have women we haven’t f***ed YET.
As soon as I figure this out, I’m in there!
Well I mean we got some platonic friends. I got some, but they all by accident. Every platonic friend I got was someone I was trying to f**k, I made a wrong turn somewhere … and ended up in the friendzone!
“OH NO!! I’m in the friendzone!”
Women keep platonic friends forever. Why?? Coz you never know. That’s right they get rid of their girlfriends every six months. “What happened to Pam?” “She think she cute.” But they keep them platonic friends forever! Why?? Coz you never know. “What happened to Carole?” “We can’t hang with her” But they keep them platonic friends forever! Why?? Coz you never know.
You know what a platonic friend is to a woman? Its like a d1ck in a glass case.
In case of emergency, break open glass!
Now fellas if your woman got platonic friends. That’s who she’ll be f***ing when you mess up. One of them guys you ain’t even thinking about. Boy she’ll be crying over his shoulder, “Oh, I’m so glad you’re here ..”
That’s right .. its gunna happen to you!

Its more funnier with the audio. Might wanna download it.
But anyway, what he says is true.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Question one, is she as great as you say she is or is she just attractive? I have plenty of attractive female friends that I haven't tapped. I keep them as practice. Whenever we talk, it is extremly physical, our hands explore the other' body without discretion but we don't go further than exciting each other. It's extremly good practice.

As for the main target, you need to forget about her. How? Other chicks. You can not possibly get your target and play your game correctly when all you can think about is ****ing her. Trust me. With all the people you interact with (female), you must make it sexual. You got to get it physical (rub her shoulder, down to the hands... ect. Massages ROCK). Don't make any moves. Just make them HORNY. And get everyone used to you just walking around and getting this going. Take it almost to the next level then stop. Keep them thinking about "What if" or "will he?". Lean close to the lips as you make a joke and back off ( "... But we're just friends"). Make them WANT it.

Once you're doing it to everyone else, do it to your target. Don't do more to her than you did anyone else. And try to spend less time with her than you do another close female friend. Arouse her interest and then arouse her body. Eventually invite her to do something (I organised roller blade events at my place with about 4 guys 5 girls every week or 2. Ice skating/movies ...). The point is to NOT show that you are more interested in her than anyone else.

As you get more involved with other girls, they will get more interested all the while you still have your goal in mind of getting your friend and you will lose interest in your friend. It will become "No big loss". And that is when she starts falling for you.

You become the non challant ladies man. You never concentrate on getting any girls, you just want to practice and have some fun. You will be surprised how far they will let you go. And it just becomes easier and easier until it becomes a habbit to sex things up.

This is what I did ofcourse, in my situation, what you do depends on how the world looks to you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
LIK's advice is dead on. Let me explain WHY it works:

You, this very moment, are only 'good enough' in her eyes to be a 'friend.' You have to change the guy she sees - both her perspective and the actual you.

First... change YOU. Stop obsessing. Start exploring. Find other girls, be adventurous in life. As lik said, have fun with other girls. When you are a noticably better catch (more confident charismatic and charming, in better shape and more stylish) then you are ready to change her perspective.

So you SHOCK her out of her old perspective. Start having fun with her - but only as far as you go with other girls. All of a sudden it will just 'click' that you are not the same guy she just wanted to be friends with - youre more than that. Better than that. And youre in.

Anyone talkin down to LIK donno ****.

Pure Drive +

Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
Hey thanks a lot Lik. You're right about not focusing on her. Yes, she is great as in, not just good looking. She is cute, not hot. I have female friends that are way hotter than she is, but I just like her because she's the whole package, brains, beauty, cute, etc.

Anyways, I'm going to pull back because I've noticed that she's taking me for granted a little. Like she kinda wanders when we're talking and wants me to repeat stuff and I'm just like, "nevermind. I'll tell you some other time." Yea, I am nonchalant. PEople said I am a charmer type, like I soothe people with my words and make them feel good, like not bossing them around. I guess I'm just going to keep being myself, except without the always thinking about her part. Thanks again. :)

Pure Drive +

Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
yeah, school ends in like a few weeks anyways, and she is going out of town for the whole summer so I can use that time to improve myself and senior year Iwill not only get her, but any girl I want.

I will update you all on thiss, don't worry.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Pure Drive: i have got out of the friend zone with a girl that rejected me. The real definition.

However, in the interval i had improved myself, so much so that she wanted me. My change meant that i was now attractive to her, precisely because i could not care less about her. We hooked up and she wanted to date, but i did not, she still keeps trying to hook up with me. She wants to cheat with my on my girlfriend.

This was all done through making myself more attractive and through improving my game. There is no point asking out the same girl unless one of the factors in the equation has changed.

Pure Drive +

Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
ok I know this is old, but I'm going to update.

Well, I don't know what the hell I am getting from her . . . signals . . . mixed signals . . . I don't know. And frankly, I'm kinda lazy...tired...I dunno what, but I am not really feeling like I wanna put more energy into this analyzing and crap.

Today she told me soem guy asked her to prom but she turned him down. I don't know how many other guys she's told, but she told me today. I don't know what to make of this, but I'm going to brush it off.

Seriously, I think I will be like JSH and go on improving myself, and treat her like a guy friend. As Fingz said, it is up to them to get out of the friend zone. I have invited her to do things like hang out and watch DVDs but while she doesn't outright say, "no" I know her change of topic/silence means "no" in ********. Basically, I need to face the facts, and the fact is that right now she doesn't see me as more than a friend. Therefore, I need to move my ass onwards and go reach my full potential. I have done enough work on and spent enough time thinking about this girl. It is time for her to make some effort and show some real signs.

No doubt senior year I will be the most desirable man in the school. Everyone knows me now, but I used to be kinda chubby. I lost some weight and a lot of girls talkt to me now and initiate convos and like talking to me. By next summ,er I'm going to look even better because I'm working out/running daily now and I'm sticking to my routine hard. I know it will payoff, and even if I don't get the girl, I will be happier in my life and will probably meet some other lucky gal in the future.

Thanks for your help, feedback as always is welcome :).

Pure Drive +

Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
by the way, this is very depressing for me, but I'm going to let go and leave my emotions on in this thread to die a death to the next page of posts and eventually the e-abyss.

Pure Drive +

Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by SuperGigaloDJ
6 Tips on Escaping the Friend Zone

Thanks for your help man. I really appreciate it, and there is no doubt you are a great person/DJ. However, at this point in my life, she is simply not attracted to me. I tried invitations and stuff...but it just isn't working out. She doesn't reject me because we're friends, but the ******** is loud and clear "no, we are jsut friends."


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
i stopped chillin with the ***** and dated one of her friends, now ex-friend. now she wont leave me alone. quite annoying.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2004
Reaction score
I believe it is completely possible to avoid the "friends zone" with every girl you're in contact with. The key is that you have to be in control at all times, calling the shots. She obviously has the power way before she says "lets just be friends".

For example, I knew this one girl for a year and managed to stay out of the friends zone. I knew there was potential for a relationship in the future, so I kept my cool and stayed fresh in her eyes by not pressuring her into anything. How? By giving her reasons to want me by showing subtle signs of interest and keeping my distance. It worked. We dated for a few months.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Puerto Rico
I use to be in the fried zone of this one girl. She use to like me...but in my own AFCness ruined it all strait to hell. I really wanted to get out of the friend zone, and i did....took me 1 year but believe me....the way you get’ll probably wont want her anymore, after all that hard work and her being such a b*** you think I’m actually gonna care for her now? when I got way better woman to wry about it.

My advice is to move on, find something else....if she put you in the friend zone then she’s not for you that simple. Sure there are ways to get out of it....but its not worth it. Now that I don’t like her....its kind of sick just looking at her lol. Plus she went from an 8.2 to a 4.2 that has f*cked so many afc's because they cant find anything else.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
It'll take at least a year or two of not talking to her for you to get another attempt at a first impression. Ontop of that if you are still fantasizing about her two years later you aren't a player, mack, pimp or any other term you want to use to describe a man that is successful with females. I'm going to assume that you haven't been in the friends zone or even that active in the dating life yet considering that you are 15 (which is equivalent to a 9th Grader in the US.)
Quote is from
Posted on 5/5/2005; by Mack 86

Mack 86:

Born in 1986? That makes you 19 years old; if you were born today. But based on the whole you handle yourself on this discussion forum, I can justly assume your 18.

The quote above proves your animosity toward "underaged" members. Does this make you feel superior? Do you feel better about yourself?

You are classified as a typical Average Frustrated Chump; taking out one's anger on the "world." Is it envy? Who knows, besides yourself.

"No thanks I don't need any tips playa but thanks anyways" (same thread as quote #1)

So tell me, "playa." Why are you here anyway? This board's sole purpose is self improvement, so I am sure you did not stumble across this site with any intent. The last time I checked this site is not advertised as anything but a self-help for men.

You have a low post count, that indicates that you most likely read a lot of the threads here, or you just hang around to insult younger citizens. Do you lack confidence? Go to Deevry, get a degree. They are looking for teenagers still living with there parents.

No matter how you respond to this message. Whether you begin insulting me based on my age, or begin by desperately insulting me with vulgar statements you know I speak the truth.

just to save you time, I am not generalizing. You posted 45 times. Not one of them was a helpful comment. So that crosses off the possiblity of helping the inexperienced and younger generations.

So go ahead, knock yourself out; I am waiting, with my back turned walking away from victory.


P.S. Get some books on men and how to deal with mid-life crisis. It can really help, old man.

Pure Drive +

Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
Fitch, tell me why you are typing long ass posts to reply to something totally insignificant to this topic and to a post someone made 10 entries up?

Two possibilities:

1) You get off on flaming people and looking cool to your e-buddies on a forum.

2) You did not hear about this wonderful breakthrough called the PRIVATE MESSAGE.
