How can I be sexual without being labeled as a pervert?


Apr 9, 2010
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Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
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no, its all about looks and your aura

get yourself hot looking and you can say what you want, I have seen it time and time again and know myself because I have transformed over the past 2 years, losing 150lbs

the fat/ugly loser says or approaches a female with something sexual and "he is such a creeper"

the mysterious hot guy says or approaches a female with something sexual and "he is so cute" or "I wanna fvck him"

simple isn't it? LOL


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
bilboteabaggins said:
no, its all about looks and your aura

get yourself hot looking and you can say what you want, I have seen it time and time again and know myself because I have transformed over the past 2 years, losing 150lbs

the fat/ugly loser says or approaches a female with something sexual and "he is such a creeper"

the mysterious hot guy says or approaches a female with something sexual and "he is so cute" or "I wanna fvck him"

simple isn't it? LOL
Transformed from a fat ugly loser into a skinny ugly loser.

Cofidence trumps looks.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
It's all about innuendo. You need to imply sexuality in your speech.

"That is a very penetrating question..."

Women respond to the spoken word far more than the visual, but in order to pass the (much less important) visual test, simply present yourself with a sense of style and good hygiene. The rest is all words.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
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SamTheHobit said:
Transformed from a fat ugly loser into a skinny ugly loser.

Cofidence trumps looks.
hardly dude :rolleyes:

you are gonna be labeled a creeper everytime now matter how confident if you ain't got the looks and the whole package, a guy that has it going on looks, style and personality wise can practically walk up to a some HB's and ask for some head or to fvck and score many times

you might get called a azzhole but never a pervert or creeper


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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Maxtro said:
I'm very interested in this topic.

Does anybody have a real answer?
I´m sort of a "master" at this, and pulled hot chicks doing it, so I can help.
It´s not a big science, she must be confortable with you... and then you go step by step, very gradually, from very small sexual inuendos to bigger ones. " you´re kind of cute/good looking", "I know you find me sexy" to " you want me to spank you don´t you"...

Check her reaction, if it´s positive you can advance to more bold ones.

seymour butts

Don Juan
Mar 13, 2011
Reaction score
You have to be comfortable with being sexual for the girl to be comfortable with you being sexual. She also needs to at least have a positive opinion of you as a person. Good body language and being good looking, charismatic, intelligent, and/or funny can all influence her opinion of you. Which characteristic a girl will most likely respond to depends on the girl. If you do not possess at least one of these qualities then go back a few steps and work on improving yourself.

Note that there are different ways to be sexual. Find a way that works for you.

I use humor. For example here is an exchange I had with a girl yesterday. We were talking about our plans for the weekend.

Me: I work today and Sunday but I booked tomorrow off to have some people over for the fights.
Her: Cool! I'm having a few girls over tonight but not to watch fighting.
Me: Oh yeah? So what are you girls going to do, have pillow fights and practice kissing?
Her: (laughs) Is that what you do with your friends?
Me: I don't need to practice kissing. (looks her in the eyes and smiles)

Notice that I didn't force sexuality into the conversation. She gave me an opportunity to tease her with a common stereotype. If I would have just said "so are you going to have a few girls over and practice kissing?" that would have been weird.

Note that if girls did not stereotypically have pillows fights and practice kissing then the statement would have probably been a creepy thing to say.

That first statement was bait. This girl took the bait and I immediately escalated the situation by making it personal. By applying the topic of kissing to myself confidently and delivering the statement with strong body language, she was forced to think of me in a sexual way.

If you are thinking of all this as you are talking to a girl then you are over thinking and will sabotage yourself. Just be aware of this information and have fun. If a girl gets creeped out by your sexuality then at least you know you were just having fun and she should probably just mellow out. Good luck!


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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How's this interaction I had with a girl over facebook?

She's an old classmate, not quite a friend but fun to talk to.
A-h: some stranger asked for my number when i was at genki living..he had guts to ask when THREE of my friends were at my table with me o_O

Brandon: Balls. That man deserves some props.

A-h: yeah... too bad i couldn't hear anything he said except "what's your name", "you look shocked", and "can i have your number" in the whole minute or two he was talking..

Brandon: Balls, but not much tact.

A-h: my thoughts exactly ^^"

Luu: let me guess your response: ew! gross! NO PERVERT!

Maxtro (that's me): Hey there miss, what's your name? That look of shock on your face is no surprise, yes I am that amazing. What's in my hand, diamonds. What is your number, oh I have it right here. Eight o' clock, wonderful.

A-h: maxtro, so...where does my "i dont give out my number" fit?

Maxtro: It doesn't of course. Be sure to wear that dress. You know which one.
I was trying to be a bit more sexual and ****y than I normally am, and of course the whole thing was a joke.

I do need to start working on my innuendo. I'm slowly learning that all women are not prudes.

So start small, see her reaction and keep going.

seymour butts

Don Juan
Mar 13, 2011
Reaction score
You failed to assess the tone of the conversation, which was mostly negative. Every comment except for the first one was clearly mocking this guy. To make things worse you emulated the guy's approach. It was kind of cute and done for the sake of humor but on some level you associated yourself with a guy that she just recently rejected.

But it wasn't all bad. It probably would have been better received if it was in person with a smile rather than on facebook.


Oct 20, 2006
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* A successful seducer does not act apologetic for his sexual desires.
* A successful seducer makes his romantic interest known early.

(Louis and Copeland).

You are a man. You have needs. Don't be ashamed of it. It's only sexual harassment if they are not attracted to you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
seymour butts said:
You failed to assess the tone of the conversation, which was mostly negative. Every comment except for the first one was clearly mocking this guy. To make things worse you emulated the guy's approach. It was kind of cute and done for the sake of humor but on some level you associated yourself with a guy that she just recently rejected.

But it wasn't all bad. It probably would have been better received if it was in person with a smile rather than on facebook.
Oh, I know the overall tone was negative. So what I wanted to do was change the energy by pretending to be that guy, but do it in a humorous/****y way.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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bilboteabaggins said:
hardly dude :rolleyes:

you are gonna be labeled a creeper everytime now matter how confident if you ain't got the looks and the whole package, a guy that has it going on looks, style and personality wise can practically walk up to a some HB's and ask for some head or to fvck and score many times

you might get called a azzhole but never a pervert or creeper

Yes everyone , take advice from the guy who joined last month
confidence is a lot more than looks , to a point , i mean people assume that men who have money and look great just get women because women like their money or looks , it has a lot more to do with the confidence that they emit , than their actual appearance, If you learn anything here please learn that. yes looks are important , but they will never carry you into a vagina.

search for things in you life to be confident about , n remind yourself of them when you go to talk to a woman , do you have a huge pecker? remind your self of that before you approach , are you smart as hell ? are you a great athlete ? are you good with musical instruments ? you need to build up your confidence with something solid , something real ,dont just tell your self your more important that her, MAKE yourself more important and interesting


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
looks will get pvssy from HB hoes...period

if your looking for something more meaningful then yes, it takes more than looks and in that case looking too good can actually hurt your chances

women judge instantly/first on looks, a good looking guy can get by with more sexual stuff than a fugly guy


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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bilboteabaggins said:
looks will get pvssy from HB hoes...period

if your looking for something more meaningful then yes, it takes more than looks and in that case looking too good can actually hurt your chances

women judge instantly/first on looks, a good looking guy can get by with more sexual stuff than a fugly guy
your missing the point entirely if a guy with amazing looks is a pvssy and wont approach any women he will NOT get laid by HB's , maybe every now and then by average women , but the HB's don't need to approach guys , and they wont , no matter how gorgeous you are.

Looks + Confidence = Great odds

Looks alone = decent odds

Confidence alone = decent odds

adding more confidence or more looks to either side will help you , but if you can compensate enough for one or the other , you can still get good women

You can think what ever negative ways you want It will only hurt yourself

Im not saying you should go be a straight up perv to girls lol but dont give up on it because you think your not good looking


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
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cablecow15 said:
your missing the point entirely if a guy with amazing looks is a pvssy and wont approach any women he will NOT get laid by HB's , maybe every now and then by average women , but the HB's don't need to approach guys , and they wont , no matter how gorgeous you are.

Looks + Confidence = Great odds

Looks alone = decent odds

Confidence alone = decent odds

adding more confidence or more looks to either side will help you , but if you can compensate enough for one or the other , you can still get good women

You can think what ever negative ways you want It will only hurt yourself

Im not saying you should go be a straight up perv to girls lol but dont give up on it because you think your not good looking
you are right somewhat, but I had a HB9 18 year old approach me the other day, I gave her the bedroom eyes and said nothing, she did in return and then gave me her number and said I was a hottie, trying to arrange going out with her and isolating, 18 year olds are easy, but they are 18 :whistle: , dumb as sh!t and change their mind on a daily basis, my age intimidates them as well, but I look 22...anyways, without looks this would have never happened, looks is what gets the 18 to 22 crowd

one of the hottest girls I have ever seen though, must get this one


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2009
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if a girl accuses me of being a pervert i tell her i'm the worst one in the world


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
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Being sexual has nothing to do with being a pervert. People might misunderstand this because it has the word "sex" in it and modern society tends to make people associate shame with sex. The people who are most successful with women are not afraid of their sexuality, yet still socially aware.

The definition of perverted is "Deviating from what is considered right and correct", but in fact being sexual is the most normal or "right" thing to do. Our whole goal as living beings from an evolutionary standpoint is to procreate(guess how that happens). You have to embrace the mentality that being sexual is in fact one of the only guaranteed right choices you can make as a human being.

The people who are considered creepers are the guys who lustfully gaze after women they think they'll never be able to get and then go home and masturbate to them. Or the guys who repeatedly crash and burn woman after woman because of their lack of subtlety and general game. You don't go in as a kamikaze pilot, you go in as a smooth ninja, conveying the same sexual message, but masking it with humor and innuendo. CHARM, basically. and if it becomes clear she's not interested, take it gracefully and move on. Does a successful caveman keep chasing after the girl who doesn't want him? Nope, he goes out and kills a mammoth for the tribe and then he can go fvck her or any other cavewoman he wants.

Some important things to keep in mind:

-Whatever you say, say it with confidence and don't feel ashamed or awkward about it. If you're uncomfortable with your sexuality, she sure as hell will be.

-Know what kind of environment you're in. Out in the day time is different than in a nightclub, you'll have to be a lot more subtle. Adjust your game accordingly

-Know the social group dynamics. Don't go around hitting on a girl and her best friend and if you do, be extremely subtle to the point she can't even be sure you're hitting on her, yet still sexual.

-The more you can suggest without being vulgar, the better.

-You don't have to be extremely sexual in EVERYTHING you say to her, just lead it in that direction and be open to it. In some cases it even pays off to take it slow. Not slow as in "let's be friends first", slow as in still moving intimacy forward (which is only possible by being sexual btw), but at a slower pace, spread over a longer period of time (though if you haven't at least made out after a couple of weeks, you're doing it wrong.)

-It's not about being a horndog. (Must have sex NOW NOW NOW), it's more about planting the idea of sex with you in her head, the suggestion that gives the direction to where your interactions will ultimately lead to. Basically you're communicating "We don't have to have sex right now, but that's where this ship is headed, so stay aboard if you like" and if she's having a good time, she will not want to get off.

Good luck.
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Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
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I'd also like to say something about the people here saying it all depends on looks. It's does NOT make a significant difference in you're not on either extremes of the attractiveness spectrum. Basing your self worth on something you can't change whether you look like Brad Pitt or Danny Devito is unproductive.

So unless you have a legit physical deformity, take your whining to twitter or something.