Hooray for Beer! "The Official SoSuave Alcohol Thread!"


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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Well, so I've discovered in the last year that one of my passions is drinking. Although I still live at home and I'm under 21, so I'm still in the process of building up my tolerance to it. I think the drunkest I've ever been was at my neighbor's 5 year old kid's birthday party (Yeah, I'm an a.sshole) when I took on 14 shots of vodka. That was interesting.

Basically, I wanted to create this thread to talk about everything alcohol. Stuff I'd like to know about all you drunks out there...

-Favorite drink?
-When did you first realize that you were a drunkard? lol!
-How much do you have to drink to be considered a good drinker?
-Any and all funny/interesting drunk stories are welcome and encouraged.
-Rules to drinking.
-Most f.ucked up you've ever been?
-Drunk pictures

Anything and everything guys...lets roll with this and just have fun with it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
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nice Thread. I just picked up drinking. Sticking mainly to beer and some mixed vodka drinks and Jello shots. My favorite drink is a nice Yuengling Lager. Surprisingly I haven't acquired some crazy drinking stories yet. A friend and I stunned each other with my stun gun the first time I got drunk. Other then that just normal fun. So far I've done a lot more crazy stuff sober then intoxicated


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
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-Favorite drink?
A tall frosty mug of abbot ale. hard liquor would have to be grey goose vodka. straight.
-When did you first realize that you were a drunkard? lol!
I'm not a drunkard and rarely get hammered anymore. My hayday was two years ago, now I drink for the buzz, and socially.
-How much do you have to drink to be considered a good drinker?
A good drinker by my standards can down 12 bottles of beer, and not show it. I used to be one of those guys, but since I started working out and cleaning up my life, my tolerance has gone way down.
-Any and all funny/interesting drunk stories are welcome and encouraged.
I was arrested for public drunkeness last year, lied about my name, phone number, and address, hurled all over the back of the officers seat in the squad car. meanwhile puke was all over my shirt, because my hands were cuffed at the time. $150 fine for that incident.
Later on that year, I was also pepper sprayed and knocked unconscious by the cops because when they broke up a kegger, I attacked two of them with a lawn chair. I got a $300 fine for that incident.
-Rules to drinking.
there are none, just don't waste your beer.
-Most f.ucked up you've ever been?
the cop car story. that and new years eve. I sarged my friend's cousin's girlfriend. My hand got stuck in her hair. A poor show of kino.
-Drunk pictures
haha not for you guys
Drinking is overrated now.


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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A lawn chair. LOL! Well I'm sorry to hear that you don't enjoy it anymore.

Best drunk story I ever heard was from my boss actually. He told me a story about his younger brother the other day that just had me rolling. Apparently, his brother goes to a hotel party and obviously gets s.hit housed. He wakes up in a van that he has never seen before, 6 miles away from the hotel, in a used car parking lot. lol! Then it gets good. He's in his socks and underwear so he decides to just walk back to the hotel. On the way back, he finds his shirt in a puddle. Finally he gets back to the hotel and as he is walking in the hotel in his underwear holding a soggy t-shirt, the hotel desk stops him, presumably to deny him entry (hey, what hotel worth its salt is gonna let some dude in his underwear looking like he spent the night in a van in a used car parking lot enter their establishment?). However he is pleasantly surprised to find that they don't want to kick him out...wait for it.... they want to return his pants to him! lmao! Never found his shoes though.

Oh man, I almost forgot. You want to read some hilarious drunk stories? Visit this website. http://www.tuckermax.com/


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
When did you first realize that you were a drunkard?

When I was delivering Domino's Pizza, and I would stop by my house to do some shots of rum whenever I had a delivery on the same side of town. When you're a drunk delivery driver, you know you have a problem. I ran off into a ditch once and a cop came by. It never occurred to him that I was drunk because I had the Domino's sign on my truck. I told him that the Papa John's guy had called a tow for me, and the cop thought that was hilarious.

I've probably driven sh!tfaced hundreds(?) of times. Close one eye when you start seeing double.

I don't drink any more. 15 years of binge drinking takes a toll on the 'ole liver. Now more than 3 beers sends me into alcoholic hepatitis, which is the first stage of liver failure.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2004
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Bible_Belt said:
I don't drink any more. 15 years of binge drinking takes a toll on the 'ole liver. Now more than 3 beers sends me into alcoholic hepatitis, which is the first stage of liver failure.
Sounds like something I would be saying in 10 years...maybe I should cut back while I'm ahead.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2005
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Rum is my drink at home. I have ~$130 worth of rum in my liquor cabinet, a bottle of local kirschwasser, and the dregs of a sh¡t bottle of Seagram's gin - not designed to entertain anyone but myself. Havana Club Añejo Reserva and Coke were made for each other... nothing else compares to a Cuba Libre with Cuban rum. The closest analogue I've found in the US, in terms of tongue feel and heat, is Matusalem Clásico, but it makes the worst Cuba Libres imaginable.

I drink sh¡tty beer at bars. Mostly Rainier.


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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Bible_Belt said:
I don't drink any more. 15 years of binge drinking takes a toll on the 'ole liver. Now more than 3 beers sends me into alcoholic hepatitis, which is the first stage of liver failure.

Alcoholic Hepatitis? That sounds bad. What happens?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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-Favorite drink?
Usually I'll have something and something. Vodka and club soda seems to be my go to drink these days because it doesn't give you a hang over and i drink alot. I like Jim Beam Black Label and coke zero next after that...again becaue the lack of hangovers....hangover suck

-When did you first realize that you were a drunkard? lol!
10 years ago in HS as a three sport athelete.

-How much do you have to drink to be considered a good drinker?
If you only get a little buzzed off three shots in a half hour with a few mixed drinks and when you can drink rediculous amounts and not have to get wheelchaired out of the casino, then you're a good drinker.

-Any and all funny/interesting drunk stories are welcome and encouraged.
...There are too many of these to list...I live in a place that serves alcohol 24 hours a day seven days a week.

-Rules to drinking.
Only one. Don't drink and drive.

-Most f.ucked up you've ever been?
...I'll just note one of the times i can remember. I took close to 20 shots in 45 minutes in my freshman year of college before going to a night club. I passed out on a subwoofer and was escorted out the club by bouncers. Funny enough I didn't black out that night.

-Drunk pictures
No sound recorders, no cameras, no vidoe tape...deny deny deny.

I think i've said it all lol!