Hockey Playa Workout Journal

Hockey Playa

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I have recently posted a question about my plateauing bench press. I had some responses asking for more information about my diet, and routine. I decided to create a new thread to share the information about me and to keep track of progress.

A little more info about me (will try and get pics up)
Age 21
Current Weight 175 lbs
Height 5'11

My goals are not so much power-lifting, as to see how high my numbers can go. My goal is to have a low body fat % with a respectable amount of muscle. I was a functional athletic muscular body. I have played sports and worked out for my entire life so this goal is not that far from attaining. My main problem is chest development, and body fat % ( I will try and post some pictures)

Workout Routine (ROUGH OUTLINE)
I usually dont stick to a cut and dry schedule but this is roughly it

3-Day Split

Workout 1 (Chest and Bi)

Flat BP
Incline BB or DB press
Cable cross overs
Hammer Curls

Workout 2 (Back Tris)
Close grip BP
Tricep Pulldowns
Bent over Rows
Dips (straight)
Wide grip chinup

Workout 3(Shoulders Legs)
Overhead Press
DB Press
Leg extensions

**usually end each workout with Core + Pushups

Diet ( I know effort will get on me about eating beef and brocolli 5 times a day ;))
Meal 1 Oatmeal, 2 eggs + eggwhites, fruit, OJ or green tea
Meal 2 Protein bar 30g
Meal 3 Chicken or Tuna sandwhich with veggies
Meal 4 Yogourt + almonds
Meal 5 Chicken, pizza, Pasta with chicken
Meal 6 Protein Shake before bed with casein

**I did no include post workout shakes as one of my meals

So tell me what you think


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
I'd toss in something for the hamstrings unless you squat with very wide stance, leg extensions are pretty sheit imo, better to do some leg presses or sim. Squats should take care of the quads anyway.

Triceps are getting worked very hard. Many pressing exercises as well as dips twice a week and separate work for them. If you can handle that much stress on them then go for it but it seems a bit much.

Push ups seem very unnecessary, they don't activate the right muscle fibers anyway.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
In the damn boonies...of Michigan
Hockey Playa said:
I have recently posted a question about my plateauing bench press. I had some responses asking for more information about my diet, and routine. I decided to create a new thread to share the information about me and to keep track of progress.

A little more info about me (will try and get pics up)
Age 21
Current Weight 175 lbs
Height 5'11

My goals are not so much power-lifting, as to see how high my numbers can go. My goal is to have a low body fat % with a respectable amount of

Focus on one or the other. Focusing on both at the same time gets you half-assed results . Either shoot for building more mass or diet a bit. Yet at 175@ 5'11 that's to small for that ****. I say just watch how you time your carbs better

I was a functional athletic muscular body. I have played sports and worked out for my entire life so this goal is not that far from attaining. My main problem is chest development, and body fat % ( I will try and post some pictures)

I think a lot of people severely lack upper pec mass. What you can do is have one chest workout where you solely concentrate on upper pec work (db or barbell low incline followed by a different incline movement, maybe machine work, then low incline cable flys/db flys) Kind of think of your upper and lower being two different muscles (yes I know they're not) and hammer em like that.

I also think decline barbell/smith machine work is grossly underrated. Give them a go to.

Workout Routine (ROUGH OUTLINE)
I usually dont stick to a cut and dry schedule but this is roughly it

3-Day Split

Workout 1 (Chest and Bi)

Flat BP
Incline BB or DB press
Cable cross overs
Hammer Curls

Ditch the flat bench press, unless you're just trying to get stronger in that movement or if you're into powerlifting which you clearly stated you're not lol. It's rather useless for most when trying to build up the chest.

Low incline db press, low incline bb press/low incline smith, decline bb/smith machine, hammerstrength machines, all these put it to shame.

Also as a side note ask any person who has torn a pec. Guess what they most likely did it on ? FLAT BARBELL BENCH PRESS. Also many people flare their elbows like crazy when they should be tucking the elbows on the way down and going up semi tucked while simultaneously trying to pull apart the bar.

Workout 2 (Back Tris)
Close grip BP
Tricep Pulldowns
Bent over Rows
Dips (straight)
Wide grip chinup

What's the reason for putting tris on back day? You really shoulder consider doing them on either shoulders or chest day. As your tris do a lot of work on most pressing movements.

I'd either do dips or close grip BP...leaning more to the CGBP as you can progress a lot longer on those versus dips. Unless you're just doing bodyweight work it's k I guess.

You ever rotate wide grip chinups with say lat pulldowns, machine work? Check out rack chins to ya might like them.

Workout 3(Shoulders Legs)
Overhead Press
DB Press
Leg extensions

Add leg press work after squats. Do a 20 rep set where you take your 10 rep max and push it for 20+ reps pausing when you need to. Then see if you still want to do leg extensions after ( i do them from time to time but rarely lol)

**usually end each workout with Core + Pushups

Diet ( I know effort will get on me about eating beef and brocolli 5 times a day ;))
Meal 1 Oatmeal, 2 eggs + eggwhites, fruit, OJ or green tea
Meal 2 Protein bar 30g
Meal 3 Chicken or Tuna sandwhich with veggies
Meal 4 Yogourt + almonds
Meal 5 Chicken, pizza, Pasta with chicken
Meal 6 Protein Shake before bed with casein

**I did no include post workout shakes as one of my meals

So tell me what you think
Bump up your protein you should be at atleast 1.5 X BW in grams..leaning more towards 2 X BW in grams of protein if you're serious about adding muscle mass . Magical things begin to happen when you hit that mark daily =)