Hesitated, and now?


Don Juan
May 11, 2011
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Hi, I'm a divorced 35 years old good looking guy and been reading DJ stuff since my twenties, although not much lately.

Today I went to a new hairdresser to cut my hair. There was only a girl working, we made great conversation, she was really into me, and she signal she was available to something more. In the end, and also because I received a call from my ex on that moment, I failed to ask her out.

Now how can I recover from that mistake? Should I just pass by and ask her out? Will that sound desperate?
Or should wait my hair to grow again?
I have confidence to do what's need to be done, but I want to maximize my chances.



Don Juan
May 5, 2011
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jdomingos76 said:
and also because I received a call from my ex on that moment, I failed to ask her out.
You didn't HAVE to pick up the phone. You could have ignored it, asked the girl out, then phoned your ex back when you were out of the shop. Unless it was something urgently important, in which case it still could've waitied 1 or 2 minutes. Sure you're just not using that as an excuse for dissolving at the last minute?

I think you might be ok. Peronally I'd give it another go, and try not to flake out again. Don't rush in either. Like surfing, wait for the correct wave.

Women are surely being a bit harsh if they don't go out with a guy just because he failed to ask her out exactly when SHE wanted him to. If she likes you, surely she won't have minded that much. You never know, you might have made her hungrier.

Also - in my experience, be a bit careful with girls that work in shops - sometimes they can seem really friendly, and it's part of the job as a hairdresser, don't forget, sometimes I've misinterpreted that in the past. But only you can be the judge of that.


Don Juan
May 11, 2011
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Sparky said:
You didn't HAVE to pick up the phone. You could have ignored it, asked the girl out, then phoned your ex back when you were out of the shop. Unless it was something urgently important, in which case it still could've waitied 1 or 2 minutes. Sure you're just not using that as an excuse for dissolving at the last minute?

I think you might be ok. Peronally I'd give it another go, and try not to flake out again. Don't rush in either. Like surfing, wait for the correct wave.

Women are surely being a bit harsh if they don't go out with a guy just because he failed to ask her out exactly when SHE wanted him to. If she likes you, surely she won't have minded that much. You never know, you might have made her hungrier.

Also - in my experience, be a bit careful with girls that work in shops - sometimes they can seem really friendly, and it's part of the job as a hairdresser, don't forget, sometimes I've misinterpreted that in the past. But only you can be the judge of that.
You are right, I shouldn't have picked the phone. I think she was really interested. She's not a great looking girl, a bit fat, and I felt she was really excited by my talk and my charm towards her. She shown me her cat's photos, and told me she sleeps with them... hehehe

I'm just afraid of appearing desperate (maybe I'm a bit), and gonna wait for the right waive as you said... Don't know when but I'm sure I'll find out.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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if she starts showing u pictures and stuff then she usually really likes you.
U shouldn't put any pressure on urself.

Talk to her about wat the hell she likes to do. If she gives you an oppertunity to ask her out, then you can.

If i'm wrong correct me


Don Juan
May 5, 2011
Reaction score
jdomingos76 said:
She shown me her cat's photos, and told me she sleeps with them... hehehe
Erm...... ewwww.... the cat woman. Be careful, this could be weird.

I love cats and have two. But there's a difference between being a cat lover or keeper, and being obsessed with cats, and using them as baby substitutes.

How many photos of them did she have on her phone? And was it an iphone to boot? How much did she talk about them? Did she at any point refer to them as her "babies" or similar?

Chamber36 said:
if she starts showing u pictures and stuff then she usually really likes you.
U shouldn't put any pressure on urself.

Talk to her about wat the hell she likes to do. If she gives you an oppertunity to ask her out, then you can.

If i'm wrong correct me
Yeah this is also true, I don't want to put you off or anything. If it was only one or two pics of each cat then you're probably ok. If you saw the whole album full of 100's of pics of each one then you're into "CAT WOMAN" territory. Also if she sleeps with them, be prepared to get cat hair on your pecker if you ever do end up getting anywhere with her.


Don Juan
May 11, 2011
Reaction score
Sparky said:
Erm...... ewwww.... the cat woman. Be careful, this could be weird.

I love cats and have two. But there's a difference between being a cat lover or keeper, and being obsessed with cats, and using them as baby substitutes.

How many photos of them did she have on her phone? And was it an iphone to boot? How much did she talk about them? Did she at any point refer to them as her "babies" or similar?
It was about 8 photos, on paper... She talked some 10 minutes about it, also because I have dogs and prefer them to cats. She also had her nails painted with different colors... She looks a bit like a Gothic. I find all that also strange, but I just want sex and pleasure, I don't mind too much about psycho issues.


Oct 20, 2006
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"He who hesitates is lost".

Carpe Diem (Seize the Opportunity / Seize the Day).