Originally posted by TillTheEndOfTime
Funny all the criticism this video gets. One thing I notice is the culture gap between north america and europe. Ask someone in USA and someone in Europe about his looks and you'll get very different responses.
Second thing. I just love all these people who say things like "he has manboobs", "he looks like a dork", "me and my friends would eat him alive if he walked in a room like that", etc.
You're all very confident hiding behind a computer monitor and keyboard. You put this man down to feel better about yourselves. Like you are better people for sitting on your a$$es and not doing a thing. You're justifying doing nothing by putting another man down for trying something. And as for comments about him being "fat/chubby" (weight training wannabe) and that you'd beat him up, I bet most of you would take a sh1t in your pants if you were actually confronted in person instead of hiding behind a computer and making such arrogant comments.
Yes, his actions are obviously exaggerated. I'm sure he was a little uncomfortable sitting like that, but he's just getting points across like don't sit as if you're tense and got a pole up your a$$. Walk with a confident up-right posture, etc. Don't take everything so damn literally.
Finally, get your heads out of your a$$es. Kill this notion that you are better than him because you like to see yourselves type.