Her EX Got hold of my number and has contacted me!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
Hey all so basically I met this amazing girl and we've been chatting and meeting up for over 2 months now, she's recently came out of a 12 year relationship with the bloke she's been with since she was 16... There not engaged, no kids only thing that ties them is a mortgage and 12 years of history!! Now, I genuinely like her she says she has immense feelings for me... Yet I know the situation from the start had been ****ed up, because he's been doing everything to win her back... But yet she's told me how badly he treated we over he years and pushed her away etc... Now anyway I recently slept with her and so I'm walking back back to mine from gym on camp, (in army) and I get a random number call me... It's him, threw me completely off guard and he is asking me what the script is saying did I sleep with her ect my mind is doing cart wheels and I just say yes... And then he's going I to specifics with it all I don't go any further because I feel uncomfortable... Then he being all nicey nicey on phone saying I appreciate your honesty a man to a man you've been honest but please can you stop perusing her cause he wants to marry have kids ect... Then saying if he texts me saying did I sleep with her can I text back saying yes I just said ok to just get off the phone from him... I ring her tell her everything that's happened and that I didn't mean to open my mouth ect...and she was calm and collective about it all and said don't worry it's her fault and to just say look I'm not getting involved in your **** talk to her about it and then block his number... Which is what I did and she's gonna message me when she can... But I feel like I'm the culprit in my head for all this mess should I feel that way????????? What the **** should I do??? I really like her... N he wanted me to delete her number n never contact her again????


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Stone1989 said:
Hey all so basically I met this amazing girl and we've been chatting and meeting up for over 2 months now, she's recently came out of a 12 year relationship with the bloke she's been with since she was 16... There not engaged, no kids only thing that ties them is a mortgage and 12 years of history!! Now, I genuinely like her she says she has immense feelings for me... Yet I know the situation from the start had been ****ed up, because he's been doing everything to win her back... But yet she's told me how badly he treated we over he years and pushed her away etc... Now anyway I recently slept with her and so I'm walking back back to mine from gym on camp, (in army) and I get a random number call me... It's him, threw me completely off guard and he is asking me what the script is saying did I sleep with her ect my mind is doing cart wheels and I just say yes... And then he's going I to specifics with it all I don't go any further because I feel uncomfortable... Then he being all nicey nicey on phone saying I appreciate your honesty a man to a man you've been honest but please can you stop perusing her cause he wants to marry have kids ect... Then saying if he texts me saying did I sleep with her can I text back saying yes I just said ok to just get off the phone from him... I ring her tell her everything that's happened and that I didn't mean to open my mouth ect...and she was calm and collective about it all and said don't worry it's her fault and to just say look I'm not getting involved in your **** talk to her about it and then block his number... Which is what I did and she's gonna message me when she can... But I feel like I'm the culprit in my head for all this mess should I feel that way????????? What the **** should I do??? I really like her... N he wanted me to delete her number n never contact her again????
they broke up, if they arent engaged after 12 ****ing years it aint going anywhere. **** em, keep going man.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
JohnChops said:
they broke up, if they arent engaged after 12 ****ing years it aint going anywhere. **** em, keep going man.
That's what I thought too... Her friends like me more then him cause they think he's a prick??? But when he was on phone to me said do you not know she's still been sleeping with me?? Which is making my head go ****ed, I mentioned that to her and she said he's just trying to get a reaction out of you???? I'm off to Canada for 2 months with army for an excercise so I'm out of the country and obviously I've said to her you contact me when you can... I mean please can you or someone else sum up the whole situation for me from your perspective and tell me what you think of all of this and tell me what you guys think I should do???


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
GettinMyMindRight said:
You have to get your mind right first. Look at this objectively.

My gut, as I read that, was telling me that if you get involved any further with this girl, she's going to be (intentionally or not) bringing you into the middle of what is SURE TO BE much continued drama between her and this loser ex of hers.

For whatever reason, women keep going back to exes that treat them like sh!t. Plus, there's a 12 year history here. There's no way you're going to step in and overcome the comfort and history they have built together.

Her saying she wants you to delete her # from your phone is clue #1 that she's not over this guy.
But she's been telling me **** like your the only bloke that I've let get close to mentally and physically since the 12 year man...?? How am I supposed to process all this **** with everything that's just happened recently???


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
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Stone1989 said:
But she's been telling me **** like your the only bloke that I've let get close to mentally and physically since the 12 year man...?? How am I supposed to process all this **** with everything that's just happened recently???
She's probably lying to you! Why wouldn't she be sleeping with him they have a long history together. :rolleyes:

Plus you need to think deeper, she may have been using you to make him jealous. Also the fact that he found your number whats to stop him from finding your address, he could become violent if you continue. Just be careful, but it sounds like you might be in the middle of a bunch of drama, I'd would say forget about it, but I know you wont, so carry on! :rockon:


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
GettinMyMindRight said:
Go NC (No Contact) for about a week and see if she reaches out to you at any point during. Women are notorious for playing mind games with us men...because they think it's fun, I suppose. She's telling you all this warm and fuzzy stuff - but you must cease all contact with her and make HER chase YOU. If you keep pursuing her, chances are you'll push her right back into the arms of her ex.
So basically don't message her at all unless she messages me?


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
SAYNO said:
She's probably lying to you! Why wouldn't she be sleeping with him they have a long history together. :rolleyes:

Plus you need to think deeper, she may have been using you to make him jealous. Also the fact that he found your number whats to stop him from finding your address, he could become violent if you continue. Just be careful, but it sounds like you might be in the middle of a bunch of drama, I'd would say forget about it, but I know you wont, so carry on! :rockon:
I know what your saying mate I haven't really thought deeper about I mean there was a point where she went all weird saying babe you need to forget about me I'm not the girl for you your amazing and can do 1000 times better than me... And obviously I said well no cause I really like you but then just went with what my mates said NC I would read her message and not reply and then she started to say I hate this already!! And wanting to talk to me again I'm like so ****ing confused and heads even more ****ed now because obviously I've slept with her now.....?????


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
GettinMyMindRight said:

Now, this will take some self-discipline. You're going to wonder what she's doing while you're going NC. But remember, she'll wonder why you all of a sudden aren't showering her with attention. This will bother her.

ADD: I don't see this ex going away anytime soon. I feel your pain, since I VERY recently went through this. I'd only known her for a week, and she dropped my a$$ the second her ex of 5 years texted her 'I miss you too.'
She slept with me though? I'm the second person she slept with meaning her ex number 1... Does that not mean anything??? Always said to her sex doesn't mean everything and that there's more to it than that I made that clear and that only when she's ready to go for it, she asked for it during a heat of the moment... So, I'll do the NC and when she does message me if she does, how should I respond? Blunt what? Should I ask about him????? And what went down??


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
You'll be fine whatever you do OP, seem to have things under control and thinking through. In your shoes, I'd continue on however you want and just not take the guy's calls, hang up on him if/when he uses a different number. The chump ex, though, that poor guy needs this forum BAD!

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
Your main problem, ex or no ex , is you are emotionally involved. That alone tells us you are no longer in a position of power.

As a military man I am sure you understand what this implies . Gain your power back.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
Stone1989 said:
I know what your saying mate I haven't really thought deeper about I mean there was a point where she went all weird saying babe you need to forget about me I'm not the girl for you your amazing and can do 1000 times better than me... And obviously I said well no cause I really like you but then just went with what my mates said NC I would read her message and not reply and then she started to say I hate this already!! And wanting to talk to me again I'm like so ****ing confused and heads even more ****ed now because obviously I've slept with her now.....?????
She is definitely sleeping with her ex. If a woman ever tells you the part in bold again, BELIEVE HER. 110% guaranteed that when she told you this she had recently slept with him and was feeling a bit guilty.

She is not in a position to have a healthy relationship with you after just getting out of a 12 year relationship. If you can withdraw your emotional attachment, you can keep on sleeping with her. I don't think you can do that though, so your best bet is to end this. Either go ghost on her, or tell her to call you when she has herself together (hint: It's going to be a long time until then).

Next time, don't allow yourself to become emotionally involved with a woman in this situation. Lesson learned. Good news is that there are 3,500,000,000+ women in the world, go find a few without so much drama.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Her EX Got hold of my number and has contacted me!!!!!!!

Tell the guy to f*ck off.

Actually don't; you don't know what a noodle-c0ck like that might do.

Do not respond, then if he gets in touch again, just send the feds round and get a retraining order. What a stupid noodle-c0ck beta cnut.

Sorry you had to deal with that man.

I usually get introduced to exes with no prior warning that there's even a possibility of meeting them. Puts you right on the spot, but this guy just sounds like a tool.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
I'd seriously consider the fact that SHE gave her ex your number.
It's not beyond the realms of possibility, especially when dealing with mentally unstable women as this one appears to be.
And NC means NC. If she reaches out, you don't respond. Any response only draws you back into her vortex of bullsht.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
Greasy Pig said:
I'd seriously consider the fact that SHE gave her ex your number.
It's not beyond the realms of possibility, especially when dealing with mentally unstable women as this one appears to be.
And NC means NC. If she reaches out, you don't respond. Any response only draws you back into her vortex of bullsht.
But she said he got my number off her iPad as her contacts were linked to that device??? She's spoken to me today In phone says she still feels the same about me but just has to sort her **** out her end while I'm in Canada for 2 months and also said she thinks the space will allow her to do that, Also said if she goes quiet on me while I'm out in Canada on Whatsapp or iMessage she understands if I feel like **** you your taking the piss now by not talking to me for ages... And I automatically said well if that happens I'll just assume that your having world war 3 rows with your ex and trying to end it his ****... But said that if you do go quiet on me while I'm away then at least I know you can see how I'm feeling through my tweets on twitter...????


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Mate go NC. It works:

No Contact will be initiated for 60 Days from the date that you post. This mean NO CONTACT WHATSOEVER...and I mean NONE. (Including going to picture sites and myspace/or like sites)


You're away for 2 months which is perfect.

When you get back, she may well be back with psycho, but if she is, you'll know what her agenda is.

Meanwhile, if you can start meeting people in Canada. Can't imagine you're working every day for two months??

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Every woman I've dated who's said: "I need to sort some shyt out", was screwing another guy. And they used those exact words.
This one's done, brother. Leave her to her psycho ex and find new and more mentally stable women.
This is a lost cause which will only end in heartbreak.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
my take on this? she gave your number to ex, so he could to whatever and she just see the results, also don't belive when she said he was a rpick and didn't treated her right (staying with someone who didn't treated you right for 12 years is kinda hard to belive),

also on the part when she said you could do beter, learn from this, and next time you say, "yeah you are right, I can always do better"

and yes she is still sleeping with him, so dude, take your army time 2 months far from her, cure your emotional needs of her and even when you go back try not look for her and start anew with another woman, this one is done.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
Hey Boys, Update on my situation... So I'm in Canada now and I've spoken to her on Whatsapp since ive been out here she's said to me that she still can't believe how I feel about her because yeah I'm probably an idiot but forgot to mention after 2 months I fell for her and told her I loved her... She took it rather well and said it's incredible how someone like me could fall for her and that she thinks I'm amazing, anyway... This is the part that ****s me off, the ex... Has said to her he's moving home so she can either like it or lump it to which she can't really say anything because it's his mortgage too... So now he's moved back home and my mind is doing cart wheels because I'm thinking what if she's letting him **** her!? She tells me to chill and relax and not to think about it too much and that she has strong feelings for me and that what will be will be babe???? I've had a few crap dreams where I've seen them both having a nice time together and her loving being around him and to just wakes me up!! I tell her about my dreams and she says oh Sean I'm sorry I make you feel like this n all that... I feel in the back of my head that I'm not there for 2 months to give her company and she's got him living back home... What if there in same bed together!? **** sake it makes my stomach go!!!