Helpout an aspiring newbie :)

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Ok, currently I am pretty chubby. I wouldn't say obese, and I've never received any real negative remarks about my weight...

Anyway, as many have before, I've decided to change that. I've done a lot of reading, as I do in most situation's that I am unfamilar with.

I need to lose the fat first. So here it is...

I don't eat a lot of food, I don't binge or anything :) . My problem is that I've been an inactive individual for quite some time now, and my lack of exercise hasn't made anything of a calorie deficet :) .

Again, what I eat is terrible. I'm an unhealthy eater, I'm willing to admit that.

I want to change that, so I'm working on it. I've done a slight bit of work on this:

I start monday

Cardio: I'm going to sprint, then slow down for rest, and then sprint again. I figure if by the time I'm done I want to pass out, job well done.

Eating: I'm going to start drinking green tea, for the benefits. I'm going on the rules of:

NO carbs past 8pm.
NO soda (soda is probably whats killing me haha)
NO candybars/typical junkfood (obvious)

I'm not really to sure what a good breakfast etc.. is for someone who's trying to lose the fat. All advice is welcome.

Don't be to harsh if you notice something I fxcked up on... I'm a newb, completly willing to admit that.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2002
Reaction score
What is your ht/wt now?

One thing that might help you would be to find a friend to work out with you. That way if you don't feel like working out and he does, he'll make you. And vice versa.

Quitting soda is a huge help. Just make sure you replace it with something you like. Personally I only like water when I work out. So with meals and snacks I have milk and juice, if I tried to drink water I'd probably just revert to pop drinking.

Other than that just read this forum, pretty much everything you need to know is here. If you're only a little chubby, starting exercise should push you into decent fairly quickly.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, and?
The best way to start out a new diet lifestyle is to start reading labels for fat content, carbs, proteins and sugar. Cut your sugars, eat a lot more protein, don't stop eating fats but watch them, and eat more vegetables. Try to eat four to six meals every day at around 60% carbs, 30% protein and 10% fat, if you can.

Also, try to figure out your Basal Metabolism Rate, which is how many calories you use in a day, and try to eat 150 to 250 under a day. At this rate, you'll lose ~1lb or 2lbs a week, which is a good, safe rate to lose. If you begin a bulking workout routine at the same time, you may even get bigger.

Are you considering some form of strength training or just sprints? A lot of people get discouraged going into running right off, because it's very hard to make progress in the beginning.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, and?
Water. At least 256oz a day, more if you can manage it. Not to be brash, but if you're not pissing clear every two hours or so, drink more.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Most likely, if you keep your eating and activities in check, you'll see noticeable changes in your body in the very beginning. However, after a couple of weeks, you won't see as noticably of a difference. DON'T get discouraged. Getting fit takes a long time. Accept that. If you can withstand the test of time, you eventually get there. This is all in the mind. Good luck bro.