Help needed with two girls


New Member
Dec 31, 2013
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South Africa
Whatsup everyone Happy New Year!

Anyway this was my 1st successfull approach since I registered..

Details on the girls:

HB Angel (Tall, cute)

HB Tessa (Nice body, seems more outgoing)


Me: Hey Guys

Both at the same time: Hiii! (I know, weird)

Me: I just moved to this area and only have a couple of friends around here, can I get your contact details?

Both: Sure

HB Tessa: Hand me your phone, so BBM (Blackberry Messenger) or Whatsapp (Like BBM but instead uses phone numbers)

Me: BBM (then I suddenly remember all the advice I read about phone numbers and say), actually whatsapp would be easier.

-She takes my phone and puts the numbers of HB Angel on them-

HB Angel: (Mumbles something I didn't hear and smiles)

-HB Tessa gives me back my phone-

Me: Ok Bye Guys

Both: Bye

-Start Walking away, then realise I don't know their names-
-Turn around-

Me: What are your names?

-Give them to me-

-I walk away to test if there is interest-

HB Tessa: Wait, what is your name?

Me: Sebastion

-Then I leave-

Ok please give me advice on what happened and if I could improve on anything

Also, I want to hook up with either of them but I also want to use them to meet other people around here. I'm worried that if I mess up with one she'll tell the other and I won't get a chance to meet new people. And I want to call but should I invite one or both?


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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DJSebast said:
Ok please give me advice on what happened and if I could improve on anything
sounds like everything went fine, good job. proceed as you would.

DJSebast said:
Also, I want to hook up with either of them but I also want to use them to meet other people around here.
why not both? but if you have to pick one, probably I'd say hook up.

DJSebast said:
I'm worried that if I mess up with one she'll tell the other and I won't get a chance to meet new people.
unless they're the super gossipy type then they won't tell each other anything except the newsworthy, aka, if you can see yourself telling people about it, she might tell the other about it.

DJSebast said:
And I want to call but should I invite one or both?
invite them to what?


New Member
Jan 5, 2014
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You did fine, eliminate the self doubt you have in interactions. Be less outcome dependent.

To calm your worries and answer the last part, I would suggest you try to meet people from them BEFORE hooking up. Remain sexual, but don't pill the trigger unless you're in a position where it would be rude not to. Kissing or making out night not change much but if you go farther you may run into issues between them. This also makes them want you more, as you're not actively chasing them, you're just using them as a social jumping point: they're hot girls, they're not used to that. Be respectful, don't use them. That kind of came out wrong. Hope this helped.


New Member
Dec 31, 2013
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South Africa
Thanks for the great advice guys, I went out with them and they introduced me to a lot of people. I've got a lot of plates at the moment, met and befriended their boyfriends when we were out. Wasn't as awkward as you would imagine, cool guys. So I'm probably dropping them and moving onto other plates for now, and I'll see how that goes.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
Good work. Only thing is, on future approaches, maybe chat them up a little bit rather than just getting contact info and leaving.

But no, don't drop em. Honestly, throw yourself in the friendzone (i know, crazy right?) with them. This will accomplish a couple of things.

1) it will get you a group of attractive girls to roll with. merely being seen with girls will make other girls outside your social circle become more attracted to you. You'll be seen as the guy whom girls like.
2) You'll get comfortable hanging around hot girls (i assume they're good looking), which will help you loads. It will take girls off the pedestal. You'll realize they poop, they smell, they're obnoxious, etc. They're just people, not these godlike vixens that you dream about. You'll start to learn how they operate. HOWEVER. DON'T take their advice on how to get girls. That's like Al Qaeda giving the location of the terrorist camps to the US army (i believe i stole that phrase from Bradd80, oops).
3) You will gain access to their hot girlfriends. If these girls like you, you'll have no problem hooking up with their friends, as they will put in a good word for you.

By all means, get buddy buddy with their boyfriends too. High school is all about social proof, and the more people that like you, the better off you are. However, don't sacrifice being the guy that gets respect for being the "nice guy everyone loves". Because no one fvcks the nice guy. They just be friends with him. So be sexual, but not creepy.

Honestly, you seem much more outgoing and social than most guys. Just keep doing what you're doing man