Help me get the girl(22yr old virgin and inexperienced)


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
dotcomwill said:
Ooh that was a badddd move by saying that lol. i second the :nono: :nono:

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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intraining, all you've gotta do is approach all interactions with woman with the frame of "You're not good enough. Prove me wrong." Close your body language, open it to her for a brief second, then close it again, brief second, then close it again. Do this in your speech. Push/pull is what activates the limbic part of the brain in a woman. You attack the reptilian (sexual) and limbic (emotional) parts of her senses/brain. Leave the Rational/logical/human/decent/traditional/societal part out in your interaction with her.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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Go getta said:
she's using u to make him feel jealous. you're of no importance to her. get over her and find other chicks
Great just what i wanted to hear:( :( :( :(
Mar 18, 2006
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intraining said:
Yah i joined in 2003 but i havent been on this site since then because i wasnt pursuing anyone..
So no one pointed out this glaring out of place statement? You pursued no one girl between the ages of 18 through 22??? This is the height of a young man's "predatorness" - no such word but you get the point!


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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Last Man Standing said:
Yeah kid- you said many things that you shouldn't have said -- you sounded desperate! I understand your desperation considering that you never had a relationship with a woman- but you can't act desperate and show your desperation - you gave her all the power and you were left with nothing!

Do NOT contact her unless she initiates.

So she is back well not really.... Since the last time I've seen her she got her own place closer to her cc.I haven't seen her at work because I just didn't care anymore and she was only working one day a I put my two week notice in and as I was nearing my last day I thought I would say goodbye to the people I do not see as I left messages like nice working with you and such I saw her time card and thought what the he'll I'll do the same.I said the same message but ended it with goodluck with nursing school.that next day she called and was asking me where I was going and also told me how she was laid off that day.she continued to tell me that she was going to change her schedule to afternoons so we could work again but that can't happen anymore because of what happened.

So she said I have to go but I'll call you back in which I thought she wouldn't and if she didn't I would not care.She called back an hour later and said we should hang out tonight and i thought hey what the hell ill go for it since i have nothing better to do.We met up at a video store close to her apartment and rented a movie in which she paid for and got back to her place and watched and smoked.Halfway through the movie i said i was hungry for some oreos and milk and she said well lets go get some.We walked to the grocery store and she bought the oreos and milk and we got back to her place and continued smoking and watching the movie with laughs along the way.When it was over she told me she didnt know what to do and i could understand with not having cable and just the essentials in her apartment

So she said are you okay to drive home and i jokingly said no im way to high to drive it was stupid so we both laughed but i noticed some pictures that she had taken and started to look through them and then she busted out the photo albums and told me about a few pics that stood out to her.That passed the time a bit and she went began to get ready for bed and when she was done she asked again if i was oka to drive home and i answered with are you trying to kick me out and she said no i just dont have anything to offer you.I told her we could go to sleep and she said well i guess thats fine but im not very comfortable with having guys sleep in my apartment and i said well are you scared im going to touch you and she said no.Anyway i helped her clean a little she gave me a long hugg and told me to call her as i walked out the door

Now im not going to think anything of what happened so i dont fall into the trap again but what do i do i do now? i dont think ill be contacting her yet well she contact me? i dont have any other prospects and that was last saturday that this happened and its now sundy.Oh no im thinking again.......i kno sooner or later im going to find myself just about to call her.The boyfriend is long gone but i guess that doesnt really matter
May 23, 2006
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Well, that's not too bad, you are high up on her 'friendship' ladder, watching movies together and cuddling. It's unlikely, but it's possible to jump to the 'relationship' ladder - that's where the real skill would come in - but I defer to the other experience board members on advice on how to do that. So it seems that you are her 'best friend' - so maybe you could convert that into 'boy friend'.

Now, this is a good test of the ladder theory which says there are two ladders - friendship and relationship. According to ladder theory, the girl had the bf in the 'relationship' ladder and you were on her 'friendship' ladder simply because the bf has the masculine jerky traits and qualities and you have the 'nice guy' traits - but not masculine or exciting enough to 'turn her on'. ( Simply put - if you can portray yourself as having the more masculine qualities her bf have - then you can convert this to a relationship.)

Guess it's a problem us 'nice shy girly sensitive and inexperienced virgin guys' all seem to have. We just seem to have very little luck when it comes to getting a relationship with these feminine 'girl next door' types that we are really attracted to and end up having to find a slvt afterwards to get laid because of all the accululated blue balls with that dead-ender (but I'm sure you wouldn't go that far) or settle with a relationship where you are not as attracted to her.

So, right now, it seems that you may have pleutonically intimate play with her, but it wont be able to convert to relationship/sexual because she doesn't see you that way - and if you really want more (i.e. relationship) then you start seeing the glass wall. That's why she would ask you to leave the apartment afterwards. She would have a different attitude if it was her bf or someone she was really attracted to so clearly there is a double standard somewhere.

The dissapointment here is that you are never good enough for her to have a relationship and you feel like half a man in that dynamic. How would you feel somewhere down the road if a random stranger or another guy ends up sleeping with her or having a relationship with her while all you have is blue balls from all that pleutonic intimacy - and she wont even remember your name when she's with a guy she's really into.
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Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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Reading intraining's posts reminds me of my worst of worst days of AFC'dom. You don't ask her for permission, you do what you want and however she responds, whatever. In other words, you need to grow some testicles.
May 23, 2006
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paulwis said:
Reading intraining's posts reminds me of my worst of worst days of AFC'dom. You don't ask her for permission, you do what you want and however she responds, whatever. In other words, you need to grow some testicles.
Yeah, this is a classic AFC case and the very reason these boards and industry exists.

Intraining is her cuddle b1tch.

Just some advice - watch out for her and run.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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Alright i guess its best that i just forget about it and take it as a loss.I wish i didnt **** up so bad early on.Another one lost due to my inexperience.Was really hoping for her to become a **** buddy


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Yeah it sucks loosing girls to inexperience. Even at 26 I'm still doing that. But the one thing you have to realize is that even now you are gaining experience. Keep chasing girls and learn from your mistakes.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
Bro, you should step up the efford with this one. You need to start doing and stop talking.

Take her to an expensive dinner. Rent a tux and a limo. Buy her flowers and then confess and tell her that you cannot keep living if it is not with her.

Do whatever it takes. Borrow money if you must.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
You know its pretty bad when even Luke Skywalker is pointing out the obvious to you.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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Gangster Of Love said:
Buy her flowers and then confess and tell her that you cannot keep living if it is not with her.
that would be a big mistake
Nov 18, 2007
Reaction score
fawk the drama..

in spite of any doubts of fears,if you really want to get this are going to have to take action in spite of your fears.

Plan a 'night in'

take her out,relax,go casual and just play it cool..not cool like rico suave or some douche you seen on tv..but 'cool' like it's no big deal.

Get her ALONE and make a move..nuff said. Follow your instincts in what to do..unless you are a total dunskee you can kinda tell if the vibe is right or not-attentive and receptive to your advances or unsure and uncomfortable?

no means no.

You could always just start with the make out and slowly lead it on to more til you are both nekid grinding private parts.Wetting the water hole prior to sticking in your willy is always a good thing.

Just remember ,guys are light switches and girls are have to turn the power on slowly not just shove in the meat when it's cold and expect it to be ready to cook!

when in her out or dig for more treasure(fingers?)

Remember how horny you get when you are watching porn and how badly you just wanted to pop one off? that's exactly the same feeling girls get when they get just have to get her to that point before her feeling it's right to have sex.That means getting her alone and relaxed enough,if she likes you and you get her to that point of no's a sure success.:rockon:



Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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i guess i could try again and if it doesnt work its just practice cuz i really need it


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2007
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Just show a lot of confidence and keep her happy nam saying? cant be more harder than that and if she not satisfied then oh well still another 3 billion girls left!


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
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The Island
Hey man wazup!
Well my answer is gonna be short, your actions are going to be large:
- Read de DJ bible.
- Man UP!

Id suggest moving onto another girl. But I guess you could just try gaining some XP by:
- Applying some freakin kinO!
- Do exactly what you wanna do, wanna kiss her?: kiss-test her, if she acepts: escalate KINO.
if she doesnt: get the hell oute there!

There are many fish out there.. so dont worry about this one.
Need practice?: Read bible>Apply what you learned>Improve>Apply>Improve...etc

Hope this worked.. =)


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
I gotta agree with those suggesting practical solutions.

As far as I'm concerned, this is not a lost situation. If you actually make a move on her you will go up 10 notches on her "is this guy a man?" rating and if she's feeling horny at the time she might give in to a kiss. She's already comfortable enough around you.

So what you do is stay friends, but over the span of a couple of weeks, show less and less interest by calling less or whatever. At the end of that span, you invite her over for a night in (it would be ideal if she invites you and you just accept). Be a bit colder than usual. A bit ****y. A bit funny. Touch her more than you normally would do while teasing her and then move in for a kiss once you feel the moment is right. Preferably right after you feel some sexual tension (which will usually follow after you touch her and make a joke about her).

If she lets you kiss her, you've just proven that you're a man. Come back and tell us exactly what happened and we'll give you more advice.

If she doesn't let you kiss her, give her a nonchalant "OK", freeze her out, say you better get going and leave.

Forget about her unless she calls and invites you again WITHOUT mentioning the events. This might be a sign that she's gonna let you have your way the second time around.

If she doesn't invite you, or she does mention the event in a negative way, or says she just wants to be friends. FORGET ABOUT HER FOR GOOD.

Just my opinion.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
So if she doesnt bother to call in the next few weeks just forget about her? damn i would really like another chance to do all those things.I was thinking if she doesnt call i will come the 14 because i want to see i am legened(new movie with will smith)