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Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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hi, i want to find out if anyone here had any success with these products, has anyone ever tried them, do they work? if anyone had used them plz let me know if they are worth the time and money. i want to try one of these products offered on one of the websites heightmax.com, i am only 5'5" and in desperate need of gaining 3 or 4 inches, cos most of the girls i come across are taller than me which sucks does anyone recommend any of these products if you do let me know....


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
DONT use any of those pills or anything, they dont work and can sometimes be very dangerous. Do a google search on it, there is a site dedicated to showing how those things dont work and what the worst ones are, Heightmax might be one of them i forget.

Im 5'9 so i feel your pain about being pretty short too


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
yeah, i have the same feeling about these products that claim you can gain 6 to 7 inches in 2 months, but the thing that set heightmax.com from others is that i heard about this product on my local radio station, which is pretty big and very popular here in seattle, so if they are trying to sell this product by advertising it over a radio than it must have some credibility to it, especially if a the source is reliable, and i have never heard of any other product being advertised over a radio so i thought this might just work.....

more replies would be appreciated....


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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Next time you go to a doctor, ask him if stuff like that is dangerous. If he says its not...whats the harm in trying it other than wasted money if it doesn't work?


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
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Los Angeles
donjoe said:
the thing that set heightmax.com from others is that i heard about this product on my local radio station, which is pretty big and very popular here in seattle, so if they are trying to sell this product by advertising it over a radio than it must have some credibility to it, especially if a the source is reliable, and i have never heard of any other product being advertised over a radio so i thought this might just work...
Dude... wow. Just because this company has the advertising dollars to purchase air time, the product must have some reliability?

This just shows you why advertising executives laugh all the way to the bank because of chumps who believe everything they're fed through the media.

Do yourself a favor... hit the gym. Work on your inner game. You don't think there are a million hot girls in the 5'1"-5'5" range? Give me a break. I'm 5'7" by the way.

Sammer VII

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
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Being 6,5 isnt all that great sometimes... Just sometimes though...


May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Accept yourself, man. Some girls like short guys. But yeah, I bet it must suck.


Don Juan
May 4, 2006
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guess what untill i was 18 or 19 i never thought about it at all. I don't mind having a smaller build. I think its a mental thing, I've met alot of tall baby b!tchs. if your short you've had to earn to it, if your tall its given to you so your mind is weeker. its not every tall guy but i can pick out the week ones who front.


New Member
Jul 6, 2006
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ummm no

As someone who has studied the human body I can tell you in no way, shape or form will pills like that work. Your height is pretty much predetermined before you enter adolescence, barring any injury or malnutrition. Just accept your height and try to spin it in your advantage, it makes you unique!


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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chaosphere said:
Dude... wow. Just because this company has the advertising dollars to purchase air time, the product must have some reliability?

This just shows you why advertising executives laugh all the way to the bank because of chumps who believe everything they're fed through the media.

Do yourself a favor... hit the gym. Work on your inner game. You don't think there are a million hot girls in the 5'1"-5'5" range? Give me a break. I'm 5'7" by the way.
don't want to be rude, but u dumb or what, if i believed everything that was fed through the media i would have already spent 100's of dollars instead of coming on here asking u ppl for advice if these products work or not, why the hell do u think i come here asking for advice before buying the product. I want to know if someone really used the product and had success.


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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mixmasterbert said:
could someone find a e-book or site on growing taller?
yea someone who knows anything like that, or have real life experience using them...


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Dontbeapuss u absolutely think its not going to work, u might wanna check out the site and let me know if its credible or not....


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
donjoe said:
Dontbeapuss u absolutely think its not going to work, u might wanna check out the site and let me know if its credible or not....
i'm short to man 5'6 and i read bad things about taking pills to increase your height but there is a famous guy who grew about 2 inches after a 3 year enlistment in the army his name was audie murphy so maybe exercise has something to do with gaining height who knows


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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South Bend
by the way being short isn't so bad either i know one guy who says he loves being short and sometimes people will be surprised by how strong you are if you are short


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
thanks for cheering me up...but why does that guy love being short? is he getting a lot of azz? does he get all the ladies? when walking in the mall he can look under the girls skirts without bending? how short are we talking here?....

back to the orginal topic, i need to know if i should be buying this stuff? i am still not convinced that its all that bad,i haven't heard anything on here to convice me that its dangerous or a health hazard, whats the argument against these products?..... of all the thousands of products something has to work?


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
well if u are really desperate u can always cut off ur legs......i know i am maybe i will get a bone transplant....kidding, seriously nobody here has anything to do with heightincreasing pills or herbs....


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
donjoe said:
thanks for cheering me up...but why does that guy love being short? is he getting a lot of azz? does he get all the ladies? when walking in the mall he can look under the girls skirts without bending? how short are we talking here?....

back to the orginal topic, i need to know if i should be buying this stuff? i am still not convinced that its all that bad,i haven't heard anything on here to convice me that its dangerous or a health hazard, whats the argument against these products?..... of all the thousands of products something has to work?
man i don't know why he likes being short i hate it but this guy can get ass because he wears his army acu's all day and he is a decent looking guy but if you feel you should buy it go ahead but i have triend something that wasn't heightmax but i didn't get results with it but i probably wan't using it right heightmax does sound pretty good and they advertise it on the radio so try it let me know your results and get back at me

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
back to Paris, missing the USA
There is no way and I repeat no way in this world that some pill or medication or machine can make you taller!!!
Otherwise we would never see a short rich kid on this planet.:nono:

But I completely understand what you are going through. I don't know how old you are now, but when I was in highschool, I almost fell for a scam like that for some pill. Although I'm avery reasonable and cautious person, plus my mom's a doctor and was telling me not to do it. But the frustration was so painful that I was ready to give it a try...

Fortunately I didn't do it...:) I was 174cm (5'8 and a half to be precise) at that time, I'm still the same height now. The shortest guy at my high school was 172cm (5'8), and he was being called "the dward" so often that people won't call him his real name. Just imagine how this put pressure on me although I wasn't directly targeted.:(
At the same time, some fake punk trying to pass himself as a great guy had the favor of the ladies simply because he has an attractive face and he was tall. Plus this guy would make racist or derogatory remarks against me...

I hated my height so much that I was ready to do anything just to get a few inches. Even my parents were worried since I would complain everyday about how much they gave me bad genes and such. I was getting this masochist revenge by deliberately hurting them and myself emotionally. Although I knew it was wrong, I still kept doing it.:nervous:

The most painful part was that everytime I saw a beautiful girl in the streets, in the metro, who was of my height or taller, I would have this huge feelig of frustration. I thought I would never be able to have a girl like that, "a girl like that would never ever be attracted to a guy like me, a lousy dwarf! dwarf dwarf dwarf!!":cry:

And then with time, I grew out of it.:D Not because I'm some kind of special guy with a tough mind. It just that my positive experience with girls, and even hot tall beauties gave me confidence. It didn't come over night. But now looking back, although I can uderstand my previous situation, I still can't believe how bad it was.

Now I'm really at peace with my height. It doesn't mean that I have the "I compensate in other fields" mentality, because it would still mean that it bothers me. I simply don't think about it anymore, just like I don't think about my hair color, my nose shape or things like that.
Sure I would be real happy if by some magic I gain a few inches overnight. But that would only be the icing on the cake.

Now I admit that sometimes I enjoy the "achievement" of having hot tall girls being more attracted to me than to some other dudes who's 5 inches taller. But it's only for the amusement of me ego, nothing more.

I admit that I prefer taller girls, 5'7 to 5'9, and slender and leggy. And in my book no girl can be rated above 8.5 if she's not tall.

I know maybe it sounds old, but it's the truth: learn to accept who you are and develop a great personality. Maybe there will be thousands of girls who won't even look at yoiu just because of your height, but many others will only care if you are a great guy.:up: Stay away from the scams!


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
thanks for that leparisien.

anybody else who has had success with heightgrowth pills, mediaction?
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