Heard this statistic today


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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I was listening to the radio this morning, and heard them say this...

67% of women in America say they do not like this quality in a man even though it is a good quality.. what is it?

A: He’s too nice

Not sure of the survey, who they surveyed, where, what age, but that's what I heard.

Inputs? You think its too high? Higher than you thought? Dead on?
Wonder what a survey like that would be in other countries? Not from one, so I cant say how other women are. Is it a general thing for ALL women, or do some countries, and cultures differ than America? Just a thought.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
That's bad.

AFCs and all males need to get on the ball.Does everyone on this board see the urgency..the absolute urgency in getting on the ball and shedding the AFC poison from their blood and their mind? The years of programming?
And become Men? Masculine Men.
It's our Right. No SOB is taking that away from me.

This is fvcked up.
Do you see the correlation between this sh*t and the Divorce rate?
Women settling with men whom they don't love, and were barely attracted to.

You see what happens when we get programmed with bullsh*t?
We fvck up entire generations.
Fvck up Nature. Harmony. The true order of things.
We (Society) make women feel like they have to be men, women secretly resent it, of course as women accept no responsibility, and men are told to be more like women. Men, thinking they;ll get more pvssy this way jump all over it, and in a deranged abandonment of their masculine senses dive headlong into a life of mortification in dealing with women. The Infinity Gauntlet begins. Andyou get turned into hamburger.
And many women still cannot see it from our perspective.
"Why don't you act like a man??!!"
"You're a man! FCS!! Grow a pair and have a backbone!!"
They're right. But in their self delusion and Womaniverse can't see our side of the story.

And then the women hate men for being what "they really want."
And think to themselves : "Who the fvck taught this guy how to treat women? Has he ever gotten laid? Where the Hell did he learn that? His mother? Does this chump think I'm his mother?!!"
Then the males get confused, get no help, no clarification. Because of course How Could Society Be Wrong?
We went to your schools. Read your newspapers. Followed your rules. Read you history books. Took your advice. And we're fvcked.
Women are "settling" for Beta males who support them and thier children in exchange for cooking, cleaning, and occasionally letting the BM put it in her. And then she will negotiate out of that, by making him feel dirty and that Sex "is bad". "IS that the only thing you think of?" Is that the only thing you think of me as?"

Does anyone see just how fcked up this is getting to be?
Do you see the long term ramificatiosn of skeweing people's minds like this?
A nation full of emasculated men, and butch women who think they're entitled to everythign because of the Golden Pvssy.
I'm pissed.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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I guess too, i'd like to see what the definition is of TOO NICE to women.

I'd like to see them handed a list of questions, that said...

1. Guy opens a car door on first date

A. Duh he should
B. I can do it my dang self
C. Too nice

I mean they need to fill out a damn bubble sheet with tons of questions related to nice or how they define it, then let us read it.

My term of nice has always been just to respect a woman, not abuse her, and things of that nature.

I mean if we were on a date and just walking, and she said hold my purse for a sec, sure I would if she had to grab her phone, or do something like that, and the phone was in the pocket and her other hand had a to go box in in it from a place we ate.

Now if she said... hold my purse just cause and kept walking i'd be like... You have two hands dont you? I said that once before. NO REASON for me to carry the girls purse, and I was like... God gave you two hands didnt he?

But I agree with many things you said. What's right is wrong and wrong is right.

You get yelled at if your too nice, and yelled at if your not nice enough.

But regardless, 67% is getting up there. Well to the point of almost only 25% who think otherwise.

Numbers, it would look like this.

Surveyed 1,000 women

1,000x.67= 670 women say a guy is too nice

1,000x.33= 330 women say a guy is just right (or what ever the other option may be)

If your the REAL nice guy you could go... Well, there are still 330 out there who think otherwise, or you could go... CRAP, that's 670 out of 1,000 that think a guy is too nice.

Then you have to analyze where you are. Are you TOO nice, getting close, or just right? If you have tons of success I guess your on the ball.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
I'd like to see this statistic rise, just opens(the legs?) more options for those of us who understand how women are wired.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
There not saying they like guys to be nice. Just that they don't want them TOO nice.

TOO nice guys are those that are trying to manipulate them into feeling something for them because they're insecure. Basically guys who they can't have an adult relationship with.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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I' sure the statistic will rise. Or who knows, maybe one day it will drop drastically. My guess is the first.

What will women want in 100yrs when i'm dead and gone? Who the hell knows.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
I really thought it would be higher than 67%, hmm go figure.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
their true preference is a lot higher than 67%. Many women just don't realize what they want.


Jul 27, 2005
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Kingston, Can-a-duh
Surveyed 1,000 women

1,000x.67= 670 women say a guy is too nice

1,000x.33= 330 women say a guy is just right (or what ever the other option may be)
And, Mr. Nice Guy, how many of those 330 woman are taken because they'll accept anything?

Most likely (we'll have to dig deeper, maybe my numbers are slightly off), but somewhere in the ballpark of 329?

What does that tell you? Don't be too nice, and you get to pick from the whole bucket.