HB8 that works at the gym showing interest?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
What up boys?

I got a pretty good idea on what my game plan is here, but it would be great to get some outside feedback.

I work in the same building as a really high end gym chain. Everyone that goes there are basically wealthy lawyers, doctors, hot moms, hot chicks etc. (people with money) So I go in everyday and hit up there "shake bar," and get myself a protein shake.

I first noticed this HB8 working behind the counter and me always being friendly would always go in the morning and say hello to her. Long story short by luck she was walking to work the same time I was walking back to my office and we struck up a convo. Exchanged names, got into some small talk and she asked questions and seemed genuinely interested. Not enough time to number close, and knowing I would see her again, I forgot about it.

Now today I went in to get a shake and she was waiting in line to get a protein shake. Her face lit up and she started a conversation with me. This would be our 3rd interacti She asked me A LOT of questions. Interest definitely seemed really high, body language was strong and after she got her shake she continued to stand there and chat with me. I flirted, mentioned she looked cute in her outfit (was wearing a cute dress) for an event the gym was having today. She even invited me to the event knowing I wasn't a member and said she would hook me up with some drinks!
BTW I forgot to add, the reason why I didn't number close today was there was a line of people behind me, the guy behind the shake counter was holding my drink waiting for me to pay so I felt rushed. We left off at her inviting me to the event.

My boss apparently knows who she is because he owns apartment buildings and she is one of his new tenants and claims she has a boyfriend she is on/off with. (yet to be confirmed)

I have enough ballz to just approach next morning I see her and ask her out but I am not sure if that is the "smoothest and most cool" approach to execute it. Even if I get shut down I know I can spin it where seeing her will still be cool. I just need a good approach on it.

Should I approach the desk straight up and ask? Or should I be patient and wait for another small convo to happen and go for the close then?

Tell what you guys think. Appreciate it!

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Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Why are you wasting your money on a shake everyday?


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
What up boys?

I got a pretty good idea on what my game plan is here, but it would be great to get some outside feedback.

I work in the same building as a really high end gym chain. Everyone that goes there are basically wealthy lawyers, doctors, hot moms, hot chicks etc. (people with money) So I go in everyday and hit up there "shake bar," and get myself a protein shake.

I first noticed this HB8 working behind the counter and me always being friendly would always go in the morning and say hello to her. Long story short by luck she was walking to work the same time I was walking back to my office and we struck up a convo. Exchanged names, got into some small talk and she asked questions and seemed genuinely interested. Not enough time to number close, and knowing I would see her again, I forgot about it.

Now today I went in to get a shake and she was waiting in line to get a protein shake. Her face lit up and she started a conversation with me. This would be our 3rd interacti She asked me A LOT of questions. Interest definitely seemed really high, body language was strong and after she got her shake she continued to stand there and chat with me. I flirted, mentioned she looked cute in her outfit (was wearing a cute dress) for an event the gym was having today. She even invited me to the event knowing I wasn't a member and said she would hook me up with some drinks!
BTW I forgot to add, the reason why I didn't number close today was there was a line of people behind me, the guy behind the shake counter was holding my drink waiting for me to pay so I felt rushed. We left off at her inviting me to the event.

My boss apparently knows who she is because he owns apartment buildings and she is one of his new tenants and claims she has a boyfriend she is on/off with. (yet to be confirmed)

I have enough ballz to just approach next morning I see her and ask her out but I am not sure if that is the "smoothest and most cool" approach to execute it. Even if I get shut down I know I can spin it where seeing her will still be cool. I just need a good approach on it.

Should I approach the desk straight up and ask? Or should I be patient and wait for another small convo to happen and go for the close then?

Tell what you guys think. Appreciate it!
Walk up start convo and ask her out. Quit screwing around.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
haha I knew I was going to get sh*t for waiting. You know every single time I see her there is always 5 or more people standing there listening to our conversation. Usually I am able to isolate the girl and go for the close.

Let me ask this, regardless of the end result IF I do get the boyfriend card, or not interested card whatever what are some good responses you use to leave things off cool. I will have to see her frequently and I don't want to show I get butt hurt because I really don't.

"Oh I have a boyfriend.." That's okay, we can still get to know each each other and hang out as friends. Is my usual line.



Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Might go against most people here when I say this, but to me when she says "I have a boyfriend" I abort.

For one I feel like it's desperate not to. It says
1. I have so few options, I'm willing to deal with you, even though you are getting drilled nightly by another man.

2. I have no morals.

I just feel like a chick whos interested wouldn't mention the boyfriend if she was really interested. She'd keep it a secret or downplay their relationship.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Might go against most people here when I say this, but to me when she says "I have a boyfriend" I abort.

For one I feel like it's desperate not to. It says
1. I have so few options, I'm willing to deal with you, even though you are getting drilled nightly by another man.

2. I have no morals.

I just feel like a chick whos interested wouldn't mention the boyfriend if she was really interested. She'd keep it a secret or downplay their relationship.
Yeah the few interactions we had she never mentioned a boyfriend. Even today I made a joke about her not being married and she responding with a cool "Yuuup I am not married." My Boss who is her new landlord (he owns apartment buildings) told me a few weeks back when I first saw her she was moving into one of his buildings with her boyfriend who is on/off.

I am beating the sh*t out of myself right now because I 9/10 close with the number question and tonight I just didn't. Still think I was smooth and casual about not doing it but tomorrow in the morning if she is working I am going for it. Might do something like:

"Hey how was the rest of your night? Yeah the DJ was so loud I didn't get a chance to ask you..(insert ask out here)"

Something along the lines of that. If I DO get the boyfriend card man the signal are there. She was even engaging in Kino tonight by touching my arm. F*CK haha.


Don Juan
Mar 2, 2016
Reaction score
You missed so many chances by now! So in all reality what do you have to lose by one more interacton and asking for her number? Worst case is a rejection, which is nothing


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
In this situation i might skip the number and go for a direct date

You: Hey, I got tickets for batman vs superman this weekend and my friend said he can't make it, would you like to fill in?

Her: Sure bla bla <a bunch of filler>

You: Great I'll pick you up xxxday at xx:00
What's your number so I can call when im on my way ..

You can replace movie with something else if you want, but i think it'd be a strong bounce back to show you actually are a man of action ..

If she declines without a counter offer move on


Don Juan
Mar 2, 2016
Reaction score
The direct date is a great idea, I overlooked that. cola has a good plan


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
In this situation i might skip the number and go for a direct date

You: Hey, I got tickets for batman vs superman this weekend and my friend said he can't make it, would you like to fill in?

Her: Sure bla bla <a bunch of filler>

You: Great I'll pick you up xxxday at xx:00
What's your number so I can call when im on my way ..

You can replace movie with something else if you want, but i think it'd be a strong bounce back to show you actually are a man of action ..

If she declines without a counter offer move on
I actually really like this idea bro! Now being that I don't know her weekend schedule how would you choose which day works best? I am thinking ask her out this weekend and then tell her she can pick the day which night works best for you? If I just say I have tickets Saturday and she is busy I screw myself. Thoughts?

Obviously a complete rejection of the movie idea is a simple alright cool no worries, I am sure I can get someone else who would be down to go. Something like that?


Don Juan
Mar 2, 2016
Reaction score
Give her multiple choices. "Hey I'd love to take you out Friday night, but I also have tickets to a show Saturday."

I bet money she accepts one or the other


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Give her multiple choices. "Hey I'd love to take you out Friday night, but I also have tickets to a show Saturday."

I bet money she accepts one or the other
This. Thats actually brilliant.
Way to play chess and not checkers.

If she declines this though definitely move on, highly unlikely she's busy both days

If she denies give her a slight neg.
"Oh, thought you were date material.. guess not"
^^ which is by the way the correct way to neg. It's not blatant, but clever little diminishments of her value.
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Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Geez....just ask her out....simple. Get the number after she accepts date.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Thanks for keeping me in check guys haha. I need that sh*t once in a while.

This morning went in to number close and looks like she is off work today. Spoke to my Boss this morning and found out she just leased an apartment with her boyfriend (both names on the lease) My boss is there landlord, which is how I originally first saw her. I am starting to re-think my approach. I still feel like I should approach just to see what she says lol. LIVING with the damn boyfriend, real talk..is there even a point to ask her?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
She seems pretty interested, I like the direct date idea vs. just getting her number. Better yet, stroll up to her counter, ask what time she gets off, and ask if she wants to join you for a drink when she's done working.

Most importantly, don't miss your window of opportunity. Anymore interactions with her that don't result in at least getting her number will cause her interest to fade fast.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
she just leased an apartment with her boyfriend (both names on the lease)
You pretty much have no chance and will almost surely get auto rejected... but make a move anyways. Do it for science.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
here is the thing, you shouldn't belive on waht your boss say, you don't know everything and even your boss can't know everything, do waht you have to do, if she refuse, your learn, if she goes for it you win, till she decline you everything is game,

also don't mention girls you are interested with other people, unless you are pretty sure they don't know then, and please don't mention names, when you do things get messy, or they will help you by ****ing you up unintentional, or they will **** you up intencional


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I see what you guys are saying. At the end of the day even if I get rejected she is definitely showing strong interest. I did have a thought. I remember being told things are rocky with her boyfriend but she still just signed a lease with him..so if I ask her out in front of other co workers she might be concerned with one of them ratting her out. (her boyfriend goes to the gym that she works at) So I think I might have to wait until she is alone at the desk or when I catch her by herself. That way I will get a true answer on where she is at. If know one is around to listen but her and I, who knows what she has in mind. Agreed?

I also agree with shutting my mouth about a girl and not telling other guys. I have been c*ck blocked before. My boss is cool though, older married guy. I asked him on the DL he did say she lives with him.