Have a date with a really HB...


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Guys,

Sorry I haven't posted in a week or so, but school is unfortunately catching up with me which limits my DJ time. You see, I have a date with a Tucker Max high 4 star, low 5 star (out of 5) girl this Thursday. She is considerate, laid back, and I could get laid with a group effort here. Hopefully I can get a regular thing going here if I work it right. I was just wondering if any of you DJs had any methods that any of you would like to share to maximize my chances of success. Now, she already has a moderate interest level in me I just need that extra boost to leave the competitors in the dust.

Don John NJ

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
New Jersey
Keep eye contact. Kino. Escalate.

Just make sure you stay out of the friend zone and convey that you have sexual interest in her without coming across as a pervert.

You can try a little C&f and see what happens but dont over use it.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Where's the date? Might sound cliche, but I've recently discovered that movie dates are GOLD because frankly, it's your ticket for roughly 2 hours of kino. If you can't get a girl drippin by then, you need help.

KINO KINO KINO just be sure to start slow and work your way up. Better than any lines or jokes or anything that comes out of your mouth.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
The date is at a resturant. I know it is typical, but I know I need to captue first this woman's mind first, then move to her emotions, and then I can have her fvck me on command when I move to the physical stuff. As DJNJ said I am going to escalate.

To get her to come home with me and to keep her coming back for more like an addict I need power over these three things. Are there any specific pharses or techniques that you guys use to embody this kind of power? B/c I know any guy who knows how to do this is a DJ by definition.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
maybe this is just me but dinner dates are baaaaad until after you've had sex. 1) they're pretty boring even if you do have "great conversation" and 2) you have VERY few opportunities for kino, which is more powerful than any of this other crap.

think about it .. how are you gonna kino, and how are you gonna escalate past a certain point at a dinner table???? at a movie for example, you can be sitting next to her with your legs in contact with each other right off the bat (nothing weird about it), have your hand on her thigh within minutes, and kiss her all before the previews are done. then you can move on to other things once the lights get low.

if it's not too late I recommend you change the date to be more action oriented (doesn't have to be a movie, but they work for me) where you can sneak in more kino. trust me .. it's way faster than "capturing her mind, then her emotions"

there's nothing wrong with a bite to eat or a quick meeting at a coffee shop, so long as you're going to do something after (and I really doubt you'll be going back to your place after a dinner unless she's REALLY into you)

92 GSR-4

Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Wow. Man I never take women to dinner anymore. If you want an awesome date (even if she truly sucks as a person), take her to an "action" date. Someplace where theres fun to be had. I actually have a few theories on places like: put put courses, bowling alleys, mountain climbing places, etc.

First, it gives you something to put your mind to. If your sitting at a restaraunt talking...then thats all your doing...besides stuffing your face.

Second, I personally LOVE taking girls put putting. Not only do I have a great conversation while playing, but I get to be competitive (which women ARE), FUNNY (funny + fun = success), and save some cash.

Third, Anytime the conversation kinda falls out, just stick your club between her legs and mess up her shot. Works every time. The kino will be there naturally because everytime you make fun of her missed shot or intentionally screw her up, she will most likey push you or whatever. The kino will be there!

Lastly, she will remember you because you were fun. You weren't like all the other guys who took her to dinner and a movie. Save that stuff for later down the road when you'll do more at the movie than just watch it.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
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Suave said:
The date is at a resturant. I know it is typical, but I know I need to captue first this woman's mind first, then move to her emotions, and then I can have her fvck me on command when I move to the physical stuff. As DJNJ said I am going to escalate.

To get her to come home with me and to keep her coming back for more like an addict I need power over these three things. Are there any specific pharses or techniques that you guys use to embody this kind of power? B/c I know any guy who knows how to do this is a DJ by definition.
You need to capture her emotions first. Her "mind" (IL) will follow her emotions, not the other way around. Seriously, unless you spend countless hours practicing the art of conversation, especially with women, a dinner date is going to bore her to death. Grab some food on the go and do something exciting, anything that will make her smile and laugh - and therefore want to be with you.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, so the dinner thing early on seems to be a bad idea. As for a movie, maybe. I would take her on an action date but its the middle of winter and it is cold as hell out. I'm going to try to think up something good and I'll let you guys know.

Don John NJ

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
New Jersey
Personally I like the PUA's stand on taking women out on dates. Dont. Lol. But if thats what you want to do I would definately ditch the dinner idea and do some miniature golf like someone else suggested.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
You guys are definately giving me some good insights. I'm scratching the whole go to a resturant dinner date thing. Instead I came up with a new idea. I can't go mini golfing DJNJ, have you been outside recently? its fvcking 20*, lol, I'm from CT!

Instead I've decided on the movie thing. I like the idea of it being a good opportunity for kino. the movie is scheduled for around 7:30 and I'm picking her up at 6. So that gives me about an hour to do something fun with her before hand. She is into this specialty food stuff. Personally I've never had some of the stuff that she mentioned and I am a innanely curious person to begin with so I thought I would give it a shot. She could help me prepare some of this stuff in the kitchen b/c I have never worked with it before. This I think would be a great opportunity for kino which would get us both "warmed up." We would be laughing and getting physically charged as we are navigating my kitchen, "accidentally" bumping into one another. Then the movie would just put the physical connection over the top.

What do you guys think about this idea?

It is unique, it allows for kino, we are constantly on the move so the chances that it will get boring are low, and it is kind of adventurous on both our parts as I love to cook and she loves this type of food.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Also Don John NJ mentioned that PUA don't take women on dates. My question to that is what else is there to do once you get a woman's interest level up?

I mean you can always go to a party and pimp girls. Which I have done. You can go to the bar with her, you can meet her with her and your friends somewhere, you can go to the club with her, etc, etc. But I don't understand the logic of not wanting to take a woman on a date because as I adressed in my question whatelse is there? I know some of you are going to say fvcking, but honestly guys we have to keep it interesting inbetween the fvcking unless that is all your relationship is based on with the girl and in that case it will be easier for her to move on to some other guy because realistically any guy can just fvck a hot girl. Don't be fooling yourself that you are special b/c you "do it to her right" or "you are the best." thats all a bunch of BS she says to make you feel better when she has 3 other guys lined up that you don't know about. I look at all of the great PUA in history and yes they did "seal the deal" with most of their targets. But they also were special in the fact that they kept the women coming back for more because of what they did and how they acted inbetween the rewards.

Remember guys, we all love to fvck and all of us know how to do it *I hope.* But what seperates us, the DJs, from everyother guy is the power we hold over women. I just don't see how we can accomplish getting this power hold over women without getting them alone with us, ie a date.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
If you do a movie, I heard horror movies are the best for dates. She can grab you when she gets freaked out, it'll get her adrenaline pumping, and she'll see you as her protector.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
It doesn't matter what movie it is. Funny, scary, action, whatever. Just don't go to a chick flick. F that. Half the movies I take my dates on I don't even end up watching the whole thing. You don't really need THAT much time beforehand to "warm her up". I've taken a first date girl back to my place after just the movie and maybe 10-15 minutes of time spent together before the previews started. The key is to take EVERY opportunity for kino and escalate escalate escalate.

When you first see her, hug her. Give her a REAL hug, not that friendly pat on the back bs. I'm talkin bear hug. Sniff her hair while you're hugging her and tell her she smells good. BAM. This is assuming she does smell good. If she stinks .. umm .. bail.

Anytime you're walking into a narrow area (stairs, into a doorway, into the theater hall) let her walk in front and put your hand on her lower back as if to lead her. Brush into her as much as possible. Kino kino kino. When you're walking together, walk so close to her you end up touching/bumping shoulders from time to time.

10-15 minutes of this and you can easily get your hand on her thigh once you sit at the theater. From then it's like 2-3 minutes before you just go for the kiss. Always go 90 let her come 10 (got this from Hitch lol but it's true). And then it's on for the rest of the movie.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
md3sign said:
Always go 90 let her come 10 (got this from Hitch lol but it's true). And then it's on for the rest of the movie.
hahaha...I love that quote bro, good advice.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
I would never go on a movie date for a first date.

I think I learned that rule in 5th grade.

But, if you guys have some history, maybe it would work.

Otherwise, there is nothing more worse than sitting next to someone for 2 hours, who you don't even really know.

Unless she is a total slut, what would you expect most decent/attractive women to do when you start rubbing up on them in the dark, in a public place?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Scought said:
I would never go on a movie date for a first date.

I think I learned that rule in 5th grade.

But, if you guys have some history, maybe it would work.

Otherwise, there is nothing more worse than sitting next to someone for 2 hours, who you don't even really know.

Unless she is a total slut, what would you expect most decent/attractive women to do when you start rubbing up on them in the dark, in a public place?
I'm thinking you're not very comfortable working up chicks physically when you first meet them. I've been there myself - watching a movie with a chick and feeling awkward cause we were just sitting there not talking or anything. But that's not why you go to the theater!

It's all about the kino part of it. Lights go out and it's on. And no you can't just start rubbing them up in the dark all of a sudden - it's takes a lot more kino and escalation on your part beforehand, but it's definitely doable in a movie theater on a first date. Trust me on this one. And they don't have to be sluts or unattractive. Everyone's been so brainwashed with all this socially acceptable crap like kiss closing a date etc etc.

Women want sex just as much as guys, even more if you ask me. Who says you can't take a girl home the first time you hang out? That doesn't make her a slut. That just means you played your cards right. Sure some chicks require more work, but you'd be surprised how far you can go if you stay aggressive (not violent mind you) and go after what you want. If a chick is taking the time to go on a date with you, she WANTS YOU SEXUALLY. Plain and simple. Keep that in the back of your mind and just go for it and you'll be amazed at how easy it can be.

So make that move, don't hesitate. You have nothing to lose if you keep blasting through that resistance. One of 3 things can happen:

1) she gives in (most of the time if you have any concept of kino escalation and foreplay)

2) she thinks you're disgusting or slaps you or something and leaves (very unlikely, you'd have to be a complete retard and have no idea what foreplay is i.e. you don't just go for her crotch, you start with a hug when you meet, move on to innocent bumps, hands, kiss, etc etc)

3) she clearly stops you (and this is where you have to realize the difference between LMR/ASD "we shouldn't" and "NO") because it's too soon for her - again this is rare if you play your cards right


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
md3sign said:
I'm thinking you're not very comfortable working up chicks physically when you first meet them. I've been there myself - watching a movie with a chick and feeling awkward cause we were just sitting there not talking or anything. But that's not why you go to the theater!

It's all about the kino part of it. Lights go out and it's on. And no you can't just start rubbing them up in the dark all of a sudden - it's takes a lot more kino and escalation on your part beforehand, but it's definitely doable in a movie theater on a first date. Trust me on this one. And they don't have to be sluts or unattractive. Everyone's been so brainwashed with all this socially acceptable crap like kiss closing a date etc etc.

Women want sex just as much as guys, even more if you ask me. Who says you can't take a girl home the first time you hang out? That doesn't make her a slut. That just means you played your cards right. Sure some chicks require more work, but you'd be surprised how far you can go if you stay aggressive (not violent mind you) and go after what you want. If a chick is taking the time to go on a date with you, she WANTS YOU SEXUALLY. Plain and simple. Keep that in the back of your mind and just go for it and you'll be amazed at how easy it can be.

So make that move, don't hesitate. You have nothing to lose if you keep blasting through that resistance. One of 3 things can happen:

1) she gives in (most of the time if you have any concept of kino escalation and foreplay)

2) she thinks you're disgusting or slaps you or something and leaves (very unlikely, you'd have to be a complete retard and have no idea what foreplay is i.e. you don't just go for her crotch, you start with a hug when you meet, move on to innocent bumps, hands, kiss, etc etc)

3) she clearly stops you (and this is where you have to realize the difference between LMR/ASD "we shouldn't" and "NO") because it's too soon for her - again this is rare if you play your cards right

Not true.

The very first time I see someone I do NOT want to be in the dark, saying nothing.......

Sorry, but I gotta know if a girl is worth my time. And if I have met her only briefly to get her number, I really don't want to sit through some movie to see what she is about.

Movies are pretty cliche. Much better ways to go than a movie.

I love the generalization, though. (note sarcasm). That just because I think a movie is a bad FIRST DATE idea, that I must have a problem with initiating 'contact.'
That simply is not the case. I was just adding my 2-cents that a movie really isn't a great first date.

The girl has to prove to me she is worth 2-hours of my time.

Much quicker, simpler, and cheaper ways of figuring out if a woman is worth my time.
Maybe as a future date I would suggest the movie--but she has to earn that.