Has anyone tried eHarmony online dating site ?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
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Hooligan Harry said:
I have not been here for ages and this post just about sums up why. Have plodded through the forum with a bit of time to kill and very little has changed here. Now I dont want you to take this personally, but you have just summed up the basic, bull**** beta attitude that sees you resorting to dating websites.

No doubt, the faggots here will be up in arms after this post

1) you will find well-educated, career oriented women?

So basically you are looking to meet a man with tits and a vagina? Or maybe you are a woman without tits but in possession of a penis? A womans education or career has absolutely no bearing on her quality or value as a companion to you. You are a man which means you play the role of provider.

In fact, the more time she spent on her education and the more time she has spent in the workforce will be directly proportional to the amount of feminised bull**** you will have to deal with. The workplace produces harpies and self entitled ****s in droves, but very few quality women Im afraid. Date enough of them and you realise they lack the femininity that makes women, well, women.

2) No big deal if you are not shallow about looks

Have you forgotten how to think with your ****? You are hard wired to be attracted to attractive women. You want to **** them every which way you can. This is not social condition worthy of condemnation, its ingrained in us as a ****ing species. You shame men for being men and in the process reveal exactly why you like career girls. You are a ***** who thinks dominant women are desirable.

3) We did not click after a while

Yep, she got tired of dating a woman and moved onto the next ****.

4) Long distance relationships were tough to manage

Why are you trying to **** women 6 hours away? Jesus, lift your skirt and grab your balls. Go and talk to the women who you find attractive. Get off the internet and get off the dating websites and go and say hello. Their career or education does not make them more compatible FFS. It makes them self entitled shrews more than anything else.

How this has not been pounced on should come as a surprise, but I forgot where I was.

So do any men hang out here? Or is it still a bunch of girls who think that the quality woman is out there, its just the needle in a haystack you need to find?

****ing delusional


I'd rather meet a woman that has her own money than one that is looking for a guy to leech off of.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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sifer said:
I did not read the thread, just the first post. I'll just say I was banned because I didn't seem serious enough. Nevertheless I knew people who tried eHarmony and got married meeting people there. Having tried other lesser known sites I'll wager and say it has real women.

Hmm that's what I always thought about that site. E Harmony : Where afcs go to wave the final white flag.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Women on dating sites are largely ugly. You can even sort by body type, but that hardly helps. They are fvcking ugly. Occassionally there's an exception, but i saw more cute girls at my softball tournament yesterday than I've seen on a dating site in months. Too bad they're all 21 and hanging on some d1ckhead guys I know have been arrested several times.

Nasty sh1t. America is an ugly country. Way too many women are complete pigs, and they all congregate online.

For your guys' sake, I hope it's just my area.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Eharmony just wants your money. They don't give a f**k about you finding love.

AFAIC, using POF gets better results. It works for me! Attractive women hardly go to these sites to find men because she can just come outside and say the word, and a man will bite. Maybe they'll go there to get their ego's stroked.

Paysites suck IMO. Use free sites. There is no substitute for real life game. Odds are when you talk to a woman, she's got multiple other men to choose from and we just gotta deal with that sh*t.

bam bam

Don Juan
Jul 16, 2008
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I was watching a sports channel earlier today at a friends place some promotion thing is going on next weekend for the whole weekend.. It gives you free access for the weekend or something.. give it a shoot see what results it generates you.. i'm not a fan of online dating in general it's way to artificial. But why not try something if it's being offered for free and your looking into it?


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
mrRuckus said:
Women on dating sites are largely ugly. You can even sort by body type, but that hardly helps. They are fvcking ugly. Occassionally there's an exception, but i saw more cute girls at my softball tournament yesterday than I've seen on a dating site in months. Too bad they're all 21 and hanging on some d1ckhead guys I know have been arrested several times.

Nasty sh1t. America is an ugly country. Way too many women are complete pigs, and they all congregate online.

For your guys' sake, I hope it's just my area.
Wait, you mean the girl that checked the spot for "Athletic" or "Average" actually MIGHT NOT BE!?

Say it isn't so!

Dating sites are a double-edged sword. MIGHT be good for a slump-buster, but far too many times have I seen women that have pictures with "The Angles" are far too many cliches within their profile, such as:

- Tired of the bar scene, want to find someone nice (Translation: I'm 31 and realize I'm past my expiration date and I am tired of being a slvt, night-in and night-out)

- Love long walks on the beach or through a park (Translation: Actually, no I don't, but it makes me seem like I am a romantic at heart. Buy me stuff)

- Want a nice guy (Translation: Treat me like dirt, I do Mexican hat dances all over nice guys)

- NO GAMES (Translation: I'll play games, but you better not.)

- No players! (Translation: I'll be dating 6 men from this site, I better be the only woman you go out with)

- If you don't like kids, then don't talk to me (Translation: I made a poor judgment of character with my ex and have a kid by him which I expect you to foot the bill for eventually)

- Tired of having my heart broken (Translation: I probably do all of the heart breaking)

- Interested in a man with his feet on the ground and with a steady career (Translation: Cha-CHING!)


New Member
Dec 18, 2010
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I'm 27 yrs and currently at the moment am focused on my acting career and eventually moving back to L.A ..this time for good..right now not making a whole lot of money ..so its not like i can really go out to places and drop money on drinks(for myself,not for a chick.never bought a girl a drink in my life and never will,i'am a bit selfish )..i just recently signed up with a site called Tagged ..and you know i picked up someone up shes and older broad not bad 6-7ish..honestly sites like this are just convienant for me..even though i would like to just be at a random place and be able to pick up broads..thats kind of why i'm hear..most of the chicks in the past i've gotten with we're usually through friends ..Now that im getting older i 'm more goal orientated .its what i care about more..but when it comes to looking for female company..i try to look for short cuts ..just because im just looking for a lil fun nothing serious and i have no plans of getting married or spreading my seed EVER !..just saying don't knock Online Espcially if your looking to become a player and or a lover ..it makes things more direct..work smart..Not hard ..why chase when theres places where the females just put themselves out there in the open like that..Easy prey ..If i want to become a better person in general this is the very last site i'd come to period


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2004
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I'm about to try it. I'm 24 and new to Nashville. Right now it's $60 for three months. That's cheap enough for me to try it. If nothing else, I'll probably find a few of the hot spots in the town when going out.

I tried POF for a while. A lot of single moms wanting the knight in shining armor treatment. A few good looking girls who tend to be flaky. I think a lot of them think they are better than online dating and just want validation in the form of an active inbox.


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2004
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To those guys who diss online dating, chances are you have poor online screening techniques or you didn't give it an honest go.

I dont't understand why its a common thinking that girls online are ugly, unwanted or have big issues.

I'm been using online dating for 3months now and i've met a handful of really attractive, grounded, interesting women. They don't give me bull**** or flakiness, they know when to pick up the tab, funny, etc...

I agree that online dating is a whole different ball game. Use real life approaches and chances are you will be dissapointed with the results.

If you're looking for that HB9-10 20 yr old, then maybe online dating isnt for you.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
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Northern CALI USA
Listen take this from someone who completed an approach journal and regularly picks up girls in real life.....

There Is Nothing Wrong with Online Dating!

The flaking, ugliness when meeting up, female trauma exists in females period! I've had the same hardships and successes using both methods.

Just don't use online dating as a crush... just consider it another means to an end of getting pvssy!

enough said to all you naive haters!


New Member
Feb 11, 2011
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WHY does everyone hate POF? Is it because there are no free alternatives? Want to group together and make our own dating site? They're doing that at TheyFall, starting with letting the users pick a new name for it...plus, its FREE :)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
Southern States
Listen if you have to resort to online bullcrap then you know the came is over meaning you no DJ and never was ha ha.

Joke it is Joke it will be always and anyone promoting this crap on the forum shows his true colors.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
Southern States
Your post spells out desperation dude anything else you care to share about being desperate for vagina?


Reyaj said:
Listen take this from someone who completed an approach journal and regularly picks up girls in real life.....

There Is Nothing Wrong with Online Dating!

The flaking, ugliness when meeting up, female trauma exists in females period! I've had the same hardships and successes using both methods.

Just don't use online dating as a crush... just consider it another means to an end of getting pvssy!

enough said to all you naive haters!


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Powerlifter said:
Your post spells out desperation dude anything else you care to share about being desperate for vagina?


Considering I had relations with your mom, I can't argue with you...


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Ottawa-Gatineau ON/QC
I do have a profile with EHarmony, and would love to subscribe so to meet someone from my area as there seem to be plenty of choices which might match what I'm looking. Also, very often the site seems to do special offers where for 3 months you can pay only $60 (like at Zoosk and Cupid) rather then the regular $120 - which IMO is by far the highest from the sites I've checked. However, my problem with E-Harmony is there very restrictive payment methods - in others you have to have Visa or Mastercard to purchase. They don't accept checks, e-checks, not even PayPal which is way more safer then Credit Card. And apparently, not everyone can have a credit card, even people with a good finance record like me were told that I'm not eligible for a credit card for some sort of BS reason.

I'm starting to be really frustrated with Cupid.com because of its wackload of scammers and the fact apparently if I want others to respond without a subscription, they only seem to accept the credit card. Zoosk's problem is that there is no way to upgrade your subscription so that basic members don't need to subscribe in order to post or reply to a subscriber's message. I wish E-Harmony would allow E-checks or Paypal soon, because their payment method is quite discriminatory, which really sinks the quality of this site.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Ottawa-Gatineau ON/QC
I've just noticed that PayPal is accepted but not on the Canadian sites. WHY??? This doesn't make any sense whatsoever not to permit Canadian members to use PayPal as payment method and this is really discriminatory. A lot of users including myself have PayPal accounts so what we shouldn't be allowed to use PayPal on E-Harmony like the other sites? Just plain BS. They are ruining a lot of potential couple make-ups with this exception.

Though I was hoping that the Free Communication Weekend would have been promising and did sent Icebreaker questions to a slew of matches from my regions. But seems that the promotion wasn't really popular so far.


Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2010
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LeftyLoosey said:
Online dating is a mirage. It's a short-cut. If you have to resort to online dating, it means you've skipped the self-improvement steps that you need to take before you chase women. If you're truly making strides toward becoming a man, women will fall into your lap.

Also, think about it. What kind of women have to date online? The ones that men don't want. Think about how many opportunities an attractive woman has to meet men. Why should she have to go online?
Allow me to disagree
I had great success on Match
If you meet a woman in the street, 9/10 you're both on your way to someplace and there isn't a lot of time, so you exchange contact information and later go out on a "proper" date.
Online dating is just a more convienient way to meet chicks.
Just a few online conversations and then agree to meet at a Starbucks. I didn't even treat these Starbucks encounters as "dates".
I treated them as just another Starbucks trip for myself and that there was going to be someone there who might be "lay potential".
If you meet them and they lied in their picture (older, uglier, fatter), no big deal----you drink your $4.00 drink, talk a little, and then leave.....
If they're hot (most of the time they were...some were even better looking than their picture)....you make plans to see them again.
There were many instances where I would end my Starbucks meetings by making out with these chicks after I
walked them to their cars
One even followed me home and we slept together that afternoon.
The big drawback is that if a chick if halfway hot in her pic, she will get an EXTREME amount of emails and IMs and you will get lost in the abyss


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2004
Reaction score
Online dating is stupid IMO. I'm sure there are success stories, as there is always an exception to the rule. Any quality chicks don't need to go online to find a guy. The hot ones that are on there get their inbox's blown up by waves of guys. Turn the computer off and go outside.