Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
First this isn't a thread about sexual stamina. No it's a thread to proclaim that while I made a mistake taking a relook at a former girlfriend of years ago, I very QUICKLY deduced that a new Knight's Cross exhibited an action that I hope all SOSUAVER'S follow.
This weekend I flew up to DC for some business, and rekindled a flame that I had here in town. We spent thursday together, had a good time, slept together, yet there was a certain unease that I was feeling. It continued into friday. I realized that she was using suttle nagging, as a retribution for who I was, or things I had done wrong in the past. She said that she was glad I was in DC, and with her. I didn't immediately reciprocate, and then things started to slide even more. I was reminded in her words,"that I didn't listen to her." Interestingly the same reason she used in our breakup for her unhappiness.
I shouldn't have done it, but I fired back with a statement that she didn't even know who I was today. That I had changed some in the last 4 years, and she was holding me hostage for what I'd done or said 4 years ago. After about 20 minutes I had enough and grabbed my gear and headed for the door. The straw was when she stated that I was trying to control her thru fear. That was total BS. I said that if she was visiting me and wanted to bail, that I'd be scared I had done something wrong. She immediately launched on that and said that I was trying to control her. This woman was burned by a ex that was VERY controlling. THAT'S NOT MY ISSUE. That's hers to deal with.
I called a cab, went to a buddy of mine's place in Alexandria, and changed my flight home. While I was waiting on the cab, she drove by and asked if I needed a ride. I told her nope. Cab was on the way. She came back by about 15 minutes later. I didn't acknowledge her.
Ok yep go ahead brethren. I know I'm going to take a few shots for going back to a previous relationship, at least this time around at the first serious sign of disrespect I walked away. That's what I'm proud of.
Should have seen it then, but I'm posting this as a reminder of 2 things. DO NOT GO BACK. Once you take trash to the curb, leave it there. The second point is do not accept intolerable behavior. At the first serious sign of disrespect, walk away and pull a Houdini.



Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
great move

I just wanted to send you a job well done. Ya it was a bad idea to go back to the past. But at least you were able to clearly see why things didn't work the first time and got the heck out of there and didn't fall in to her little trap. It really sounds like she is stuck in the past and will probably remain their. your actions other then hooking back up with her for that short time. Such as kicking her back to the curb with the other trash and not falling for the bull **** female mind games and realizing you are better then that succubus. Are all true traits of a don juan. And as fare as giving here another chance no matter how briefly it lasted seems like it was a great maneuver for snapping you back in to DJ form. Besides that we all make mistakes as long as we learn from them .they only make us better men and DJs.:rockon:


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Knight's Cross said:
No it's a thread to proclaim that while I made a mistake taking a relook at a former girlfriend of years ago, I very QUICKLY deduced that a new Knight's Cross exhibited an action that I hope all SOSUAVER'S follow.

At the first serious sign of disrespect, walk away and pull a Houdini.

Great work KC. and if I were you I would be congratulating myself for "going back " because it brought an outcome in which you now KNOW why you left her all those years ago. The door can now be closed PERMANENTLY.
There are some poorly constructed and even more poorly conceived stategies promoted here at SS sometimes,and the popular one . "never root thru the trash" is one of them.. YES, you may get dirty, and yes, you may not find what you are looking for BUT you do get a powerful reminder of why you trashed the stuff in the first place.. Reinforced decisions are like stainless steel in strength.

Oh BTW. do not be surprised if she "hunts" you down or chases you or contacts you with a "teaspoon of honey ". You had the last word, you closed the door on her. That is anathema to women.
They feel "entitled" to dump you, not the other way around.
BE on alert for the big Hoover manuver..

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks All,
I think what clouded it for me was that this one and I broke up over basically life events that were beyond our control. I left DC for a new job, she was undergoing a LOT of work stress, loss of roomate (= rent $), loss of her animal, etc. It was too much for her, and she pulled the,"He doesn't listen to me" card. I didn't hate her for it, I was the guy that left town. I tried to make it work, but I was moving to Europe for the career. Plans changed and I stayed stateside, albeit 600 miles away from each other. I do believe she has GREAT fear of anything that even remotely percieved as control from a man. This is much easier to see this time around. Her fear translates to sabotage. So easy to spot this time. As long as I fit the little box she wanted all was well. Now that I'm over her dramatically in income and lifestyle I believe she sees that if we continued, it would be me the Alpha, and while at the same time that attracts her, it also repulses her. There's a sense that she would lose identity near me. That scares the heck out of her. So she nags, and calls me on things I did 4 years ago. Bottom line is I'm glad I walked. This story is now over.



Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Knight's Cross said:
I do believe she has GREAT fear of anything that even remotely percieved as control from a man. This is much easier to see this time around. Her fear translates to sabotage.

And this perception and fear of male control conflicts with a woman's innate NEED for a man to dominate her.

Thanks to all the 'woman power" and " all men are dogs" propaganda from the feminist pigs, academic faddishness , the civil service culture of male bashing and the feminized media, we now have a generation of women( perhaps two) in deep conflict. No wonder that going on a date sometimes feels like entering enemy lines.. And don't even consider an LTR with one of these fools of women who have soaked up this crap and now regard YOU as "the enemy".. God help the human race in the west.