Had unprotected sex last night...advice?


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2008
Reaction score
Me and my new gf were getting into it last night and long story short we wound up having unprotected sex. Fortunately I pulled out early. She was also on her period so does that lessen then chance of pregnancy? Also, do family clinics give free std tests? I'm posting because I called the nearest one and they apparently close at 11am, and another one charges 400$ for testing.. I'm not too worried but I still wanna be safe ya know? Answers please??? Thanks..


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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I am assuming you are in the states, I am not sure but I think if you look you can find a free clinic, even if you can't get into one go get tested anyway. It's worth the peace of mind.

Also, go and buy a box of condoms, you should always have at your place and hers. (Though if she has ones at her place that don't fit you, that should raise some red flags:wink:) And carry one or two with you. You know you are going to have sex, so there is no reason not to have one in arms reach.

Also I wouldn't worry to much if you trust this girl then you shouldn't have any problems.


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2008
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Yea but she has a pretty "rich" sexual resume. She's a nympho and she's told me about her sexual past. I'm the second guy she let go in raw...I'm kind of scared to ask a family member to take me to a clinic but I guess I have no choice. Thanks anyway.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
I think you're being paranoid. But if you really think she couldve given you something then you might as well wait until you feel any symptoms of an std then get check out. Going now wouldnt change the fact that you got an std (if you did get one), its not one of those things that can get reveresed if detected right away. My advice is dont do it again.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
Reaction score
Most states have free or nearly free clinics. Look up planned parenthood in the phone book. Calm down and relax, worrying will not make things any better. You probally will not know if you have anything for a while so try to get an appt next week but more than likely you will have to wait till after xmas..


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
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r0cky said:
I think you're being paranoid. But if you really think she couldve given you something then you might as well wait until you feel any symptoms of an std then get check out. Going now wouldnt change the fact that you got an std (if you did get one), its not one of those things that can get reveresed if detected right away. My advice is dont do it again.

For example: Chlamydia is most often a "silent" STD and if he passes it to a future GF it could ruin the relationship.


Chrom3y said:
Yea but she has a pretty "rich" sexual resume. She's a nympho and she's told me about her sexual past. I'm the second guy she let go in raw...I'm kind of scared to ask a family member to take me to a clinic but I guess I have no choice. Thanks anyway
Virtually all women do, get over it. Stop discussing that sort of thing with her or any woman in the future...that is a top 10 "protip"...don't ever engage in talking about your/her sexual activities. As far as the nympho thing, that's about a woman trying to protect herself from falling for a guy...she's been burned bad or has other issues about getting "too close". All women are nymphos when you turn them on in just the right way and you keep them chasing. Just get tested and DON'T DO THAT AGAIN AND DO NOT TRUST THE CONDOMS A WOMAN PROVIDES.

Also, if you got chlamydia or something similar, don't yell or get pissed at her...it's your fault and just get both of you fixed.

You're thinking with the big head, and won't make that mistake again, good for you.

Keep on evolving!


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
go to your drug store and get the day after pill the quicker you get it the better it works.


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
You can still get a girl pregnant while she is on her period because sperm can stay alive for a couple of days inside her body.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2009
Reaction score
Queens, NY
You probably just got chlymidia man, that's no big deal tho u just take a pill and ya stomach hurt for awhile and then you good. Imma just tell the truth shame the devil, raw sex is the purest best sex man. Condoms often eliminate the sensitivity man. But this ain't the 80s where you can run around plucking everything without a condom man. Also I see your young and I know u probably just wanted to get it on but never do these girls on there periods bro, thats a no no. Lol also another thing, if you feel ya girlfriend is loose and promiscuous and disease ridden then why make her ya girlfriend?


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
I dont worry about unprotected sex. I do it all the time and nothing ever happens. Worst I ever got was bacteria, easily treated. All this STD propaganda is turning people into hypocondriacs. I've had unprotected sex in at least 5 countries I can think of off the top of my head. Either I'm extremely lucky or the threat of STDs has been severly overstated.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
everywomanshero said:
I dont worry about unprotected sex. I do it all the time and nothing ever happens. Worst I ever got was bacteria, easily treated. All this STD propaganda is turning people into hypocondriacs. I've had unprotected sex in at least 5 countries I can think of off the top of my head. Either I'm extremely lucky or the threat of STDs has been severly overstated.
I agree with you to an extent. I've had raw sex quite a few times and I'm clean (as of a few months ago). you never know tho


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
T-Mack said:
You can still get a girl pregnant while she is on her period because sperm can stay alive for a couple of days inside her body.
Possible, but highly unlikey. Sperm can live in a woman for up to 5 days if the conditions are right. A woman ovulates around 14 days after the beginning of her period and doesn't generally have mucus that is of the quality that can sustain sperm life until a couple days before that. If this was day 7 of her period and she has quality mucus directly after her period, you should still be good by a day or two. You are probably safe there.

You probably do have the clap now though...:down:


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2006
Reaction score
Because of all the menstrual blood, your chances of contracting an STD are much higher.


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2008
Reaction score
Well it's been about a week now and I feel fine. So that eliminates a few diseases right? Or am I wrong? I'm still going to get tested just to be sure.

Thanks for the feedback guys.

jdollarthegreat said:
You probably just got chlymidia man, that's no big deal tho u just take a pill and ya stomach hurt for awhile and then you good. Imma just tell the truth shame the devil, raw sex is the purest best sex man. Condoms often eliminate the sensitivity man. But this ain't the 80s where you can run around plucking everything without a condom man. Also I see your young and I know u probably just wanted to get it on but never do these girls on there periods bro, thats a no no. Lol also another thing, if you feel ya girlfriend is loose and promiscuous and disease ridden then why make her ya girlfriend?
And it's not that I think she's loose or promiscuous, I just know she's had unprotected sex with one of her ex-boyfriends.

The sad part is that we fu***d again with no condom behind a nearby movie theater! I figured if I got something the first time then there's no turning back now...I need to educate myself. Is it possible to not contract something the first time having sex? I'll be sure to buy condoms with my Christmas money...