Grade Obama



Health Care

I don't think you understood my point. You can't claim something as a right if it has to be produced by something else. If there was no such thing as health insurance, and everybody had to pay cash money, everybody would still have to come up with the cash to pay for their health. Would you be opposed to that? Or you do think some people should receive more than what they pay in return? If so, do you acknowledge that if some people get more than what they pay in return, then some people have to pay more than what they get? If so, who gets to choose who gets more than what they pay, and who gets less than what they pay?


Using my above argument, people should have the ability to buy a gun, if they have the money to pay. I also believe that health care should be like guns. No money, no honey. No insurance middle man in the middle.

Free Speech

This only applies to "publicly owned property" not private property. The above two examples (guns and health care) involve exchanging private property (money) for other private property (drugs or getting cut open by a professional). Free speech doesn't exists on private property.

Fire Fighters

Nope, you the absence of government provided services is not barbarism, it's private solutions to the same problems.

For example, absent a government paid for fire department, there would still be firefighters, who would likely be employed by insurance companies, AND would be much more efficient that public fire fighters. Why? Because that guy's house that burned down is now going to have to be paid for by the insurance company. But if the insurance companies had their own private fire fighting companies, they would INCENTIVIZED to put out the fire before it destroyed the guys house. In fact, there would not likely be a fire in the first place, since the insurance company would do regular fire checks as part of the insurance contract.

You're using examples that are structurally different than health care. Veterans agreed to a contract, and the government is not fulfilling their part of the contract. That's different from politicians promising things to get elected and then expecting taxpayers to foot the bill.

I'm pretty sure you don't really know what capitalism is. When I advocate for no minimum wage, it's because I've been swayed by learned economists who explained it clearly and succinctly

For Example:

You'd do well to read a few books on economics .

So you want to attribute everything to a president that happened on his watch? You SURE you want to use that as pro/con evidence for Obama's presidency?

There's plenty more BAD THINGS that happened in America from 2008 to 2016 that "happened on his watch."

Here's just a few things that "happened on his watch"


Cubans may die because of Obama's last minute decision, that's what. That doesn't bother you?

Boycott of "which" people? The Cubans who are busting their ass to get here? Or all the other immigrants? Are you NOT in favor of Trumps immigration plan? Are YOU supporting open borders?

War With Cuba

So, if we don't have open borders with Cuba we're going to war? When did that happen?

I disagree. And I recommend (again) that you do some reading on economics rather than just repeating what sounds good to support your argument.

Lots of contradictions on one sentence. I don't want this thread to turn into a wasted lesson on economics that would end up falling on deaf ears, since you've more or less made up your mind.

But just a few points.

Smaller governments would make corporate fascism impossible, because it's the governments (bribed by the corporate fascists) that make the LAWS which protect the corporate fascists.

But your argument is essentially one of socialism over capitalism, based on the same arguments people generally use. Not original. Without governments, the strong evil people would dominate and exploit the weak and innocent people, and it's up to advanced and morally superior thinkers like you to point it out to us knuckle dragging, right wing fascists.

Just remember this old and true saying, young warrior of righteousness:

If you're in your twenties and your'e not a liberal, you have no heart.

If you're in your forties and you're not a conservative, you have no brain.

verily verily I say unto thee, young defender of the weak, seek the the truth, and the truth shall set thee free:

The Law - Frederic Bastiat
You called me a socialist, yet I was a supporter of Donald Trump, voted for him the day the polls opened in Florida, and got the vote out with my family and friends. The deciding issues this election were illegal immigration, radical Islamic terrorism, and cultural Marxists burning and looting in our streets.

You should check your condescending tone on your pseudo-intellectual economic talk, because you've just swung and missed badly in trying to categorize me. Once again, this country is already part socialist with everything the government provides from schools to bridges. Was this a socialist country when we already had all these programs under neo-con rule from 2000-2008? But I get it - from a far right point of view I guess a nationalist centrist like myself would appear to be a socialist.

Accusing me of wanting "open borders" is just patently false and either ignorant of my post history or intellectually dishonest, so I'm not gonna spend long on that.

We agree on Trump but disagree on Obama, because you on the far-right hate the man no matter what he does. You've got people in here in this thread who clearly dislike him, but are still objective in their analysis. You on the other hand took the 5 things I said he did well, attacked all 5 of them, and totally ignored the 5 things I said that diminished his Presidency. You're not an objective broker here because you went straight onto the positives, as if to say he did nothing right, and didn't even acknowledge the negatives.

Giving him a C+ is not a great score. I was critical but fair to the man. You came me like I was an Obama lover, which signals to me you're just one of those right-wing bomb throwers who hate him no matter what, and attack even the people who call it down the middle. I hope you're being tongue in cheek with that Carter caption because calling him the worst President in our history is one of the most ridiculous things ever said.

So I apologize, but I feel I'm talking to a far-right extremist here. Not to worry though. In 2017, the far left is objectively more dangerous than the far right. But you are indeed mouthing far right positions like we should abolish the minimum wage entirely. The fact that you say that, and you might get a few posters here on a conservative-leaning forum to chime in with tacit support on that point doesn't impress me. That is not a mainstream point of view and almost nobody in public discourse feels that way. Of the 20% of the population who doesn't want to raise it, almost none of them want to eliminate it altogether.

And for the record, asking "what benefit" was it to kill Osama Bin Laden tells everyone everything they need to know about your point of view. Pointing out that we trained the Mujahadeen in the late 1980's is literally the most irrelevant talking point imaginable in a post 9/11 world.
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speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
The IDEA behind the ACA was pretty good. The implementation and outcome of it were not.
The idea of doing SOMETHING about healthcare was what was good. I don't think any of us can deny that the healthcare business was corrupt as h*ll. Admins who can't do basic math, doctors blatantly f*cking people over charging $25 for a tylenol pill, insurance companies who more closely resembled used car salesmen than professionals. Demand for healthcare is just so d*mn high (because we're all terribly unhealthy), that they can do what they want.

However, everything about the ACA specifically was terrible. He took the middle class, who were paying the brunt of the costs, and made it more expensive, and gave free health care to the lower class, who were generally getting it anyway (hospitals cannot turn you away). The math never worked, ever. It was inexplicably stupid. But, he tried, and I give him credit for that.

The only way out of it is to get healthier, and HSAs.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
what is actually possible and sustainable.

How much poverty is sustainable, before the unwashed masses storm the Bastille and put heads on sticks? I don't know the answer, but when we cut countless millions of people out of their housing, food, and healthcare, we are going to find out. I can only presume that rich people just want poor people to go away and leave them alone. If you want that, if you ever want to be able to leave your mansion/fortress/prison and mingle with the little people, then you are going to need a system of social services that keep them satiated enough to not want to kill you and take your stuff.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
In case anybody wants to further reading on the Clinton budget surplus: Look up "1994 Contract with America" in Wikipedia. You'll notice that the major proponents of the Contract with America were derived in large measure from the 1985 State of the Union speech given by none other than Ronald Reagan.

Regarding Healthcare, the Obamacare thing is quite different than the public health concerns. We already have public health apparatus in place to handle that. We also require immunizations for children to attend public schools (and most private schools as well). We have NIH and CDC. So public health is a different animal.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Accusing me of wanting "open borders"
I asked:

"Are you NOT in favor of Trump's immigration plan."

That is not accusing you of wanting open borders. That is me trying to verify what I thought, that you were in favor of Trump's immigration plan.

because you on the far-right hate the man no matter what he does.
Nothing I said indicates I'm on the far right. And nothing indicates I hate the man NO MATTER WHAT he does. I was merely giving you my opinion that the five things you thought were GOOD about Obama's presidency could be seen in another light.

I feel I'm talking to a far-right extremist here.
Again with the right-wing name calling. Why do you think I am "right wing?"

Having a minimum wage of any kind prices low skilled people OUT of the market. This is simple to demonstrate with an understanding of the economic laws of supply and demand. Please read the following carefully:

I do NOT want low skilled people priced out of the market. I would rather they be able to get jobs, improve their skills and make more money. But if their skills are only worth $8 an hour to an employer, but the government forces that employer to pay that worker $10 an hour, that low skilled worker will NOT get a job. I DO NOT LIKE THAT SYSTEM.

PEOPLE WILL LOSE THEIR JOBS because of increases in minimum wages. I do not want people to lose their jobs.

you're just one of those right-wing bomb throwers
Nice. Another right wing dig.

But you are indeed mouthing far right positions like we should abolish the minimum wage entirely.
Your use of the word "mouthing' indicates I'm spitting out rhetoric that I don't understand.

Here are some books that I have read and understood, that indicate a minimum wage is BAD for low skilled workers.

In case you don't like to read:



Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
How much poverty is sustainable, before the unwashed masses storm the Bastille and put heads on sticks? I don't know the answer, but when we cut countless millions of people out of their housing, food, and healthcare, we are going to find out. I can only presume that rich people just want poor people to go away and leave them alone. If you want that, if you ever want to be able to leave your mansion/fortress/prison and mingle with the little people, then you are going to need a system of social services that keep them satiated enough to not want to kill you and take your stuff.
I'm not rich, I don't have a mansion and I don't want to kill poor people. Trust me, when the gates get stormed, I'll be in the group of rabble.

I was speaking in the abstract, not "what where do we go from here." IDEALLY there would be very little government regulation and most people would pay their health care with cash out of pocket. If people grew up under that kind of environment (and not under the current environment that everybody has a "right" to health care) there wouldn't be so many sick fat people.

I believe that government is the CAUSE of most of our social problems, but that DOES NOT MEAN I believe the solution is to snatch the rug out from everybody.

Getting THERE (ideal situation) from where we are NOW is impossible without killing half the country. I'm not in favor of killing half the country.

From we are now, I wouldn't advocate doing anything differently. I believe the system is so broken, so far gone that any fundamental changes would break it and many will die.

In fact, I believe that will happen anyway. In fact, part of me would like to see a societal collapse on the order of the Roman Empire or France. They don't happen very often.

However, back to my original assertion, HEALTH CARE IS NOT A RIGHT. But we've been told that for a few decades now, everybody BELIEVES IT (whether it's actually possible or not is irrelevant at this point).

But arguing that "health care is a basic right" is different than "we have to give people health care so they don't riot" are two completely different arguments. I agree with the latter, not the former.

As a side note, it's also an excellent long con political marketing plan. Because there are so many people dependent on government services, it virtually guarantees the government (and the people in it with their power and wealth) will continue to survive PRECISELY because of the argument you presented.

1) Government promises FREE SHYTE to everybody for decades.

2) People become utterly dependent on FREE SHYTE.

3) Any argument against FREE SHYTE to the masses is met with: "You hate poor people. You want poor people do die. If you cut off their free shyte they'll kill all the rich people!"

It's like running around in goddamn circles.


I asked:

"Are you NOT in favor of Trump's immigration plan."

That is not accusing you of wanting open borders. That is me trying to verify what I thought, that you were in favor of Trump's immigration plan.
No, this is accusing me of open borders:

"Boycott of "which" people? The Cubans who are busting their ass to get here? Or all the other immigrants? Are you NOT in favor of Trumps immigration plan? Are YOU supporting open borders?"

Again with the right-wing name calling. Why do you think I am "right wing?"
You put up a caption that called him the worst President in American history. I don't remember anyone I've ever met, including staunch conservatives, taking that position. Even the most conservative posters on this forum who've participated in this thread have ranged from giving him a D to saying my C+ was fair.

I also believe your position on the minimum wage is a far right position, and that the primary people who are would agree with you are cronie capitalists who think corporations are people.

Let me ask you this. Can you find me one conservative in the House or Senate who wants to abolish the minimum wage? Let's see; Trump's most recent position was to raise it to $10 (he said this on Bill O'Reilly 2 months ago.) Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio stated they'd like to keep it $7.25.

Are these all left wing socialists like me?

Having a minimum wage of any kind prices low skilled people OUT of the market. This is simple to demonstrate with an understanding of the economic laws of supply and demand. Please read the following carefully:

I do NOT want low skilled people priced out of the market. I would rather they be able to get jobs, improve their skills and make more money. But if their skills are only worth $8 an hour to an employer, but the government forces that employer to pay that worker $10 an hour, that low skilled worker will NOT get a job. I DO NOT LIKE THAT SYSTEM.

PEOPLE WILL LOSE THEIR JOBS because of increases in minimum wages. I do not want people to lose their jobs.
No, they won't. Your theory only holds water if the CEO of a company making $25 million, outright refuses to make $20 million, and is implored to disperse the other $5 million over his 10,000 employees. Yes, he can refuse and in theory put the lowest earners out of work and replace them with robots. But let's not pretend that most business would have to fire these people to survive. They'd do just fine with wage increases, there would just be slightly less profit for the top earners.

The argument that the price of a hamburger would HAVE TO double or triple if the minimum wage was increased to $10 does not follow. McDonals would not go out of business if the were forced to pay $10 instead of $7.25 and the price of a burger stayed exactly the same. At $20 a pound for beef, their profit margins are so high they'd be able to be able to weather that storm indeed.

The other problem with your theory is that it offers no alternative. No matter what, you're going to have low-skill workers. What you're advocating is paying them a starvation wage that doesn't keep up with inflation, thereby the minimum wage actually decreases every year. A person who made $7.25 ten years ago who still makes $7.25 today has actually had his wages cut because the price of everything has gone up since then.

Keeping this starvation wage as it is also incentivizes people to get on welfare because they have to make up the difference somewhere in order to not be homeless. Would you rather have people working for $7 AND on the dole, or working for $10 and off the dole?

Now, if you too want to learn something, here's one for you:

(For the record, I am NOT for a $15 minimum wage.)


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I think his first term was far better than his second, so here are your 5 bullet points.

Final Grade: C+
Bro, I am a Moderate as you know, but I'm going to have to give Obama a grade of 76%, which is a C+ as well.

- He helped implement plans and manage plans to avoid a Great Depression. This is where the BULK of his higher grade is coming from, this is a major, major, major big deal.

- He represented the Office with grace and class, no major bullshyt from him/his family in 8 years. Obama's approval rating is about 57% - 60% as he leaves office, MAINLY due to the "Barack Obama character/personality". The guy and his family are just very "cool" people.

- He killed Osama Bin Laden

That's pretty much it in terms of major good things.

The bad things? Where do I start?

- Obamacare is very inefficient and needs to be updated significantly

- He did nothing to control the debt, it continued to explode under him

- 45 million people on food stamps and an overall increase in Poverty

- Black people are WORSE OFF today and during Obama, than during GW Bush

- Labor force participation never came back and the "new jobs" being created were mainly bullshyt jobs

- The stock market "gains" were mainly a direct result of pseudo-Fed plays to protect Obama

- Race relations are completely horrible

- He did more to support gays than he did to stop the violence in the black community. Despite being the first Black President, what exactly DID HE DO for black people?

- And more and more

If it had not been for him implementing/managing plans to avoid that Great Depression (which was a very SIGNIFICANT WIN), I would have given him a 60% if the Great Depression would have started but stopped soon after, or maybe even a 52% if the Great Depression would have lingered on and on.

For reference though:

- Ronald Reagan I grade a 81%

- GHW Bush I grade a 78%

- Bill Clinton I grade a 80%

- GW Bush I grade a 58% (he was a complete failure as President, don't even get me started on "W")
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Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Re: Whether health care is a "right" or not...

What difference does it make? Either you have access or you don't.

The "right to health care" didn't help hundreds of millions of Americans who died without access before the ACA. Maybe it was their right, maybe not, but it wasn't their reality.

It's kind of like your "right to life." If you live in a high crime neighborhood and don't protect yourself or move, your right to life is meaningless if somebody kills you. You can wait for government to take some kind of measure, or you can take measures. One takes a lot longer than the other.

Besides, we've seen throughout American history that so-called rights are negotiable.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Trump has already signed an executive order limiting the effect of Obamacare. If they're going to completely eliminate it, Congress will have to get involved. I'm going to be very curious as to what he intends to "replace" it with, if anything.

Health care may not be a right, but it's certainly one of the biggest challenges facing the country right now. Not sure what the answer is.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Not sure what the answer is.

I think it's bullsh!t that Obamacare can force individuals to participate, per a ridiculous Supreme Court opinion that lumps the individual mandate under the government's power to tax. If I'm sitting here doing nothing, what are they taxing? Breathing? How come healthcare providers can "drop out" of Obamacare if they want to, but people can't? I think that symbolizes the failure of the Democratic Party right now. You can either put corporations first, or people first. There is no having it both ways. Obamacare failed because he tried to make working middle class people pay for it all, and not the insurance companies and healthcare providers. They're the ones with the money...but also all the political clout, so they'll always come out ahead.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
not the insurance companies and healthcare providers. They're the ones with the money...but also all the political clout, so they'll always come out ahead.
This is precisely why I'm holding my breath for whatever Trump is going to cook up. Those dudes (insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc) are long con types. My fear is that Trump will only do "window dressing" type stuff and the "moneyed elite" will continue to benefit at the expensive of the increasingly shrinking middle class. The health care problems are deeply structured and extremely complex. Whether or not health care is a "right" people already expect it to be, and Trump is going to have to deal with that. I suspect he'll just end up printing a sh!tton of money to pay for it, digging the U.S. deeper under a pile of debt.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
No, this is accusing me of open borders:

"Boycott of "which" people? The Cubans who are busting their ass to get here? Or all the other immigrants? Are you NOT in favor of Trumps immigration plan? Are YOU supporting open borders?"
Dude, I was not accusing you of wanting open borders. I trying to verify what I THOUGHT your position was, which was that of Trump.

Yes, he can refuse and in theory put the lowest earners out of work and replace them with robots. But let's not pretend that most business would have to fire these people to survive. They'd do just fine with wage increases, there would just be slightly less profit for the top earners.
The problem is that CEO's WON'T decrease their own salary, and they WILL replace workers with robots. They already are.

I'm certain that increasing the minimum wage will INCREASE unemployment. If you choose to believe differently, then that's fine. As you said, most people don't want to admit that increasing minimum wage is a ZERO SUM game, and the people that end up paying the cost are those that need the income the most. And you are also correct that most congress approve of increasing minimum wage, but they do so not because they believe it actually works, but because it gets them votes. They are politicians after all. So is Trump.

Regardless of how you choose to respond to this (if you do) minimum wage WILL increase and low income workers WILL lose their jobs as a result. Robots WILL continue to replace low wage workers.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Agree that the insurance and pharmaceutical companies will make sure their interests sre represented. They'll end up with our money no matter what.

I think Obamacare failed because people couldn't agree what to do, so what resulted was a compromised, watered down half measure that was ultimately written by the insurance companies anyway.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
For the record anyone who thinks doctors as a group are the bad guys has NO idea.

The hospital lobby and the insurance lobby are exponentially more powerful & better capitalized than the AMA or any other physician or practitioner group.

Hospitals are going around offering sweet deals to private practice docs to buy their practices, assume their admin responsibilities and remove the business headaches. Tiny detail they gloss over: the non-compete in the fine print.

Hospitals are buying practices, firing the doctor, suing the doctor if he tries to then see his established patients, and the patients are not allowed to see their long time physician anymore. Then the hospital closes down the practice & forces the patients to go elsewhere & to a new (maybe less experienced because they are cheaper) clinician.

I have two friends this has happened to. Hospitals see patients as $$$$$$$$$$$.

You are not a person to the hospital. You are income.

Didn't Obamacare promise:
-Keep your doctor
-Keep your plan
-Premiums go down
-More choice

All the above are outright falsehoods and were from the jump. And there are many more. The people who wrote the ACA bill actually admitted the bill takes advantage of the unaware and ignorance of the people.

I think competition vis a vis allowing sale of policies across state lines and encouraging additional non-profits into the mix will be beneficial for starters.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
anyone who thinks doctors as a group are the bad guys has NO idea.

I have known quite a few doctors, and I completely agree. That was another failing of Obamacare, the misguided punitive measures it took against doctors. The only problem I have with doctors are the ones who crank out phony prescriptions to ghetto pillheads.

One problem that Big Pharma is fighting to maintain is using welfare money to buy what are essentially recreational drugs - Xanax and pain pills - just to get fvcked up for fun. The University of Alabama started drug testing the frats; within a couple of years, they were almost all Xanax addicts, because that was legal. That's what happens on a larger scale when the government cracks down on marijuana and other illegal drug use, and why Big Pharma (and Big Alcohol) are going to fight drug legalization every step of the way. I doubt recreational pill use paid for by taxpayers is going anywhere, either.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
The republicains bombed Obamacare into its present form and they just repelled what they voted for....

The original obamacare was like what you have in Canada.

Personnally I prefer Finnish health care (you have to pay a minimun of money to get in the hospital like 10$ and the doctors can fine you if you waste their time).... it helps to focus on people who really needs health services.

Obama legacy in my opinion:

1. Gentleman and Class
2. Speech
3. Passed laws that took generations in the making (John F Kennedy started advocating Health Care reforms)
4. Diminished the Israel political lobby
5. Showed how much the american political system is going now-where (it started at the entrance of Clintons) ... its always a left-right fight now. One get elected to repel the previous administration etc...

Trump will have to fight to keep his position.

The democrats are on the verge of extinction, the Republicans reign supreme, Trump is a democrat and outsider that managed to win... so he got legitimacy... but the people in the institutions don't really care and Trump promised to destroy them


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
The democrats are on the verge of extinction.....
I disagree with you here bro.

Honestly, the demographics in the country are such that NO "conservative" Republican should be winning the White House. The demographics in this country are such TODAY that it completely and utterly favors the Left and the views/stances of the Democrat Party.

There is NO way Donald Trump had any business beating Hillary Clinton. He beat her because the people that would have voted for Hillary, didn't get off their lazy a.sses to go vote. That's the Left for you right there, they sit around bytching about problems......but won't get off their lazy a.sses to go do anything about it.

If The Left turned out to vote like they should, Republicans would have to move to The Left to even begin to compete.