Got Rejected Last Night. Handled it Like a Boss.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Tried to make friendly conversation with this girl at the bar and she immediately shut me down.

It was harsh.

I can't remember exactly what she said, but she told me she was going through a divorce and that she doesn't want to talk to me. She told me to leave her alone. She said a couple of other things but I stop listening at that point.

Before she walked off, she told me that she is a *****. Well she was right about that. I don't mind getting rejected, but I have a low tolerance for being disrespected.

In fact I wasn't even trying to pick her up, I was just trying to be friendly, which only made me feel more insulted.

Normally, I would have just tried, unsuccessfully I might add, to let it go and pretend like it didn't bother me.

This time was different though. I went outside to cool off and gather my thoughts a little bit. I chatted with some friends and told them what happened. They thought I was sad she rejected, and I kept telling them I was angry that she disrespected me.

A bit of time goes by and I see the girl outside, so I walk up to her told her what was on my mind.

I told what she did was pretty ****ty because I was just trying to make conversation. I told that she is the worst person in the world and that nobody really likes her or her dry vagina. I said that her that she's such a ***** that her husband is happy to divorce her.

I made her cry and besides being a little nervous that I'd have knock out some white knight, it felt AWESOME.

I eventually went to another bar with some friends and got two #'s from women that younger and far hotter this dumb ****. I even made out with one of them.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Why you stunyin her so hard. Just charge it. She didnt deserve for you to show her that much attention. Just say OK and keep it moving.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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PrettyBoyAJ said:
Why you stunyin her so hard. Just charge it. She didnt deserve for you to show her that much attention. Just say OK and keep it moving.
Because sometimes people need to be put in their place. I felt that this was one of those times. I knew if I tried to let it roll off my back, I'd be angry about it the rest of the night. So I tried something new and stood up for myself. It felt great and the rest of my night was awesome.


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
how long have you been approaching women? OP??
if you just started, well you just lost. if you gonna keep approaching with this "poor me" attitude of "ohh boo boo she just disrespected me, I need to show whos boss" YOU ARE DONE

this girl owns you, even though you made her cry.

she owns you and showed you she is above you


because she made you react...disagree all you want. but as long as another person makes you react to them, that means that you perceive them as having more value then you,

its ok you are learning.

I would have laughed , or smiled at this poor soul, and just walked away and to the next one....

you need MAJOR inner work to do

good luck


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
mustfirstregister said:
YOu are crazy. making a girl cry? WOW really?
She deserved it. I am not going to give her special treatment just because she has a pair of tits.

Besides, she is a grown up. I saw her at the end of the night after her cryfest was over and she seemed to have moved on and was having a good time.

If you are going to treat people like crap then you should expect people to treat you like crap in return.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
pipe007 said:
how long have you been approaching women? OP??
if you just started, well you just lost. if you gonna keep approaching with this "poor me" attitude of "ohh boo boo she just disrespected me, I need to show whos boss" YOU ARE DONE

this girl owns you, even though you made her cry.

she owns you and showed you she is above you


because she made you react...disagree all you want. but as long as another person makes you react to them, that means that you perceive them as having more value then you,

its ok you are learning.

I would have laughed , or smiled at this poor soul, and just walked away and to the next one....

you need MAJOR inner work to do

good luck

I didn't need to show her who's boss. I needed to stand up for myself and let her know that what she did was not cool at all. She could have made up a million excuses not to talk to me, but she decided to make it personal.

As for perceiving her value. After I laid into her, I felt a lot more self-respect for myself and used that to go and approach other women and as I said, I had an awesome night.

I have been approaching for a long time, and no one has ever made it this personal. As I said before, I didn't even care about being rejected, but being insulted and disrespected simply crossed a line.

Could I have handled it differently? Maybe, but I wanted to try something new and confront her about ****ty attitude. At the end of the night everything worked out great for me.

When I was younger, I had passive-ism drilled into me by my parents. They always told me to walk away. Well you know what? Eventually you get sick of walking away. You can't always let people disrespect you, sometimes you have to stand up for yourself.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
you know what, I am with the OP on this.

Even if you are not part of the game you know when you go out on a saturday or Friday night that you are putting yourself in the area.

I treat women, exaclty like I treat men. If I am at a sports bar say I am watching an Arkansas game in a pro arknasas sports bar and I make a comment to a dude on the table across from me, I expect him to talk back to me in a friendly manner. If he is going to be a prick.. I mean you are in a sports bar watching the game just like the rest of us, I'm going to be a prick back.

I'm more thick skinned than the avg person, and yeah I've ran int move on. Actually lol, I had a woman go ape**** at me at a sports bar one day while I was ordering a drink and the bartender came up to me and I said, quite wittingly might I add "yeah whatever she has.. don't give me that lol". Everyone around me busted out laughing. At that point she looked like the spoiled stupid **** she was. Worst part is, I was F'ing a waitress there, I wasn't trying to pick her up. hell i couldn't if I wanted to, just like your situation. Just a woman with her uber **** shield on. It is what it is. But I can understand a guy getting into a woman like that. It's not so much the rejection, it's that she is offended that you are even trying to play the game. ***** why are you here lol?

H ave absolutely no problem at all with that. Yeah she made you "React" because that was a very ****y thing to do. People make me react all the time when they stupid ass hole type ****.

I mean, I just wouldn't have bothered with the broaqd, but I don't see how you can call a guy an AFC for having the nerve to call a woman out on her ****. "brushing it off and moving on" is how you deal with rejection. he wasn't dealing with rejection, he was calling a woman on being a stupid ****. two totally different things.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
OP is going to get a lot of specific advice on how he could have better handled this situation, how he could have played it to his best advantage. "We" are going to try and fix him I bet.

The thing is this though. You can pick the strategically effective option again and again and again; it's not what you actually want to do in that situation, but intellectually you know hey, there's a higher chance I'll get some pvss if I do it this way, so that's what I'll do.

Are you a man, or just a collection of binary PUA rules? Do you have free will? Are you always going to let success with women dictate your actions and behaviour? Are you ever going to lash out when your instincts tell you to, or are you going permanently mute that aspect of your character because Game says that's a low percentage play?

Young Stallion

Don Juan
Sep 17, 2004
Reaction score
You did not handle this like a boss, you handled this like an upset junior level mailroom clerk with ego problems.

It probably made you mad reading that sentence.....good. It should show you as others have said that you have much inner game to work out, a girl you barely know should NEVER have that kind of power over you.

You should not be getting joy about making a stranger cry, you should be feeling WEIRD about it and askng yourself how did you get into such a predicament and what could you have done differently?

If a girl dissed me while talking I would probably smile, take a sip of my beer and say something like, "now now is that how you treat all creepy guys who talk to you" or something similar to totally disarm her, you played on a low percentage play and you were not going to walk out of the situation positively, but you could have counteracted the negativity.

As soon as a girl says she is going through a divorce.....leave, pure and simple. You never know where her mind is at and I would suspect her actions were based on what she was going through and not you, but you should read that situation.

I've also banged a girl before who earlier that very same day rejected me and told me that she did not want to go out with me or kiss me and she thought I was coming on way to strong. There IS a way to handle these things.

Remember the 3 c's

Confident, Calm, Cool and Charismatic.....yah 4 C's. Why because I just said so.

Now thats the kind of confidence you need my friend, but keep learning. Your post reminds me of something I would have written about 10 years ago.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Young Stallion said:
You did not handle this like a boss, you handled this like an upset junior level mailroom clerk with ego problems.

It probably made you mad reading that sentence.....good. It should show you as others have said that you have much inner game to work out, a girl you barely know should NEVER have that kind of power over you.

You should not be getting joy about making a stranger cry, you should be feeling WEIRD about it and askng yourself how did you get into such a predicament and what could you have done differently?

I am not going to feel weird about standing up for myself. I am not taking joy because I made her cry, I am taking joy because I confronted her about her *****y behaviour.

Young Stallion said:
If a girl dissed me while talking I would probably smile, take a sip of my beer and say something like, "now now is that how you treat all creepy guys who talk to you" or something similar to totally disarm her, you played on a low percentage play and you were not going to walk out of the situation positively, but you could have counteracted the negativity.
I don't care if it was a low percentage play because I was never trying to sleep with her in the first place. I was making conversation with her because I'd talked to her before and will probably see her at the same bar again. But she decided to be a ***** and I don't think I should have to put up with that.

Young Stallion said:
As soon as a girl says she is going through a divorce.....leave, pure and simple. You never know where her mind is at and I would suspect her actions were based on what she was going through and not you, but you should read that situation.
I wanted to leave when she said that, but she went straight into this rant about how I am so vile that I can't even talk to her.

Young Stallion said:
I've also banged a girl before who earlier that very same day rejected me and told me that she did not want to go out with me or kiss me and she thought I was coming on way to strong. There IS a way to handle these things.

Remember the 3 c's

Confident, Calm, Cool and Charismatic.....yah 4 C's. Why because I just said so.

Now thats the kind of confidence you need my friend, but keep learning. Your post reminds me of something I would have written about 10 years ago.

I was never trying to sleep with her in the first place. This isn't about handling the rejection, it is about being blatantly disrespected. Especially when all I was trying to do was be friendly.

EDIT: I've also banged women that have turned me down and said they didn't want to kiss me or go out with me and said I was coming on to strong. That not being disrespected, that's just women's way of saying slow down. It's completely different from someone who basically insults you 3 seconds after you say hello.

Young Stallion

Don Juan
Sep 17, 2004
Reaction score
If its not about rejection then how come your title is "I Got Rejected Last Night..."?

Anyways....I can tell that this is riling you up therefor I have no intention of carrying this further.

I think you should listen to the good advice you have gotten in this thread by others.

PS. My story was not intended to insinuate that I believed you wanted to bang this poor recovering divorced broad......The meaning of my story was to show you that most of the time how a person handles a situation matters alot more than the situation itself and that most of the time an outcome of a social interaction is dependant on the choices you make as to what to say and do.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Y.S., I'm taking issue with this specific idea, not you k bud. I'll also be taking it wildly out of context for good measure, deal?

"Confident, Calm, Cool and Charismatic" - In the absence of any other traits, this is a sociopath.

There is something really unsavoury about suppressing all our other character traits and only presenting these to the outside world. I don't know Sharingan, I haven't read his previous posts, I don't know where his game is at. I believe the ultimate end-game should be to leave the playbook behind and act authentically - and that can definitely include a bit of righteous vengeance.

Meh, act like an angry douche, revel in it, enjoy it. It's one interaction!

We shouldn't be too scared to blow one out of the water now and again.

Young Stallion

Don Juan
Sep 17, 2004
Reaction score
Wilko...I just noticed that Sheringan has about 1,500 more posts than me! who am I to be this hard on him. This would also tell me that he has done alot of research and very likely is an astute student of attraction. He very well may be very good and just unleashed on this girl.

You are very correcdt that in the absence of any other traits that Confident, Calm, Cool and Charismatic is a hallmark for a sociopath.

I would like to think however I am a little deeper.

I very much like this line of yours "The ultimate end game should be to leave the playbook behnd and act authentically". Perfectly put bud, I agree the ultimate end game is to not need game anymore and to act as an authentic attractive individual.

Thanks for your reply.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hat tip sir, I will put away the duelling pistols.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
YS, I can see what you are saying. But what happened in this specific situation I believe called for a different approach. When my first thought was to use the four c's as you said, I thought what would Ryan Reynolds do in this situation. But it just wasn't helping me out, in fact it was making things worse because I started talking to my friends about what happened.

So then I thought what would marshal cogburn do? (True Grit is my fav movie) He'd confront the problem (and probably shoot someone but I wasn't that mad lol). So I decided to confront her about it and it felt great.

I used that feeling for the rest of the night to meet other more attractive women.

What would've normally been a damper on my night, turned into a small blip on my radar because I decided to react, though not as soon as I would've liked.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
Im not going to criticise the OP, he was there, he was approaching, if you felt disrespected, it probably meant you were. this doeshappen from time to time, some women just cant help being Bi tches sometimes.
should you put up with it and just walk away?
imo, not without a reposte!
"your getting a divorce, judging by your attitude Im hardly surprised, keep the attitude for court and see how far you get" then back turn and walk off


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
You could have told her that what she did was a **** move. No need to insult her like that, especially as she may really be going through a rough divorce and her attitude might have nothing to do with you. You wanted to be a complete ******* about it, because you felt she "disrespected" you. Guess what? It only shows you got low self esteem. See a shrink, dude.