is Feminist, The history of Male Rights.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Yesterday, I am trolling on a Yahoo news, and see an article about "Why Men Get Married."

And I see this guy who makes a comment *****ing about his ****ty marriage, how he does all these chores and stuff like driving around his now seperated wife's friends. I ask him "Why do you do all that crap for her?"

Later I go and check to see if the guy responded, which he hasn't. And I notice that this self-rightious wench, wrote a comment berating the guy because he made a poor decision and married a crazy nagging *****.

WENCH: It takes two to make a bad marriage. I'm just not buying all these men claiming they were saints before marriage and after, and made good choices in partners (who were equally kind, considerate, intelligent, mature, and loving), but then these women miraculously transformed into evil shrews for absolutely no reason, once married. I call b-s on that one.

At the very least, you can't blame half the population for your own bad choice. I, and every member of my family has made good choices in mates, none of those marriages ending in divorce. But it all starts with BEING a quality human being, then selecting a quality human being as a mate. "You lie down with dogs," the old saying goes, "you wake up with fleas.". That shouldn't be news to anyone. If you're a loser, you won't attract anyone "good."

As has been pointed out many times already, men invented the institution of marriage and have been keeping it alive for thousands of years, during which time women had no rights. It's laughable that modern men (and many women) act as though women created marriage. Read a book! (shaking head)
SharinganUser:@Woerden: Men didn't just have a big meeting one day and decide that we were going to limit ourselves to just one woman each. It was invented by a select group of men who wanted more way in which they could control the general population. Not to mention that in many cultures marriage was a business deal between the parents of the bride and groom, not the decision of the groom . Either you should start reading books more carefully or stop skewing your facts to fit your obvious agenda.

More over, you may not believe it but sometimes a bad marriage is the woman's fault. If women want equality then they also have to take responsibility as well.
To which she replied \/


Let me get this straight... (laughing so hard it's difficult to type) You're denying that men invented the institution of marriage? That completely powerless women, with no vote, no rights at all, considered nothing more than property of their fathers or husbands, miraculously were able to devise an entire social construct and essentially force men into marriage?


No... REALLY?!?!?

And you say I need to read a book??? (laughing really, really hard at Andrew)




Men will stop at nothing to deny they both created and continue the concept of marriage. If men, who still hold the majority of power all over the world, didn't want marriage, they would have abolished it ages ago.

For the love of all that is reasonable and honest, read a book, Andrew. ...Any book. Get a feel for what it means to gain some knowledge, and to use this fabulous talentvof the human mind: reason (and common sense).

(still laughing)

Oh, and SharinganUser... What part of, "It takes two to make a bad marriage" didn't you understand???

God! Can you understand english???

You just look foolish when, in order make your case, you have to resort to fabricating facts and misquoting me.

What I found really funny in that post is that she some how managed to miss the mark of my reply so much so that she thought I was saying that women invented marriage when I clearly and plainly gave credence to a small group of men!

/End Part 1


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Chapter 2) My Reply

SharinganUser:"You're denying that men invented the institution of marriage?"

Learn to read, please. I said "a select group of men." Men as a whole didn't invent marriage. Saying that all men are responsible for the invention of the institution of marriage is as ridiculous as saying that all men were involved in the invention of computers. I never gave women any credence to women having any involvement in the invention of marriage, as you seemed to have interpretted.

Perhaps you should apply some logical thinking. Either marriage is an invention of a select group of men who wanted to further control the general population or that all men had a say and decided that they only wanted to sleep with one woman for the rest of eternity. Either some men invent marriage or all men invented marriage. There is no inbetween group.

I am not buying your "it takes two to make a bad marriage claim" because you do not address the issue that if a woman marries a bad husband that she is partly to blame for the bad marriage because she married the bad husband. I highly doubt that you think that the woman is partly to blame for a bad marriage, when the husband beats and cheats on her.

"fabricating facts and misquoting me."

LOL. What facts did I fabricate? That not all men are to blame for the invention of marriage? That's the truth, deal with it. And furthermore for me to have misquoted you, I would have had to of quoted you in the first place. I suggest you learn what a quote is before you accuse people of misusing them.

Don't tell people to gain knowlege and use reason when you yourself blatantly misread what others write and clearly do not even know what a quotation is. I hope you've learned what those are by now, as I've used two of them in this post.

You're so laughable, SharinganUser.

First, there are dozens and dozens and dozens of men posting here, claiming (all) women use marriage to harm men, as though women created marriage for some deceptive or detrimental purpose and/or that men are the "victims" of marriage.

When deciphering the origins of marriage, you have three choices: men (you know, the folks in power) invented the concept of marriage, women invented marriage, or it was a mutual construct between both men and women. There is no factual evidence to support the notion that women have EVER had a say in the development or continuation of the institution of marriage throughout most of recorded history. So, that leaves you with men, and men alone, as having created the entire concept of marriage.

Your argument that men aren't the source of marriage because not every single man was there at your proposed meeting of "a select group of men" (no historical evidence for that claim, either) is moot because men, and only men, have had the power to create or abolish social customs and laws, throughout history, right up to today. If only "a select group of men" wanted marriage, the majority of men you defacto insinuate don't want marriage, would have eliminated the practice at any point in the last, say, thousand years.

Everything from slavery to the lack of rights for women has been abolished because the majority of MEN voted for it.

As for your repeatedly abysmal record on psychically guessing my views, you're wrong, yet again. Not only do I blame anyone who marries someone he/she knows is not an upstanding person, I frequently wonder (often aloud) why so many women settle for men who lie, or are inconsiderate, or abusive, or immature, etc.

Can a man who lies to the mother of his children EVER be labelled a "good father"? Not in my book, because a liar can't be a good parent, male or female. If you're a liar, you model lying for your children. That is practically the definition of a bad parent. Anything worse than lying only confirms the person is not credible i.e. not a good candidate as a mate. You enter into a relationship with such a person at your own peril.

Men who marry gold diggers, spoiled brats, "hotties" (with no other redeeming qualities), liars, emotional infants, etc., get precisely what they deserve, and hopefully then some. The same is true for women.

As a grown up with some degree of personal integrity, I choose the path of my life. Life doesn't just happen to me. I chose carefully when entering a relationship with my (now) husband, and all past boyfriends. (I'm still on excellent terms with all of them because the qualities that made me want to date them didn't magically disappear because we weren't a romantic match.) My divorce-free family and friends have done the same. No divorce, just happy relationships. Divorce doesn't just happen.

I'm no fan of marriage, but It is up to each person, male or female, to choose wisely. We only have ourselves to blame for our bad choices. I think it is exceedingly rare for someone to be such a consummate actor, he/she can hide his/wrongdoing for years in a close, intimate relationship, prior to marriage. Too many people choose to ignore or minimize wrongdoing in their partners, then behave as though it's all a surprise when that wrongdoing comes to light.

We only have ourselves to blame for our bad choices. It's not that others can't be jerks, but if you chose to marry a jerk....
That's right fellows, 1000 years ago if you didn't agree with some unjust law your King or Emperor tried to oppress you with, all you had to do was hold a vote and everything would be magically a-okay.

SharinganUser: Sorry but this is simply misguided because it infers that all men have had equel power for the last 1000 years and ignores other factors such as differences in race, culture, religious beliefs, economic status(or class) and ethnicity. It is also historically inaccurate because most men have not had the right to vote until the mid 1800's. In Canada spefically previous to 1867, only affluent men were allowed to vote. They had to own land or other assets of a certain value, pay their taxes and be of a certain race, it was not a simple matter of just being a man. It was not until 1960, twenty years after women got to vote, that First Nations people could vote. Previous to 1960, a First Nations man had less rights than a White woman did, inspite of his gender.

In Britain, in the 1830's only 2% of men were allowed to vote. Once again the restrictions were not simply gender based.

Previous to this time period, if common men wanted to change unjust laws, it was not a simple matter of having a vote.

Because of other forms of discrimination, such as race, ethnicity, religion, and social class, it is absurd to suggest that all men should share the blame in the creation or abolishment of social constructions. Historically not all men have had the same amount of power and therefore should not have to share equal blame in the matter of social constructions.

Furthermore certain forms of marriage are banned in Western countries. In Canada and the USA, it is illegal to have more than one registered spouse. This means that polygamist and polyandrist marriages are not recognized by the government. Moreover, until 1967 in the USA, interracial marriages were not fully legal. Gay marriages in Canada were not recoqnized until 2005, while in the USA the federal government still does not recoqnize same sex marriage. Much of this I am certain stems from religious intolerance. According to your logic, a gay man is just as responsible as a heterosexual, rightwing christian is for the social constructs limiting same sex marriages, inspite of their obvious differences in views on the on the issue.

As such this is just one more example of where one type of man has signifigantly less power than that of another man despite sharing the same gender.

Summary: Historically not all men have been considered equal, and therefore could not contribute equally to the social contructs of their time and should not share equal blame for said social contructs.

What I found when I was researching this is that if you go to and type in "When did Men get the right to vote?" Google will ask you Did you mean when did women get the right to vote? No, Google, I did not mean that otherwise I would've typed that.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
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Give advice to people who are looking, such as here on sosuave. No need to bust your head trying to educate someone who isn't willing to listen.

I wouldn't lose sleep over this.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Never argue with fools.

As for "all men" vs. "some men". You have to remember, you are talking to a herd animal, a person who believes in groupthink. Many women don't see themselves as individual people but as "women" as a group. So they think men see themselves in the same way. Projection. That's why she can't understand what you're saying.

Men see themselves as individuals. Which is why men's rights hasn't really taken off. You've never heard the phrase it's every "woman" for herself have you? That's because it doesn't exist.

The point you should be making to her, is that marriage used to benefit men. It rarely does these days, the risk/reward ratio is skewed and most men don't like the odds on that bet. So until women can prove they are worth having around for more than sex, no thanks.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Is what passes for fun? Surely there must be something more interesting to do than spend your time arguing over nothing, with someone you don't know, on the Internet?


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Noodles said:
Is what passes for fun? Surely there must be something more interesting to do than spend your time arguing over nothing, with someone you don't know, on the Internet?
Normally I wouldn't be doing this sort of thing but I have come down with the flu and am just taking it easy until I get better.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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1. Trying to debate with extremists and jaded people is futile.

2. Marriage is no conspiracy of patriarchs, matrix or feminazis. Wake up.
It is natural and only efficient way for rising offspings. Surprise! It is meant to benefit children. And it is sad when men and women forget about that.
What is an alternative to marriage? Until recently it was death to the woman and the child. So human society demanded an official bond - take responsibility for 5 minutes of pleasure. Think.
Is it still a problem, these prosperous and welfare days? Yes, because of the children who need both parents.

Always ask yourself 'What is the reason for ....?' and 'Is there a better way?'....'Am I forgetting something in order to push some agenda?'


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Am I forgetting something in order to push some agenda?'
My agenda is to provoke a reaction and get people thinking. I don't care if I convince the person I am arguing with, it's the audience that needs to be convinced.

That being said I just ran into another crazy who was spouting some nonsense on the POF forums, which is why I necro'd this thread.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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Marriage is satanic.

If you read the Bible men had (and still do in lots of places) multiple wives. In the Bible you don't read about wedding rings, wedding ceremonies or the like. The reason for this is because according to the Bible SEX IS MARRIAGE!

Marriage as we know it today (by the state) is a farce. If you find yourself a virgin and you go in unto her that's your wife in the eyes of the almighty. If you go in unto another virgin than that's your wife also. That's why they could have all the wives they wanted since sex is marriage not a ceremony.

But if you go in unto a wife that's already been banged by another dude that's adultery no matter if she is not married by the state.

If you get married by the state you are a damn fool. Getting married for a piece of paper only so that some westernized b|tch takes half your bank a few years down the road!


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2011
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are you still writing to her? you let her insult you in each post. youre defensive in each post. put her on the spot. she thinks she knows it all.

this is what you should of wrote in the first response:

no it takes only one b!tch to ruin a marriage. some of these women put on an act and do stuff behind the guys back without him knowing. The guy is too blind to see what is really going on. always one person that ruins a marriage. Ever hear of BPD? That just described the woman you just mentioned. I see you know nothing about that. Read some books!

You have the All American Family huh? Like the ones I see on Facebook who gush about how everything is so great and perfect when its really not. you just put on an act to your friends and strangers to give yourself some self worth. When your marriage is really failing and your kids are out of control. People that have to brag about family and great marriages to friends and strangers on a news forum dont have them.

you know the old saying "you can't turn a hoe into a housewife". yeah men invented it and women like you effed it up for centuries. thank you for your time and go leave some more status updates on facebook about your "wonderful marriage"

something like that to tell her off.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Ace_Magnamus said:
are you still writing to her? you let her insult you in each post. youre defensive in each post. put her on the spot. she thinks she knows it all.

this is what you should of wrote in the first response:

no it takes only one b!tch to ruin a marriage. some of these women put on an act and do stuff behind the guys back without him knowing. The guy is too blind to see what is really going on. always one person that ruins a marriage. Ever hear of BPD? That just described the woman you just mentioned. I see you know nothing about that. Read some books!

You have the All American Family huh? Like the ones I see on Facebook who gush about how everything is so great and perfect when its really not. you just put on an act to your friends and strangers to give yourself some self worth. When your marriage is really failing and your kids are out of control. People that have to brag about family and great marriages to friends and strangers on a news forum dont have them.

you know the old saying "you can't turn a hoe into a housewife". yeah men invented it and women like you effed it up for centuries. thank you for your time and go leave some more status updates on facebook about your "wonderful marriage"

something like that to tell her off.

I am not still writing to her as it was more than a few months ago, I just came on here to say ran into another one just like her.

As for her insults, I didn't really take them seriously seeing as her views were incredibly skewed. Her head was so far up her own arse that she started accusing me of saying things I didn't.

I didn't want to simply tell her off, I wanted to obliterate her intellectually. Mission accomplished, I'd say.

This new lady from a few days ago made a comment below:

"I don't know that men do. But they fer shur *created* it, seeing as how at the point at which it was created, women had zip power. It may be that now that they can't own another human being lock, stock, and barrel just by marrying her, it doesn't feel like a good deal, to some. "
I saw it, I had to troll it.