Going to the gym feels like a waste of time...


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
A lot of the DJ community is trying to get their members to get into the gym and pump some iron to grow those muscles. I tried it, and to be honest, I hated every single bit of it. All I was doing in that gym was sit or lie on a bench and push that weight into the air, rest, and repeat.

Sure, it feels great when you're done, and to results are awesome, because everyone, esp. the chicks, seem to love my muscles. However, spending 1.5 hours in the gym + travelling time is such a waste and it is such a bore to be there.

However, I found the perfect alternative: Climbing. I recently joined an alpine club which focuses on rock climbing and uses indoor climbing as a way to train technique, strength and skill. To me, this is the perfect mix between getting an epic work out, socialize with people I enjoy and hit on the chicks as there are plenty of those. Sure, doesn't get my as bulky as the gym, but it's a) more interesting, b) still a challenge and c) I prefer to be toned over bulky.

So, now that I am climbing mountains, can I please make my godd*mn spaghetti now?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2009
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a....good for you its interesting....b...once you get done doing the in door thing wouldnt you have to go outside and go different places to get a "Challenge," Meaning more money?

C....Toned is not real. You can be cut but the way your talking I doubt you ever will not to mention how I find it funny that you think you will get bulky in a month. Trust me you wont get bulky in a month.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
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j0n24 said:
C....Toned is not real. You can be cut but the way your talking I doubt you ever will not to mention how I find it funny that you think you will get bulky in a month. Trust me you wont get bulky in a month.
He doesn't need to get bulky. He can climb a mothaf*ckin' mountain.

Anyways, OP, the whole "get into the gym" thing is really just a suggested means to a required end. The required end is "don't be a useless sack of fat mass that wouldn't be able to survive for more than a day in the wild, because 1) your risk of death is infinitely higher, and 2) women are instinctively not attracted to that."

Remember that priority number one for getting in shape is to be ready and capable for life, not to be impressive for women. That's a secondary perk.

Now I get preachy:

You have to wonder how much modern civilization is really helping us as a species when you end up with people who can't do one pushup. Seriously. One f*ckin' pushup.

One of my requirements for an LTR is her ability to do at least two pullups. I sh*t you not.

Because imagine if you ever NEEDED this girl for something. Like a tree had fallen on you. Or you were hanging from a cliff, and she was hanging onto you. If she can't help pull the tree off you or climb her ass up onto the ledge, you're f*cked.

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
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loveshogun said:
Anyways, OP, the whole "get into the gym" thing is really just a suggested means to a required end. The required end is "don't be a useless sack of fat mass .

Sandhawk, it's not necessarily that people are saying "Go to the gym - get bulky -get chicks". It's more about getting up, doing something, and having a reason to be proud of the man you see in the mirror.

The gym isn't for everyone. It boosted my confidence because I accomplished turning my skinny body into something a lot more sexy. But the gym was merely a vehicle to that accomplishment. If it was climbing, karate, or swimming, I'd be equally as proud of myself.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2008
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loveshogun said:
One of my requirements for an LTR is her ability to do at least two pullups. I sh*t you not.

Because imagine if you ever NEEDED this girl for something. Like a tree had fallen on you. Or you were hanging from a cliff, and she was hanging onto you. If she can't help pull the tree off you or climb her ass up onto the ledge, you're f*cked.

"Well actually, there's one other thing, almost forgot to ask... can you do a few pull-ups for me??"


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Good for you man, I expected some sort of stupid rant.

Agree with you 100%. I go to the gym just because my schedule right now doesn't give my time to train properly for the sport I love. When I manage to make the time, I'm going straight back to that. It's more mentally stimulating and fun to do something like climbing, sports, kayaking... Anything other than counting how many sets you've done.


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
j0n24 said:
a....good for you its interesting....b...once you get done doing the in door thing wouldnt you have to go outside and go different places to get a "Challenge," Meaning more money?
You can get a perfect challenge indoors. Routes are constantly changing/evolving, and routes have difficulties ranging from 3 to 7c. People who've been climbing for years sometimes can't even complete a 7a in 1 go, which means there is still challenge. But yes, in the end you'll have to go outside and climb some real mountains, which means bringing money.

Climbing is a really expensive sport. The starter kit alone(belt, shoes, belay device, carbiner) set me back a good 160 euros, and I don't even have my own ropes and other equipment required to climb alone with a partner. But it's worth it, as it's a great experience, I love being in the outdoor and it's LIFE. I rather spend my money on that than on buying useless sh*t.

j0n24 said:
C....Toned is not real. You can be cut but the way your talking I doubt you ever will not to mention how I find it funny that you think you will get bulky in a month. Trust me you wont get bulky in a month.
I did the whole gym routine for 2 years, and it depressed the sh*t out of me. Being bulky doesn't fit my lifestyle, character and body. I also dance, so being bulky works against me. I have a great looking body, just not massive muscles. Instead, I'm well toned, which is perfect. In fact, I mostly have white muscles, which means I'm great for doing things that require stamina, like climbing a long route, instead of doing short explosive strength things.

Mantis Toboggan said:
Sandhawk, it's not necessarily that people are saying "Go to the gym - get bulky -get chicks". It's more about getting up, doing something, and having a reason to be proud of the man you see in the mirror.
Hell yea! I am proud when I see myself in the mirror. I look great, and I'm a great person to hang around with and I have interesting things to do in my life. Currently working on becoming fully certified to climb with a partner, which means a lot of training and a lot of stuff to learn.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2008
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Too many places at once
They're completely different things. Climbing (read trad leads) outside is nothing, I repeat nothing, like a gym. It is far, far more mental. You may not lead for a while, OP, but the soul of climbing is lead climbing, where you take complete responsibility for your decisions, and you can get hurt badly and actually die if you aren't the kind of person who understands consequences and uses good judgement. The weight room cannot teach you about danger -- climbing will.

Little intense? Yes. But that's what makes climbing so great and I really encourage you to keep at it. However, the gym and climbing are not mutually exclusive -- by all means do what you like, but it doesn't have to be one or the other. When you're outside, a lot of time gets sucked up by rope management and other little details -- the gym is nice because its fast, and lifting weights can be fun in its own way.

Finally girls who climb have great backs. Rrrrrrr ;)


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
wait_out said:
you can get hurt badly and actually die if you aren't the kind of person who understands consequences and uses good judgement.

That advice is worth repeating. I live near a popular climbing area, and people fall off the cliffs all the time. Of course life is full of risks - just manage them wisely.

And fwiw, I get bored lifting weights, too. I think most people get bored with exercising, which is one of many contributing factors to us being so fat as a society. I have to be playing a game or some sort of contest to keep it interesting, which leads me to martial arts, sand volleyball, and softball. I do have a lot of respect for people with the determination and commitment to keep going to a gym, but it is more important to simply get up of your ass and go do something. Lack of any exercise at all is more dangerous than falling off a cliff.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
Once you start eating right and do a proper routine 10-30lbs in 3 months is not that hard to achieve for a beginner.

I ve packed on 15lbs in 3 months, now cutting to lean. Even so, I assumed I could have done better, hence it was fairly new for me. And 15lbs, the *****es can tell even with the clothes on. A few folks even asked me if I was on steroids.

Thats why I cant really see how any other sport can put on this much weight in such short period of time.


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
wait_out said:
the soul of climbing is lead climbing, where you take complete responsibility for your decisions, and you can get hurt badly and actually die if you aren't the kind of person who understands consequences and uses good judgement.
I am fully aware that I am involved in a sports that's considering dangerous and can mean death. I've heard the stories about deaths of members of our climbing group. Cremations and the like.

I am currently training for lead climber. Will probably take me a good 9 months to get certified and a lot of training, but it's worth it.

wait_out said:
Finally girls who climb have great backs. Rrrrrrr ;)
Oh yes, I've seen a few of those girls. Oh man, those backs, such sheer beauty when they're climbing on a backward inclined wall. I've already had one of the girls in my bed.

PapiChulo said:
Once you start eating right and do a proper routine 10-30lbs in 3 months is not that hard to achieve for a beginner.

Thats why I cant really see how any other sport can put on this much weight in such short period of time.
Of course not. But that's not my goal. Having a massive amount of muscle doesn't suit me anyhow, but I do have muscles that are quite visible and toned. The bulk will make me slow and lose my graciousness while dancing, which I try to keep. But you probably have your genes working for you: loads of red muscle mass = bulky.