Going on a movie date, no experience here


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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K, well I'm very inexperienced when it comes to dating and women and I've never done the movie date. Set up a date to go see a movie later this week with a girl I went out with more than a month ago but didn't see again for various reasons (we tried to meet up once or twice but our schedules didn't match, and then I had exams). When we went out before she had just broken up with her long term boyfriend and took it pretty hard. But anyway, here's how our text convo went

Me: Hey girl, how's it going? Any good plans for the holidays?
Girl: Nope, I'm working, lol you? PS my comp died so won't be able to chat online for a bit. (We sometimes talk online)
Me: Ok, well we can still talk via phones. Or even better, we could go out to have some fun.
Girl: Possibly, if it's somewhere cheap. Broke right now. I'm off wed, thurs if that works for you.

Me: Well, I work weds night and thurs I'm doing family stuff. But if your free weds day we could go out, grab lunch, or a movie, or maybe even just get a drink and shoot some pool somewhere.
Girl: Ya wed sounds good. What time you start? Movies are cheap during the day. Anything you want to see
Me: I start late in the afternoon so we got lots of time. I wouldn't mind seeing that new avatar movie or that ninja assasin movie. (although I later found out that ninja assasin movie isn't playing anymore, damn)
Girl: Agreed altho I've seen ninja assasin. Wanna figure out a time close to wed? I'll check movie times this week
Me: Sure, though we should meet up at 12 or 1. I'll take a look at the movie times and get back to you.

Now I don't know what to do on movie dates, since I've always avoided them. How are you supposed to escalate when your not even looking at one another? Any help or advice would be nice guys.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
The best advice with any girl is to simply have a good time. If you are enjoying yourself, she will too. Putting your arm around her will get uncomfortable after about seven seconds; don't bother. Sit close to her, flip up the armrest if you can, lightly touch her leg a little, that's all you need. Share a popcorn and a coke, then tell her she has to kiss you because you already have her germs. Just have fun.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2009
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yeah you can't really talk much at movies. It might be a good idea for both of you to show up early (before previews) so you can chat with her a bit. Make sure it's a movie you want think you'll enjoy. Sounds like you might not have much time after so maybe set up a quick coffee/food date before hand. Plus, in my experience, it is tough to get a girl to hang out (when you ask her after) with you after the movies. usually the movie is the end of the date.


Senior Don Juan
May 30, 2005
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Jhcl4000 said:
Make funny comments during the movie.
Yep. And definitely during the ads and stuff at the start, lay em on thick. During the movie it can be a little distracting if you are making stupid comments the whole time, but the occasional well placed one is good. Make sure when you make the funny comments you get a little kino going.

I like crying out in shock at the 'power cut' when the lights dim for the movie to start. :) Always gets a good laugh.

If it is a big cinema complex you go to then Avatar should have many sessions during the day, make a time to meet with her without looking at session times. You might have 20-60 minutes before it starts to get a snack, chat, play games or whatever is around.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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definitely do something before the movie. i suggest dinner or go someplace where u can talk.

starting off a date going into straight silence is not a good sign and hard to work from. once you're done the movie u can go for a slow drive, walk around the mall, etc.

hang out before, then movie, and then a little chit chat about the movie.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Movie @ room is preferable and almost a sure fire way to end up with nookie.

I have had some success with transitioning a movie date before. One of the hottest (but craziest) strippers I've been was a movie date on the second meet up which led to a shag. First, was a dinner date (lol). But we also had a post dinner makeout in a vacant lot to spice it up. After the movie you need to get her somewhere private. An old road, vacant lot, her place or yours. It's more a matter of opportunity than anything.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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everywomanshero said:
Movie @ room is preferable and almost a sure fire way to end up with nookie.

I have had some success with transitioning a movie date before. One of the hottest (but craziest) strippers I've been was a movie date on the second meet up which led to a shag. First, was a dinner date (lol). But we also had a post dinner makeout in a vacant lot to spice it up. After the movie you need to get her somewhere private. An old road, vacant lot, her place or yours. It's more a matter of opportunity than anything.
the movie at home thing isn't possible in this instance. We're going out before I have to go to work, I doubt there will be tons of time after the movie, maybe just enough to grab a coffee or quick bite to eat.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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arutha said:
Yep. And definitely during the ads and stuff at the start, lay em on thick. During the movie it can be a little distracting if you are making stupid comments the whole time, but the occasional well placed one is good. Make sure when you make the funny comments you get a little kino going.

I like crying out in shock at the 'power cut' when the lights dim for the movie to start. :) Always gets a good laugh.

If it is a big cinema complex you go to then Avatar should have many sessions during the day, make a time to meet with her without looking at session times. You might have 20-60 minutes before it starts to get a snack, chat, play games or whatever is around.
we already picked a time to meet, it's about 30-45 mins before the movie starts. And we'll probably have a little bit of time after the movie ends to chill before I got to run to work.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
start off with dinner -- you will need more than 30-45 minutes for that

kino escalation during movie is easy, and you will have two hours to get chummy.

first you can get her hand, then arm around, and usually kiss close is pretty easy after you have been holding hands for an hour

i'd probably just take a walk with her after the movie and send her home if you don't feel like you can close, but don't linger too long

you want to end on a high note. and going somewhere after the movie will lose a lot of kino


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
DonGorgon said:
do a movie date in your room.... its cheaper and you will F...
This DJ speaks the truth, I've personally F closed 80% of @ home movie dates... Waay better than going out and you save money!
