Girl's Guide to Dating


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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Okay, this was written for girls, and stolen from another forum. But I couldn't resist.

I have put together a few little rules to follow for all you women out there who need some help in the dating world. Let’s move forward:

1. Furnish your entire apartment with Ikea and Pottery Barn goods. Guys love a girl who has a burgundy flower pot filled with bamboo painted red sticking out of it, or at least empty picture frames painted various colors. We want uniform, conformity, and traditional values.

2. Mention your ex-boyfriend as much as possible. I cannot stress this point enough… guys work on what I like to call “Jealousy Fuel” it controls every aspect of our lives from careers down to golf clubs. We need to know how “Brett” used to send you flowers every Friday and that you knew the relationship was coming to an end when he forgot 2 weeks in a row despite being on a business trip to Germany.

3. Devote one entire wall in your bedroom to a fantastic collage of photos with your friends. Heck, it is even alright if you put a few photos up there from your trip to France back in high school, I know you were a bit thinner back then and that your crazy stint on Deprovera really packed on the pounds for a few months, but “Brett” didn’t want to have to worry about getting you pregnant so you took it for him. It is fine; just make sure you tell us the excuse.

4. Appearance. I can only speak for about 99.9% of the male population on this one but there is nothing more sexy than a tattoo in the small of your back. If you do not have one of these, get one. If you do have one of these, make sure you wear clothing that will be sure to rise just above the small of your back as much as possible. It comes down to visibility, let it be seen.

5. Behavior. Next to lower back tattoos we like to see a girl flaunting what she is about and who she is, but our tastes are very specific. We like a girl who orders great drinks such as “Sex on the Beach” or a “Chocolate Mocha Martini with a quarter shot of vodka”.

What we like even more is when you have a couple sips and pretend to be completely intoxicated to the point where you just feel it necessary to mention how drunk you are at any given moment. We want a girl who needs us, we want to make you better, we don’t want an adult capable of taking care of herself. We want thoughtlessness, we want hasty, we want reckless abandon.

6. Career. If you really want to tickle a guy’s fancy: spend an hour or two discussing all the interesting people you meet at your job of making coffee. Most men are suckers for mundane details about how a gentleman ordered a double hot pump soy mocha latte and complained when he saw you only give it one pump instead of two.

I want to hear about your job as a mass marketing girl handing out flyers at that new club that just opened up downtown, I think “Yoodu Bar” was its name, tell me more…

7. Dates. If you have followed these steps so far you are on your way to netting yourself a good catch but there is a bit of first date etiquette to follow as well.

a. On a date, always order an expensive bottle of wine, an expensive dish, and an appetizer because you just “love fried artichokes”. We like to prove that we have the money it takes to support you and want to show you that we know how to treat a woman right.

After food arrives, proceed to not take more than a single bite of any of it. Also make sure you work on the same single glass of wine through the entire duration of the meal.

b. Make sure that you answer any text messages you get during dinner. This shows us that you are popular and ignites the “Jealousy Fuel” mentioned earlier. On a side note, make sure that your text messaging alert sound is a clip from a current top 40 song; make sure it is the whole song and never silence your phone.

c. Please get up at least once after the meal has been brought to the table and head off to the restroom for at least 10-15 minutes. It is important that you give us men this time to finish our hearty meals that we ordered so that we are not forced into trying to have a conversation instead.

8. Inviting me over. If the date went good (and it would if you followed my steps) you can invite me over to your house to watch a movie or talk a bit. When I enter the first thing I want to hear about is all 18 of your pets along with their names. Show me Mittens, the Baroness of Catopia. Please direct me towards your pet gerbil “Frank III” and explain why he is the 3rd Frank and not just the first. I want to know. What about the photos on your wall of your cat and gerbils, show me those too.

9. Sex. Probably the most important part for most men, do not fret, I will guide you through what we like.

a. Under no circumstance reciprocate anything the man does to you during your first sexual encounter. When I go down on you and you push me away afterwards, I am filled with a joy that cannot be expressed in words. It keeps me hanging; I like games, play games with me.

b. When sex occurs please lay there in a frigid missionary position, do not move much or make any noise. Sex is about me, not you. If you want you can even make a request to put your Family Guy DVD on TV before we start, this will work as a good ice breaker and we will not have to spend time trying to share a moment with each other. It is all about the raw sex, we don’t like emotions.

c. Do not give *******s. We hate blow jobs but if it is something that you must do then make sure to follow these quick tips. Never let a guy finish in your mouth, it disgusts us to the core. Grab something near by, hey there is my t-shirt right there on the floor, pick that up. Now quickly, when the moment arrives make sure you practice the switching technique of moving my penis into my brand new threads. I will not mind, I will find it a resourceful and tactical move on your part and will respect you even more.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
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That's a guide to NOT get a date.:down:


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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Huh, found one for guys too.

1. Furnish your entire apartment with dirty laundry and trash from food and drinks consumed long ago. Go on, girls don't mind your ****roach friends. Women also see video game posters as not only mature, but classy, and love to disappear into your dark lair around your three monitors. Bonus points if you're over 22 and still live with your parents!

2. Make sure that you have pictures of women way out of your league plastered everywhere (everywhere except where video game posters are, of course). This will let the girl know that you're a go-getter and strive for things that others might consider unrealistic despite what good things might be in front of you.

3. Don't have any photos of anyone up, anywhere. gently caress cherishing memories and friendships!

4. Remember, girls find nothing sexier than a guy who doesn't give a poo poo about what he eats, or about ever hopping on a treadmill. Why, of course we want you to look emaciated! Alternatively, you gotta love it when a dude has tits bigger than your own. And let's not forget that while we women are expected to take razors to our most precious parts daily and endure painful irritated skin in the name of beauty, it's fine if your snake is hidden in your own bush. Man-scaping is for pussies, and it's okay if you can't see the girl's head past all of your pubes as she goes down on you.

5. Insist that a girl drink strong drinks. We girls understand that you don't want some ***** girl who dilutes alcohol with juices to make the taste better, and to control her level of tipsiness. No, you want a girl who'll be willing to burn her throat, and who gets drunk in 30 minutes time off of pure spirits -- and yet she should also control herself in every way, because real women can gobble down the vodka and have the ability to stay composed and quiet, of course.

6. If a girl doesn't care about your hour-long diatribes about your favorite sports team, it's obvious that she's a complete idiot. Nevermind that she's studying Arabic or has received numerous academic accolades - if she doesn't "get" sports, then she probably doesn't get poo poo. So go on, we'd love to hear you talk endlessly about how a dropped ball hosed up your team's crucial series game in the '70s.

7. Explain your action figure collections to us! Yes, and also, how DID you get such a high-level character on that game? The best way to treat a pretty lady is to play a video game while she sits on your bed and waits. She might want to kiss you or even sleep with you, but if you do any of that, you might lose the game that matters most! Let her sit on your couch and pour through automotive magazines, even if she's wet. I can think of a number of goons who have used this brilliant strategy on women.

8. Of course women want it up the pooper! Why would you think otherwise?! Go ahead, attempt to stick it in without her consent. She'll thank you when it's over.

9. Don't take the time to learn the female anatomy at all, that's just useless bull****. The best way to touch a woman is to just put 2 fingers together and jam them in and out of her, violently. Also, rub her labia -- you know, the outside lips that have no pleasure nerves whatsoever -- and completely ignore the ****. You know what, actually, don't even attempt any foreplay. Women hate having guys go down on them, and appreciate it when you want her to put your dirty **** in her mouth without any reciprocation. Your best bet is to just stick it in and go at it without any regard to her pleasure.

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
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My bed, your girl.
That is the most hilarious messed up stuff I've ever heard ahahhahahahahahahaahaaha.. yeah we fvckin hate blow jobs haha


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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I had to read almost all the way through the girl's guide before I was sure it was a joke.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
Since when do girls need a guide? Men are desperate for sex and are the ones approaching and having to amp up the magic because women are worshipped like goddesses. The girl's are choosing not the guy. I find it laughable whenever there's a notion that girl's need dating advice. Yes, maybe on choosing whether to choose guy no 8 or guy no 11 out of the 50 that want them.



Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
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Mad Manic said:
Since when do girls need a guide? Men are desperate for sex and are the ones approaching and having to amp up the magic because women are worshipped like goddesses. The girl's are choosing not the guy. I find it laughable whenever there's a notion that girl's need dating advice. Yes, maybe on choosing whether to choose guy no 8 or guy no 11 out of the 50 that want them.

Is that a joke?
Girls are desperate for guys to ask them out.
Learning that is one of the first steps to being a don juan
there are more girls in the world than guys its a statistical fact
theyre the desperate ones not us..
at least us as in real men...


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
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My girlfriend read a book like this, and it just goes to show that deep down inside of every woman there is an insecure girl in need of structured male to help her self-justify that she is infact an attractive girl... I own her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Girls are desperate for guys to ask them out.
Learning that is one of the first steps to being a don juan
that's a good point. Girls have lots of guys willing to bed them, but very few real men (and even fewer real men who have things in common with them and who will actually love them)


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Phyzzle said:
8. Of course women want it up the pooper! Why would you think otherwise?! Go ahead, attempt to stick it in without her consent. She'll thank you when it's over.
This was hilarious! :up:

I didn't think I could laugh anymore until I scrolled down to:

9. Don't take the time to learn the female anatomy at all, that's just useless bull****. The best way to touch a woman is to just put 2 fingers together and jam them in and out of her, violently. Also, rub her labia -- you know, the outside lips that have no pleasure nerves whatsoever -- and completely ignore the ****. You know what, actually, don't even attempt any foreplay. Women hate having guys go down on them, and appreciate it when you want her to put your dirty **** in her mouth without any reciprocation. Your best bet is to just stick it in and go at it without any regard to her pleasure.
"Just put two fingers together and jam . . ."

Oh, I totally choked up my coffee! I needed a laugh. Rep point for you Brother Phyzzle.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Appearance. I can only speak for about 99.9% of the male population on this one but there is nothing more sexy than a tattoo in the small of your back. If you do not have one of these, get one. If you do have one of these, make sure you wear clothing that will be sure to rise just above the small of your back as much as possible. It comes down to visibility, let it be seen.
From the joke point of view, I guess I'm in the 0.1%. I love having a cool tattoo to look at when I'm going at it doggy with her. The trash element of it is a turn-on for me.

But the author's gonna complain about this:

"Furnish your entire apartment with Ikea and Pottery Barn goods. Guys love a girl who has a burgundy flower pot filled with bamboo painted red sticking out of it, or at least empty picture frames painted various colors. We want uniform, conformity, and traditional values."

Seems like he can't make his mind up what kind of girl he wants.

Great find! (that was sarcasm too, btw)


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Mad Manic said:
Since when do girls need a guide? Men are desperate for sex and are the ones approaching and having to amp up the magic because women are worshipped like goddesses. The girl's are choosing not the guy. I find it laughable whenever there's a notion that girl's need dating advice. Yes, maybe on choosing whether to choose guy no 8 or guy no 11 out of the 50 that want them.

Ah yes the harsh truth i love it...