Girls getting lap dances


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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I have somewhat of an idea I think of the responses I might get but i'll put this up anyway.

I was actually going to send this directly to str8up and actually typed it up but whatever...

here it is:

You seem to be the one to ask this since you insinuate you've been around strip clubs a lot during your business ventures and such... and I don't really want to start a thread since I don't really have a specific question, but...

What is your opinion on a girl getting a lap dance from another girl at a strip club?

A girl i just started "seeing" told me tonight that she thinks strip clubs are fun if the girls are hot and that she's had lap dances. I didn't expect that sort of thing to come from her mouth.

Of course she says she's straight as can be, admits it gets her turned on but to me this completely disqualifies her from any sort of relationship and I had to hold back from calling her classless and dropping her immediately (it's just irksome to me), but I'd still like to fvck her anyway...

What are your thoughts? I'm not asking what to do, just to be clear.



Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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This thread will probably turn into 6 pages of "STR8UP, you are full of sh!t" but oh well, here goes anyway....

For the record.....I have been around strip clubs in the past in some of my business dealings. BUT....

I do not particularly care for them, and most of the girls that work there are pretty fukked in the head. I just don't get into the "fantasy" of it all. I like to see my t!tties for free.


(Here's where I'm gonna get "called out" by all the "good girl" believers, for anyone who cares)

Anyway, here's my take.

There are two kinds of women in the world today. The kind who are (at least) bi-curious and aren't afraid to admit it, and the kind who are (at least) bi-curious and in the closet.

I developed this theory quite awhile ago, and since then I have tested it on every woman that I have had a chance to. And guess what I found? 99% of the time I was right.

There has only been ONE woman out of a couple dozen who out and out refused to acknowledge in any way, shape, or form that she might secretly harbor at least a homosexual curiosity. ONE GIRL. And this was the kind of girl who even other women thought was completely naive and had her head in the clouds about most issues when it comes to sex and dating.

My last LTR was straight as any woman you will ever meet, i can promise you that, but she admitted to me that although she didn't know if she could ever go through with it, the idea of watching a stripper give me a bl0wjob was a turn on for her. She even admitted to having been fingered by another chick and enjoying it, although she wouldn't go into details. The icing on the cake was when we were in Vegas having sex and she whispered in my ear that she wanted to hit a strip club and bring one back to the hotel with us :up: That didn't end up happening which is another story altogether, but suffice to say it just went to show me that even "good" girls have a bad side.

So what is my opinion on a girl getting/enjoying a lapdance at a strip club?

I say "more power to ya"

I would rather have a woman who is sexually adventurous and open about it.

Personally, if I could find a super feminine bi-sexual chick I would be all over it. Problem is (and I have dated a couple so I know) that usually the ones who are MORE into girls are LESS feminine. And I don't mean that they aren't "girly", I just mean that they tend to think more like men, and in certain ways that's a turn off to me.

It seems to me that you are one of those guys who is turned off by a woman admitting to this sort of thing. And that's fine, as long as you are being honest with yourself and not buying into the whole myth of the quality woman bit. Cause I'll be honest with you....I think a lot of guys would open up their world if they simply acknowledged that women aren't the sweet, innocent little angels that society has told us they are or should be.

The way I see it is this. MOST women aren't comfortable talking about this sort of thing with just anyone. But I think they understand that I'm not a judgmental person, and I won't be looking down on them or busting a nut in my jeans when they tell me things like this, so I get "the good stuff" that other guys might not normally hear.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2007
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I agree Str8up.

I too have made it a point to poll women. I usually start with, "I think women are beautiful, don't you?" and "if I was a woman, I'd wanna be be straight but I would sure..."

and at this point they usually interrupt me, eager to lay out (?) their enthusiastic rejoinder, usually something having to do with THEIR appreciation and curiousity. STRAIGHT WOMEN these.

And then we usually end up having a hot conversation, very different than I would have with a guy, more like talking to an Eskimo about snow- they can really get down into the details and nuances about what makes a woman sexy to THEM.

Bottom line for me, you'll be shocked to hear that this ends up turning me on, talking to a sexy, sexed-up woman about her secret fantasies...


Sorry Ruckus, but I think you're missing out by not indulging, even if it's just in the fantasy...


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
I'll say it again, I believe most women out there in the world are just like the woman Mr.Ruckus described. Most will deny it though out of fear of ridicule or such, but that seems to be changing. My ex used to constantly grab her friends boobs, then say, "I'm not a lesbian, I do it jokingly, for fun, and to shock close-minded people". Yeah, right. I used to tell her to just come out and admit she's attracted to women, there's nothing wrong with it. My ex was very feminine by the way.

Women LUST for other women.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
Juando said:
I agree Str8up.

I too have made it a point to poll women. I usually start with, "I think women are beautiful, don't you?" and "if I was a woman, I'd wanna be be straight but I would sure..."

and at this point they usually interrupt me, eager to lay out (?) their enthusiastic rejoinder, usually something having to do with THEIR appreciation and curiousity. STRAIGHT WOMEN these.

And then we usually end up having a hot conversation, very different than I would have with a guy, more like talking to an Eskimo about snow- they can really get down into the details and nuances about what makes a woman sexy to THEM.

Bottom line for me, you'll be shocked to hear that this ends up turning me on, talking to a sexy, sexed-up woman about her secret fantasies...


Sorry Ruckus, but I think you're missing out by not indulging, even if it's just in the fantasy...
Dude, Juando, I get into the same discussions. But, MOST often, it happens DIRECTLY after they "catch" me staring at another beautiful woman...

"Look at her, she's beautiful, don't you think?" Then, the next leading question, and the next...

But, when a woman wants to take me to a strip club with her... uh... I don't care to go to strip clubs with my guy friends, why should I go with a chick?

I think the next time I'm invited to go with a chick, ƒuck it, I'm going. And, I'll probably have a lap dance three way. Whoop-dee-doo. Oh well, at least I wouldn't be paying. I'd still be seeing the t¡tt¡es for free. :D
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Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah this is pretty much what I was expecting.

I wouldn't even get a lap dance for myself. I'm always the oddball on this stuff. I don't even want to see two women going at it. I don't see the attraction.

I see it as, okay she might like it, but you don't always get to do what you like. She's done it so she's disqualified. I'm more lady in public and wh0re in the bedroom type. And even if she's done this, it'd be better off if she never brought it up because it's like when a girl says she's had sex with 50 dudes. It might not really matter but it's hard to wrap your head around it and you'd be better off not knowing. I usually tell that to girls that I don't answer how many i've been with and i don't want to know how many they have.

I don't have the stripper fantasies you guys might have and i'm not the least bit interested in things like threesome or lesbians.

I had one girlfriend who said she liked looking at girls in a curiosity sort of way but adamantly always said she's "strictly d1ckly." It was actually kind of weird but she was like obsessed with d1cks (and by experience, she was) and said she had been since she was really little. I never saw any actual bi in her. I mean even I will look at a guy out of curiosity and 'admire' his muscles or whatever but since i'm a gym freak i tend to notice men/women's builds, but there's no attraction there and the thought is repulsive.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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str8up said:
Personally, if I could find a super feminine bi-sexual chick I would be all over it. Problem is (and I have dated a couple so I know) that usually the ones who are MORE into girls are LESS feminine. And I don't mean that they aren't "girly", I just mean that they tend to think more like men, and in certain ways that's a turn off to me.
Yeah i just view it as a masculine trait so it's a turnoff.

Swearing is another one women hurt themselves with. A woman saying **** outside of "**** me" during sex just doesn't sound right. It sounds too aggressive - a manly trait.

I think i just hate all of the West.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2001
Reaction score
hahahaha, like the comments MrRuckus!.

The west is going down the pan in my opinion. Please don't move to the UK, many women are like men. Loud and foul mouthed and yes I just can't get my head around dating a bisexual woman. I'd rather not bother...

I think I'm chasing a lost world of a dreamy, sweet, sexy women who are intelligent, classy and kind. I'll keep that dream and hope for the best.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
It's odd though, most times I've seen women kiss each other they may try to fake it, but it seems like they aren't into it, like it's forced. You can usually tell by how much they try to keep their mouths closed with minimal contact.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Jeremymichael said:
I think I'm chasing a lost world of a dreamy, sweet, sexy women who are intelligent, classy and kind. I'll keep that dream and hope for the best.
Ahh, the good old days with those ole fashioned girls.
I remember when young women were scared of young men ..a kind of "in awe" fear. Nowadays it seems that all the young guys in Gen Me are scared of young women.
Now that is scary.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
mrRuckus said:
Yeah i just view it as a masculine trait so it's a turnoff.

Swearing is another one women hurt themselves with. A woman saying **** outside of "**** me" during sex just doesn't sound right. It sounds too aggressive - a manly trait.

I think i just hate all of the West.
Yeah, me too.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2007
Reaction score
I was actually talking about very feminine women, not loud or abrasive, some very conservative, definitely not bi, who when they feel safe to opening up and confessing their fantasies and sexual breadth, admit that they have a sensual and sometimes even sexual resonance with women.

I don't "push" for this admission, I just open the door, and I'm still surprised at how easily it usually comes...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2007
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Oh, and relative to the OP this dimension of women I'm talking about probably in most cases would not translate to actually walking into a strip club
(maybe some, not most) but a more private appreciation of women they observe or meet.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
Tazman said:
It's odd though, most times I've seen women kiss each other they may try to fake it, but it seems like they aren't into it, like it's forced. You can usually tell by how much they try to keep their mouths closed with minimal contact.
Yeah I think a lotta girls play up on the girl on girl fantasy because they are qualifying themselves to you and want to impress you with how naughty they are. I don't think it's because they are actually very attracted to other girls.

I mean, if you are start asking her, "How do those girls look to you? Aren't they hot?" Do you think she's gonna reply, "They are ass ugly!"

No, she's gonna rave about how hot they are and how much she wants to be with them, even if she's just qualifying herself to you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Jeremymichael said:
The west is going down the pan in my opinion. Please don't move to the UK, many women are like men.
Yea, but I heard they like American guys :D

Might be headed that way next May so we shall see....

mrRuckus said:
I see it as, okay she might like it, but you don't always get to do what you like. She's done it so she's disqualified. I'm more lady in public and wh0re in the bedroom type. And even if she's done this, it'd be better off if she never brought it up because it's like when a girl says she's had sex with 50 dudes. It might not really matter but it's hard to wrap your head around it and you'd be better off not knowing. I usually tell that to girls that I don't answer how many i've been with and i don't want to know how many they have.
See, I DO believe in the "don't ask, don't tell" policy when it comes to # of sex partners (it serves no purpose to disclose that info), but as far as wanting the lady in public and wh0re in the bedroom thing....I'm all for hearing a woman's fantasies.

The fact that she has gotten a lap dance and enjoyed it is a bit extreme as a LTR disqualifier, wouldn't you say? I mean, to each his own, but I'm not bothered by that at all. I don't think it's shameful for a woman to have a bit of that desire in her. I wouldn't think any less of her.

The way I see it is that women are really closet freaks. Probably moreso than men, because it is repressed more in women. She is how she is, and one isn't a WHOLE lot different than the next when it comes down to her sexual curiosities and such, so it doesn't bother me to hear about it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
Women ALL have a degree of pretty wild sexual stuff in their past. I have lost count at how many times a nice, decent girl has told me something that shocked me. Girls with lesbian experiences are fairly common, too--only it's usually not a reflection of their sexual orientation. Girls learn early on that guys pay them lots of attention when they do lesbian stuff, and that's probably the only reason this girl told you about the lap dance thing.

If it bothers you that much you should drop her, but personally I don't see it as an issue.

Also, you should realize that this girl pretty much flat out indicated that she's open to a threesome, should you create the opportunity.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I took a gf to a strip bar once with a bunch of her law school friends, people who would very rarely go to such a place. I bought her several lap dances, and about sixteen Budweisers. Later that night in bed, in the middle of sex, my dorky wallflower law student gf blurts out:

I want you to cvm on my face and call me a fvcking wh0re!!!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
United States
mrRuckus said:
And i'm sure as hell not going to be fvcking a girl who could think during sex "i sure wish i could touch a breast right now." To hell with that. I am the damn center of attention in my bedroom or you can go home.
And we come to the real meat of things. Your issue has nothing to do with bisexuality, curiosity or anything of the like. It's plain and simple insecurity and need for control.

Realize the insanity of what you're saying: "I don't want a girl who COULD be thinking X during sex."

So, are you going to poll your LTR prospects to find out what is the biggest hog they've ever had inside them? Because you know, you sure as hell don't want to be shagging some girl who COULD be thinking during sex "Yeah, it's good, but my ex-FB had a bigger one and I wish I had that right now?" How about asking what celebrities she finds attractive, since she COULD be thinking about one of them during sex and not you.

You'll drive yourself around the bend with this stuff.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Bible_Belt said:
I took a gf to a strip bar once with a bunch of her law school friends, people who would very rarely go to such a place. I bought her several lap dances, and about sixteen Budweisers. Later that night in bed, in the middle of sex, my dorky wallflower law student gf blurts out:

I want you to cvm on my face and call me a fvcking wh0re!!!!!!
Hehe....women are certainly more stimulated by their minds as opposed to their eyes than are men, would be surprised at how horny a chick can get after watching sexual activity, whether it be porn or male or females just getting naked.

I had an ex that went to a bachelorette party one night. Apparently one of the girls (the wild one of the bunch) started sucking this stripper guy off in front of everyone.

I have never been rode so hard in my life as I was that night. Wow.