Girl that sleep very early


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2003
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I know a girl who seems to be pretty interested in me based on what she does with me (hold my hands, pressed it against her chest while we walked, etc)

Now, tonight at 9pm, she called me suddenly and asked me whether I'm free tonight. I suggested a movie but she said she preferred watching a video at my home where I live by myself...

Well, my bachelor home was pretty messy so I must've done the cleaning of my life in a very short time span.

By the time I was done, I was all sweating and panting but the time was already 10:20! So next time guys, you guys should ALWAYS keep your apartment spic and span.

Anyways, its saturday night and I called her anyway only to find that she already went to bed... Its not even 11 pm yet.

I think I can take it up to the next level but I've never met a girl who has such a healthy normal sleeping habit.

Has anybody ever seen a girl like this? If so, is there any chance to make out with her? I guess daytime would have to do but isn't that very unlikely???

Oh not to mention that I wouldn't be posting this tonight if she was still awake :(


Senior Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
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East Middle North America, near the water.
Yeah, my bachelor house wouldn't ever get cleaned were it not for girls showing up to it. But this post isn't about house cleaning. This isn't really even about sleeping habits.

So she called to say she wanted to come over, and then she hasn't shown up. In fact, she went to bed. hmmm.... by any chance is this girl a little shy, maybe younger than you by more than a few years? Is she generally inexperienced with guys? How do you know her originally?

She sounds like she's playing games, like she's trying to show you she can have a measure of control over you. I mean, if she didn't like you, she wouldn't want to come over in the first place, if you are firmly friends, she would have either come over for a bit and left early or called to say she changed her mind. The only option left is that she's interested and she's playing games

I'm having the same problem now with a girl I've known for six years, and it's sending real mixed signals. Once I invited her to a new year's party, as friends, and she didn't bother to call and say she couldn't make it. Another time she said she'd be at my house at 7 in the evening to get something, and she showed up at 12:30 a.m., saying she forgot. I can talk to her on the phone and she'll talk my ear off, but she'll stand literally right next to me and not turn to say hi or acknowledge my existence. Now she's in the habit of calling me at 1 in the morning. I think she's on another planet.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2003
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wow mr.good,

your girl really gives off mixed signal.

The way I handle a girl like that is cut off all contact with her for a period of around 2 weeks. That usually makes her s top the game assuming she is.

Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough with my post. The girl who went to sleep doesn't have a car so she asked me to pick her up.

Well, after hearing her want to come to my place, theres no way I can let her come and see the mess. So I had no choice but to clean it as fast as possible.

Also, she is 2 years older than me... so I doubt she's inexperienced but I'm not sure about games. My gut feel is that she wouldn't but I'm always open to ideas.

She also apologized several times on the phone even though I woke her up.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
I think it's a pretty good sign that she wanted to come over. I know of some girls who do go to bed very early (9:30-10:30 or so).

Ask her to come over again. Make sure you clean up your mess!

I clean up my place all the time for that surprise visit. Gradually I've developed a love for order and cleaniness...