Girl initiated contact with email


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2001
Reaction score
Ok a little background.

Met this HB9 a several weeks ago. Have seen her a handful of times around campus since. Everytime I see her, we always chat for a bit and she always seems happy to see me and comes to me.

I go to her sorority formal (not with her but another girl) I see her again, when I see her she comes right up to me and is happy to see me, gives hug. etc I introduce myself to her date (who is huge like 6"6.)
OK formal ends.

See her again next day at dinner in cafeteria. Comes up to me again I say hi to her and her huge date etc., and make a joke about how he is so big! One of her friends says, hey that is her bf. So I am like ok whatever.

Fast foward to yesterday almost a week later. She sees me going up a stairwell in an academic bulding on campus. She calls my name and walks all the way up the stairs to come see me. I don't move. Then she tells me that she just sent me an email. So I am like "cool! what is it about?" But she wouldnt tell me. So I continue to chat her up and make her laugh etc. I then make another joke about her huge bf and how he is so big compared to me! She laughs. Then she tells me that the guy isnt her bf and they are just friends and that he came out to school to visit her b/c they dated over the summer or something and this was his last attempt to try to get her back or something like that. (I really wasnt paying attention just nodding my head)
Then I say I have to go and continue on my way.

I get back to my room and check my email having no idea what this is about and she sends me an email which basically says. "Hey its kelly, remember me from xyz? I know we don't know eachother very well, but I would kinda like to change that. So if you get a chance email me back maybe we can get together this weekend to I just want to explain myself cause I think you might have the wrong idea when it comes to some things. Have a great day. hopefully i will hear from you soon."

And then she leaves her screenname at the end of the email.

So I read the email and am like.. hmm is this girl interested in me? My DJ insticts tell me yes.. but then I am wondering what she means by do I have the wrong idea about her? Does she not want me to think she has a bf or something. Or does she think all the times I have seen her she thinks I have been coming on to her? Which I personally don't think is true cause I talk to a lot of girls the way I talked to her when I see her around on campus.
So I am thinking that she sent me the email b/c she wants to get to know me better and wants to talk to me and tell me she doesnt have a bf.... or is it something else? girls are confusing.

So..... since school ends in 6 days, I won't really be able to play the challenge part so instead of waiting 2 days to reply to this email I wait about 7 hours.

I reply with basically:

Of course I remember you. And I know you enough to know that your awesome and wouldwant to get to know you better. So we can definently change that.

I added you to my buddy list. My sn is [xyz]. however, let me also get your number and i'll give you a call.

Have a good night. we'll talk soon.

--my name

So i send that to her last night and now it is today and still no reply(that pisses me off b/c i want her to reply asap... now she is using dj moves on me lol). THis is why I hate email and this is why screennames are the worst. I don't plan on IMing her or emailing her until she reponds to my email. If she gives me her number ill call her and go on a fun date with her sometime soon and see what she has to say.

Anyhow what does everyone think of the situation? I have never had a HB9 email me like this and initiate the first move....


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2003
Reaction score
don't worry . she's got high IL, and she just probably hasn't gotten around to checking her e-mail.

u done good, boy :)


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Man the thing with email is that there are million things that could be going on and you just assume she's playing a game. lol Anyway, I would say she has totally hi interest level, but make sure you play the c/f - your reply email was in my opinion a little bit weak, but we have different styles so you have to do what works for you. Keep us informed on what is going on....this will be an interesting one.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2003
Reaction score
dude your e-mail souds desperate but it should be ok since she has a high IL, you say she is Awsome???? looks like you spent alot of time with her to know that.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2002
Reaction score
This girl has high interest but your reply was way to eager and gushing.

Here's a better email reply:

Sounds good. What's your phone number?

Your reply was--dare I say--AFC. At least you asked for her number. But the line about "You're awesome" was terrible.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2001
Reaction score
yea i knew i shouldnt of put that awesome part in.... oh well we'll see what happens.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2001
Reaction score
Hey here is some more info that might be pertinent to the case at hand.

I am still in university and I was recently elected to the highest student position at my school (student body p/v-president) I worked my ass off for it and while I had great status and social proof before my win and was able to hook up with a lot of girls then, it has escalted 100 fold now that I am vp.

With my new position I hold a lot of power and prestige at my school in every sense. I even get to appoint a lot of students to many positions. So I have also been dealing with a lot of people brown nosing me to get positions.
I recently found out(after I got and replied to the email) that this particular girl is applying for a position that, if accepted, will work very closely with me on an almost day to day basis. Could she have alterior motives with this email so I give her the position? or is she doing this b/c she really likes me?

I am not sure yet, I will have to wait until I actually hang out with her. What do you guys think?
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Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2001
Reaction score
Ok here is an update.

As of Sunday morning, still no response to the email asking her to give me her number. I have yet to email her agian or IM her at all.
We are in finals now and everyone is very busy and I know this girl has been studying non stop judging from her away msgs.

My DJness is telling me to wait until she contacts me and make her come to me. But there is only 5 days of school left so I am inclined to attempt to initiate contact with her.

Do you guys think I should IM her? If so how would you guys approach this if you were me? What would you say in the IM? I was thinking I could be like "I have been so busy, sorry I didnt get back to you" or something like that. Or should I say something totally different?
(I don't want to screw this up, and I have little experience with IMing girls as I always get their number and call them on my own)


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
I was thinking I could be like "I have been so busy, sorry I didnt get back to you" or something like that.
Jeez buddy, do NOT email her back, and for **** sakes you need to learn a lesson about seeming desperate. First, she's "awesome". Never say that again. Now, you're "sorry" that SHE hasn't responded to YOU!???!??? For **** sakes!

She wants you... not necessarily for your power, but it probobly has played a role in you attracting her. You can only interpret her motives by getting to know her. Don't worry about there being five days of school left. She will contact you. If she doesn't, then NEXT her... you can do better.

read the bible


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2001
Reaction score
Ok its Sunday ngiht and still no reply from her email.

Looking back on this whole thing, I am very dissapointed in my AFC actions. I am normally not like this and live the way of a successful DJ. I live the DJ life everyday, when I meet a girl I like I #close her, I date her etc. Moreover, I do simple DJ things like always look my best and when I walk around campus I always make sure I am seen with women. This site has done a lot for me, it has changed the way I look at life and deal with women. However I hope I havent messed up here.

This whole email thing with this HB9.5 initating contact with me through email has thrown me off. I have not had an experience like this before and thus I acted un DJ like in the email I sent to her in reply. Perhaps I have now blown my chances altogether?

The reason this is bothering me so much is that this girl looks and seems to be prime LTR material and I dont want to mess this up like I have with other girls in the past through AFC actions.

Part of me wants me to just IM her everytime I see her online(I mean she did leave her sn in her email as a means for me to contact her). But I keep holding back waiting for her to reply to my email (even if it was AFC) where I asked her to give me her number so I could call her. The number is my style. When I get the number from her, then i'll contact her. But maybe she doesnt realize this and wants me to IM her? I don't get it.

Only a few more days of school left.... for now I'll keep waiting for her to contact me... or should I do something else?