Girl doesnt accept my friend request on facebook


New Member
Sep 5, 2011
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is she downright not interested in me? ive added her for over a week already, ive noticed her number of friends has increased too, therefore im being ignored. Ive talked to this girl a couple of times, ive done kino on her, talked with her when shes with her friends, she smiles back whenever i smile. but when i do talk to her this other girl im gaming on often comes to me, acting jealous, or flirting with me, even during class. so back to the girl im having problems with, this girl comes from a broken family, her father leaving them when she was young. maybe she despises men? but she likes to share love songs on her facebook, is she lesbian then?

but the main question is, how should i react to this? shes my classmate in one of my class.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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It happens to me too, it's not important. Im sure I still have one pending for 2 months atleast. No need to react, it's like it didn't happen.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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colorblind you just lost the game.

girls do this all the time to test a guys patience and try to get them riled up to get more attention. The more you don't let it get to you, the more it gets to them. They do it subconsciously. It's not even a big deal.

It's like when you call a girl and they look at the phone and don't pick it up because they want to make you wait. They then call you back later and say sorry for missing your call.

She's trying to pull you into her zone where she controls your emotions, time, and thinking. What you should have done is wait it out, still keep talking to her and never mention the fact that she hasn't added you. When she does bring it up just pretend like you totally forgot.

So she was either interested and doing that shows her that she won that battle or she thinks you're some creep that keeps trying to flirt with her and touch her and that's why she hasn't added you. Either way, cancelling the request is weird.


New Member
Sep 5, 2011
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thanks for your insightful post AAAgent, i will keep that in mind. still talked to her earlier though, but only for a moment then talked to the other girls until i got surrounded by them, then went home with this other girl im gaming the one i mentioned in the 1st post. i think she saw that. i added her again, hoping that she did not notice that the request was cancelled.


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Oct 29, 2011
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Similar Problem

AAAgent, u r like a psychic. You said some details in ur post that were so true as if u know what happened to me.


Are u an individual or a group of consultants :) honestly?

The thing started when "she" introduced herself to me at a social gathering. At that time, she did not mean a lot to me. She is a distant relative and where I see her are very family/social but big gatherings if that matters. With repeated encounters, I realized how pretty, simple and funny she is. Now, I used to feel like she is interested in me. This is bcz she starts talking to me even when I dont (which is usually the case), but then she does not stay for long... This makes me think she may be only interested in me as a friend. This could be bcz I , dumbly, almost never did the first move as far as starting to talk to her is concerned. I was not sure about my feelings towards her.

On the other hand, there are cases when I noticed her intentionally waiting for me to go say: hi, bye or such stupid stuff. she sometimes hides this and pretends she does not know I am there. From talking to her, I recognized that she remembers when I did not attend gatherings where I know she will be.

The sad part is that I was still not sure that I really would like to "talk" to her until she did not accept me on fb 4 days ago. If she meant to "grill me", then it really worked for her and she epically won my time, thinking and emotions for the last few days.

The other sad thing is ur mentioning of "touching". I UNCONSCIOUSLY very mildly touched her before. I also -"uncontrolledly"- rubbed her hand once after we did a "high five" that she started. The weird thing was that she rubbed my hand back :p, after the fb not acceptance.... I am not sure if she meant it though. She might 've reacted to my action with a friendly intention.

I feel like from the beginning, I was interested but was not declaring it even to myself. So, things were happening only on the unconscious side (like touching). I almost never went to her to sit down and start a conversation.
Do u think she did not add me bcz I am a creep to her, or bcz she wants to grill me? How can I really know?

THANKs soooooooo much.


New Member
Oct 30, 2011
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My take

fadeer said:
AAAgent, u r like a psychic. You said some details in ur post that were so true as if u know what happened to me.


Are u an individual or a group of consultants :) honestly?

The thing started when "she" introduced herself to me at a social gathering. At that time, she did not mean a lot to me. She is a distant relative and where I see her are very family/social but big gatherings if that matters. With repeated encounters, I realized how pretty, simple and funny she is. Now, I used to feel like she is interested in me. This is bcz she starts talking to me even when I dont (which is usually the case), but then she does not stay for long... This makes me think she may be only interested in me as a friend. This could be bcz I , dumbly, almost never did the first move as far as starting to talk to her is concerned. I was not sure about my feelings towards her.

On the other hand, there are cases when I noticed her intentionally waiting for me to go say: hi, bye or such stupid stuff. she sometimes hides this and pretends she does not know I am there. From talking to her, I recognized that she remembers when I did not attend gatherings where I know she will be.

The sad part is that I was still not sure that I really would like to "talk" to her until she did not accept me on fb 4 days ago. If she meant to "grill me", then it really worked for her and she epically won my time, thinking and emotions for the last few days.

The other sad thing is ur mentioning of "touching". I UNCONSCIOUSLY very mildly touched her before. I also -"uncontrolledly"- rubbed her hand once after we did a "high five" that she started. The weird thing was that she rubbed my hand back :p, after the fb not acceptance.... I am not sure if she meant it though. She might 've reacted to my action with a friendly intention.

I feel like from the beginning, I was interested but was not declaring it even to myself. So, things were happening only on the unconscious side (like touching). I almost never went to her to sit down and start a conversation.
Do u think she did not add me bcz I am a creep to her, or bcz she wants to grill me? How can I really know?

THANKs soooooooo much.
She might be interested in you but being hot and cold at the same time. To me, her reciprocating your kino is almost definitely a good sign. Would you rub a girl who rubs you back, just to be "friendly"? Or she just may not be that active on facebook... you gotta worry less about such stuff. Maybe she doesn't want you to see stuff on her profile that might kill your interest in her just yet. Don't obsess over such issues, it ultimately does you no good.

Just my two cents.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Look at it this way:

Girl gives you mixed signals, so you give mixed signals back. You give her positive signals and recipriate what she does, but when she doesn't show you IOIs, you retreat away from her and stop giving her IOIs

This might look reasonable, right? Let's look from the girl's POV.

She likes you a bit after observing you and getting eye contact here and there. You guys finally talked and she seemed into you. Now it's not natural for her to approach you, so she waits for you to make a move, but wait! Here's the glitch in the system; SO DO YOU! You're not in touch with your masculine core, so you also REACT to her. What ends up happening is that you two REACT TO EACHOTHER. As you ping off eachother, it only yields confusion unless one of you actually takes the lead. Start leading, start taking control and stop reacting to her.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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yeah my friend used to be a player and was a pro. I was just like you youngin uneducated.

I was educated by my friend time after time. Learn to control your emotions and you will control the game. If a woman doesn't have any control over you, she will eventually give in and play on your terms.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
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I never send FR to girls anyways, I just let them find me.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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its not really a big deal who sends the request or not.

First things first, stop over thinking this crap. I did the same thing as u guys and think too much. It's simple, she either:

1.) likes you
2.) doesn't like you
3.) doesn't know you enough therefore is trying to figure out if she likes you or not.

no as a man don't worry about whether she likes you or not. What you should focus on is having fun. Everyone will see you how you see yourself, no matter how hard you try to show otherwise. Just have fun. If you think a girl is cute smile at her and walk up to talk to her.

Always keep your conversations short and to the point. If your not a busy man your not a focused man. A man without focus isn't really a man at all. A woman shouldn't be the main point of your life. Talk to the girl, go to class, talk to your friends, study, etc. You dictate the terms of your life and anything that comes into your life. If the girl wants to hang out with you, tell her the truth, if it isn't convenient for you tell her that and that she can meet you when it is convenient. If she says no then walk away.

In the end, if she doesn't like you its not the end of the world. There will always be another girl. There always is.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2010
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Why do you care?
Get off facebook. Go meet people in real life.
Life just gets better when you do.

kevin mendes

New Member
Apr 19, 2013
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hey AAAgent..,

1. i met a girl...,which belongs to another university ..,but
we both goes in d same bus.., every boy wanna sit nxt 2 her..,
recently .., i got d chance 2 sit nxt 2 her......., nd i start d conversation
wid her (i already have prepare some interesting quest. to ask) nd
our conversation goes awsme......,wid tircky but genuine questions..., i get her address..,
2. i also have nice pesonality ...,
3...but nxt day when i pick bus ..,i look at her nd she totally act like a stranger
and d same thing happens on another day(friday)
4. then on weekend(saturday) , i send her a friend request...,and she didn't accept it.,
5.then on tuesday ..,i got d chance 2 sit wid her ......,i start conversation..,
by asking about exam..........,then i said that ur id is fake....,then she said no.
i said her that i have sended u friend request..,and check it out ...,
5.. and u know what..,aaagent..,she didn't accept it but her sister saw me whether i'm watching her or not..........,wtf is this
6. i share this fact with my friend...,which is expert in these things, he
said to message her and type....,sorry 2 interrupt u..,
i will not disturb u in future anymore.....,

7. should i type this message or not...,


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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Portland Oregon
You're over thinking this. I haven't read all of the posts, but if you watched the number of friend she has that's too much. Take a step back and relax. If I were you I would wait a week or two and then shoot her a message teasing her about not accepting the friend request and now she missed her opportunity. I don't know what the right wording would be, anyone have an idea?


New Member
Oct 10, 2013
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So I’m on high Scholl. And in my neighbourhood there is a girl who goes to high Scholl with me on the bus. We never talk to each other, but we make almost every day eye contact, almost every day we look at which other. And the other day I see her with her friends commenting about me.
I send her a friend request on Facebook and she doesn’t accept him.
What does these mean?
Does she don’t like me?
Should I go over and talk to her?


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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Portland Oregon
Dr.snow said:
So I’m on high Scholl. And in my neighbourhood there is a girl who goes to high Scholl with me on the bus. We never talk to each other, but we make almost every day eye contact, almost every day we look at which other. And the other day I see her with her friends commenting about me.
I send her a friend request on Facebook and she doesn’t accept him.
What does these mean?
Does she don’t like me?
Should I go over and talk to her?
Same thing as the guy above. Its great that you guys are making eye contact, in girl language thats "come talk to me." Don't worry about Facebookjust go talk to her. If thats too much, go sit in her general area. When you are comfortable with that move closer and talk to her!

And use proper grammar and spelling. Especially when talking to people on facebook, texting, sosuave, whatever...


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
What about for something like twitter? "Follows" on twitter can be one sided and from what I've seen most girls will rack up followers but never follow back in order to maintain a sort of "ratio", probably an ego thing. What do you guys think about unfollowing in that case? Is it better to unfollow them or be lost in the sea of other unfollowed chodes?


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
Reaction score
Portland Oregon
Mauser96 said:
A word of warning as well....Facebook is an attention *****'s dream come true. This is just one more tool women cand and DO use to manipulate men.

Even the older ones, my BPD ex was a fine exmple. The way to cut this power off at the knees, is get off Facebook, or strongly minimize your use.

Yeah great point! To add on to that, use the time you aren't wasting on the internet to do something constructive! Like going on a date or hitting up your favorite spot to meet women.