Girl Asks, "Was This just a one night stand?"


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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my repsonse, "well that depends on you definition".

so i meet a girl at a bar, we dance then sit down and talk for a little. While talking i say, " we should go to get sumthing to eat", she says yeah and we leave in her car and we grab somthing to eat, I bought her a drink at the bar so she pays for the meal, after she takes me home and I say, ok "whats you number text me when you get home", and she says no, and i say " well are ok to make it home come in for a drink of water a sober up for a bit", she says, "this is an escuse to get me to come in" and i grab her and put my arm around her a say "no im just want you to make it home ok". while shes drinking, I escalate things and we get to kissing, but she jus kind sits there not really doing much touching at all. she says, "dont look at me like that" and cant really remeber what i said.

This is where it gets interesting,

she says im gonna leave, and is say ok, she hesitates to leave, then i say are you going to leave and she says yeah, doesn't leave, so i invite her to my room, im my room she say i have to go to the bathroom. comes back in and we start making out again and move to my bed, nothing happens and she says "im on my period", so i figure ohh ok thats a nice way of saying it and, we lay donw for a hour and i let her get a little sober. we wake up in a hour and i say ok well make it home safe whats you number just in case, still wont give it to me, Then says "Was This just a one night stand", and i say "well that depends on you definition". then walk away, then she says my phones dead and im like right it down and she rights it down and i right mine down.

an hour later she calls me an say, in a very sad voice "im home, i understand if you dont want to call me" i say "ok" and she says "I understand if you dont want to call me", and i say" ok, im hanging up now". and hang up. next day she calls me, so i call her back dont menton anyhting about last night, she says she had a blast and i said i had fun, i said i would pick her up and we could go out to eat in a week, and said i would call her back mid week. she says ok an said she wants me to come to her house and meet her dog or some ****. an hour later she text me sayin"hey" dont say much next day same thing, and its been like this for 3 days now.
i she playing games, should i just see whats she all about? also did i make a fool of myslef?
thnaks mates.

She also said "i dont play games"


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
You should have made her suck you off pal. Especially when on the period.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2013
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She also said "i dont play games"
Translation: "I am a chess master, I play emotional games at the Olympic level."

Just be nice and noncommital.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Driggs said:
Translation: "I am a chess master, I play emotional games at the Olympic level."
Indeed :up:

Remember this --> Women are not honest. They lie constantly. They lie constantly. THEY LIE CONSTANTLY.

Anytime a woman's behavior is confusing.. its because she is being dishonest. PERIOD. Honest people are never confusing and you always know exactly where you stand. Confusion means lies, omission and manipulation.

Don't analyze her. Just do things 100% on YOUR TERMS and allow her to take it or leave it. With bluntly manipulative women like her.. I'm even MORE strict and uncompromising. I don't give an inch to people who I don't trust until they earn some level of trust. Which she has not.


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2013
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Gonna have to beat the dead horse with the rest of these guys, "I don't play games" what a fvcking joke


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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ok thanks. i havent gonna on a date since august you think i should even waste my time? to be honest all i really trying to do i sharpen my game and fuk.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2013
Reaction score
Really not sure what your issue is. Seems like she is into you. Just ask her out, proceed as normal. Sounds like she has some serious lack of confidence/insecurities issues though.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
altec said:
Really not sure what your issue is. Seems like she is into you. Just ask her out, proceed as normal. Sounds like she has some serious lack of confidence/insecurities issues though.
Lack of confidence and insecurity comes from a need to be in control of other people's behavior and other people's perception of you. Its what makes an AFC act like an AFC (instead of acting like himself) and its what makes women dishonest and manipulative.

The difference is.. most men are willing to let this behavior slide in women out of pity and a need to be a white knight hero.. while women are cruel, cold and abusive towards men who behave in the same fashion.

Just some perspective. :up:

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Good lord, people - the only thing that really bugs me about this site is that guys here automatically jump to the wrong and/or negative conclusion about a girl. Point blank, she told you she was on her period - that doesn't mean she was playing games, it could simply mean she was ACTUALLY ON HER PERIOD. Assuming that's true, I don't think she'd want her first sexual experience with you to be one where she's all bloody.

And yet, everyone on here automatically assumes she was "playing games." Dude, she went home with you on the first night and purposefully tried not to leave. At the very least, give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she's telling the truth. Now, if you wait a week to take her out and this same thing happens (because, at that point she'd be off her period) THEN you'd know she was just messing with you. But for now, assume that she probably had no idea when she went out that night that she'd meet someone she wanted to sleep with, nor was she planning to do so since Aunt Flo was in town. But geez, people, stop always jumping to the negative - there ARE girls out there that actually ARE nice and DO want to treat guys the right way. #stopbeingbitter


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
Lack of confidence and insecurity comes from a need to be in control of other people's behavior and other people's perception of you. Its what makes an AFC act like an AFC (instead of acting like himself) and its what makes women dishonest and manipulative.

The difference is.. most men are willing to let this behavior slide in women out of pity and a need to be a white knight hero.. while women are cruel, cold and abusive towards men who behave in the same fashion.

Just some perspective. :up:
Yep, totally man... As soon as you start looking outside yourself for validation of who you are as a person - YOU ARE INSECURE. It amazes me how many men out there are just as insecure as women. I actually had an encounter with one at the weekend.... He didn't like me dancing with his GF :cry: ... ooooopppps... (It was only in a friendly way)

Confidence > You are complete as a person and do not need any kind of external validation. You look inwards for happiness. You are not afraid of how others perceive you. YOU ARE SECURE.

Arrogance > You are incomplete as a person and are externally validated. You look outwards for happiness, there for need other people to tell you "positive" things about who you are (think of women and looks). You are afraid of how others perceive you. YOU ARE INSECURE.

Tips for anyone - The next time you feel afraid of doing something because of what other might think, ask yourself WHY ? The next time you worry about "looking good" ask yourself WHY ? Your journey towards confidence starts here... the rest you need to find in yourself....


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2013
Reaction score
Smok1nAce said:
my repsonse, "well that depends on you definition".

so i meet a girl at a bar, we dance then sit down and talk for a little. While talking i say, " we should go to get sumthing to eat", she says yeah and we leave in her car and we grab somthing to eat, I bought her a drink at the bar so she pays for the meal, after she takes me home and I say, ok "whats you number text me when you get home", and she says no, and i say " well are ok to make it home come in for a drink of water a sober up for a bit", she says, "this is an escuse to get me to come in" and i grab her and put my arm around her a say "no im just want you to make it home ok". while shes drinking, I escalate things and we get to kissing, but she jus kind sits there not really doing much touching at all. she says, "dont look at me like that" and cant really remeber what i said.

This is where it gets interesting,

she says im gonna leave, and is say ok, she hesitates to leave, then i say are you going to leave and she says yeah, doesn't leave, so i invite her to my room, im my room she say i have to go to the bathroom. comes back in and we start making out again and move to my bed, nothing happens and she says "im on my period", so i figure ohh ok thats a nice way of saying it and, we lay donw for a hour and i let her get a little sober. we wake up in a hour and i say ok well make it home safe whats you number just in case, still wont give it to me, Then says "Was This just a one night stand", and i say "well that depends on you definition". then walk away, then she says my phones dead and im like right it down and she rights it down and i right mine down.

an hour later she calls me an say, in a very sad voice "im home, i understand if you dont want to call me" i say "ok" and she says "I understand if you dont want to call me", and i say" ok, im hanging up now". and hang up. next day she calls me, so i call her back dont menton anyhting about last night, she says she had a blast and i said i had fun, i said i would pick her up and we could go out to eat in a week, and said i would call her back mid week. she says ok an said she wants me to come to her house and meet her dog or some ****. an hour later she text me sayin"hey" dont say much next day same thing, and its been like this for 3 days now.
i she playing games, should i just see whats she all about? also did i make a fool of myslef?
thnaks mates.

She also said "i dont play games"
This is why you always escalate/go for the close so **** like this doesn't happen. On her period should mean you are getting a blow job at least, if not sex anyway, if you even bothered to try.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Harry Wilmington said:
Good lord, people - the only thing that really bugs me about this site is that guys here automatically jump to the wrong and/or negative conclusion about a girl. Point blank, she told you she was on her period - that doesn't mean she was playing games, it could simply mean she was ACTUALLY ON HER PERIOD. Assuming that's true, I don't think she'd want her first sexual experience with you to be one where she's all bloody.

And yet, everyone on here automatically assumes she was "playing games." Dude, she went home with you on the first night and purposefully tried not to leave. At the very least, give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she's telling the truth. Now, if you wait a week to take her out and this same thing happens (because, at that point she'd be off her period) THEN you'd know she was just messing with you. But for now, assume that she probably had no idea when she went out that night that she'd meet someone she wanted to sleep with, nor was she planning to do so since Aunt Flo was in town. But geez, people, stop always jumping to the negative - there ARE girls out there that actually ARE nice and DO want to treat guys the right way. #stopbeingbitter
Dont worry about them....they just cant help themselves.

The problem is obvious...............she's super insecure. Period.

Shes not lying about it to manipulate. She sounds like a low quality women who may or may not have trust issues. It does no good to sit and here and mentally think about her problems. If your interested in her....hang out with her. Screen her as you do so, and if she turns out to be:

-not confident
-constantly nervous
-withholds sex

You drop her.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
there ARE girls out there that actually ARE nice and DO want to treat guys the right way. #stopbeingbitter
I don't know bro, think you a living in a world of fairy tales and lollipops. You haven't seen the half of what they are capable of, especially when the Law is on their side.

No girl wants anything to do with you once they get what they need from you. Girls are only with the guy because they have NO better option at that moment.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2013
Reaction score
Obviously she wants to know if it was a one night stand, because if it was, it would look bad on her. Other girls have told her that hooking up with guys for ONSs is a bad thing. Guys have called her a slvt (or called other girls slvts) for wanting it. She has been shamed.

You can reassure her "Don't worry, it's perfectly alright to have done a ONS, even if I didn't want to see you again. But I do."

She does sound very insecure and even confused, she really didn't know what she should do. Other girls have told her she needs to play games, so she tries that. She doesn't really want to, she's a rather sensitive, low self-esteem kinda girl who probably dislikes all that BS.

She is an easy catch, if you want to call it that. She probably has issues. She wants a sweet guy who will care about her. Cause, well, any guy who is just going to dump her when he finds out about her, just makes her feel unwanted and miserable. You need to handle her with a bit of care. That doesn't mean she will instantly want to be your GF or anything, she needs sex like any other girl, but she has these insecurities and might find it harder to open up to a guy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
Reaction score
Im texting the girl and she dosent want to send me her address to pick her up for a date. she playing games.

Hey whats your adress so i can pick u up?
: you get my text
:you still down
Her: yeah if you are
: yeah i get of at ___and can pick u up at ___ whats you adress?
Her:are you sure
Her: you dont have to pick me up.
: ok cool what are the directions to the resturant?
Her:ok cool?
: ??
:are you busy, can i call?
Her: lets just text for now
:sure, im not sure if ysaying i shouldnt pick u up or not?
her: its up to you
:how far away do you live for the restraunt?
her: 10 min.
: ok ill pick u up.
Her: ok

should i just leave her alone or do anything to react?


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Smok1nAce said:
she playing games.
No shes not....

Your not being masculine. Dude, sack up and TELL HER your picking her up. Dont say "I can pick you up?" SAY "Ill pick you up at 8". Whats happening here, is she is feeling wishy washy about you, because you are not taking control of the interaction. Its getting awkward because YOUR MAKING it so.

From now on, after plans are agreed to....just say either "Meet me at xyz at 8" or "Great, ill pick you up at 8".