Girl ALWAYS talking on her cell phone while we are out together


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
I've been hanging out with this girl lately. A few nights ago we went drunken bowling and were having a good time. THEN, the cell phone calls started rolling in. I think two guys called her and she talked to them on her phone WHILE she was bowling for like 5-10 minutes, and then she answered a third call and got placed on hold for something like another 10 MINUTES, but kept holding the phone to her ear, waiting for them to come back on the line and almost completely didn't talk to me the whole time she had the phone to her ear. Also, I thought it was kind of rude for her to be talking to other guys when we were out together on a date.
She did, however, show high interest level when she was off the phone (slapping my a**, hugging me and even kissed me once). However, I still find her cell phone actions exteremely rude and annoying, but I don't think SHE thought it was rude at all, which is all the more annoying.
Does anyone have any experiences with this behavior, and what would you do in this situation?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
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i've recently experieced the same situation, i just kinda let it slide and ignored the girl completely while she was on the phone...i'd like to hear what everyone else did in such an instance...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
I kind of let it slide to. I just walked away from her and talked to this guy I knew at the bowling alley and let her sit there by herself until she was done. I thought about confonting her about how annoying it is, but I don't want to come off as a complainer or someone who always needs constant attention from the girl I'm hanging out with.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2002
Reaction score
I've never had this happen to me but have seen these girls, usually younger and in need of great attention, continually on the phone even though sometimes they are not talking. I do think they want to seem important and "popular."

I guess if she were more into the present fun she was having, she'd be less on the phone. You need to do things with her that are more active and interesting.

But, I suppose that if my girl were constantly on the phone, I would be sticking my tongue down her throat while she was doing it, rubbing her puzzy, and manipulating her body into various sexual positions while she was gabbing away. I might even take her phone and shove it down my pants next to my johnson and tell her to talk into it from there. Or to "listen" to what my johnson had to say to her. Or, I'd shove it down the back of my pants, turn around, and tell her some azzhole wants to talk to her.

Whether you can pull off this type of stuff depends on you, however, and your relationship with this girl.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by prosemont
But, I suppose that if my girl were constantly on the phone, I would be sticking my tongue down her throat while she was doing it, rubbing her puzzy, and manipulating her body into various sexual positions while she was gabbing away. I might even take her phone and shove it down my pants next to my johnson and tell her to talk into it from there. Or to "listen" to what my johnson had to say to her. Or, I'd shove it down the back of my pants, turn around, and tell her some azzhole wants to talk to her.

BAHAHAHAHA that's so damn funny. Gonna have to save that for possible future useage.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2002
Reaction score
CA, Sacramento, USA
just tell her that she have 1 minute to hang up.

After 1 minute, if she doesnt hang up. Take the phone from her and tell the person on the other line: "Kelly is busy having sex with me now, Bye!"


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
I've had a girl do that to me once, here's how I set this b!tch straight:

I politely waited till her phone-convo was over, when she hung up I gave her an angry stare and then picked up my cellphone, completely ignored her, and called some hoe I knew right in front of her! (Btw., I knew this hoe wanted to go out with me thats why I called her.)

MV: How're you doing?
HOE: Good you...
MV: Nothin, I'm here with a friend...
HOE: What are you doing afterwards?
MV: I don't know, you have something going on?
HOE: How bout you come over tonight?
MV: Tonight? I gotta see what my plans are...
HOE: Give me a call.
MV: Sure

I turn back to the girl, she's shocked and speechless. I continue eating... pretending she DOESN'T EXIST.
After snapping out of her shock, she says,
"I'm SO sorry, I shouldn't have done that."
She immediately turns of her cell, turns to me, and starts ASKING ME about: my life, my plans, what I do, etc, etc., the whole nine yards. The pick-up got REVERSED.

I set that hoe straight in 2 minutes and she was all over me by the end of the night.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2002
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
prosemont I love your idea.

MVPlaya. Class. Pure class. I'm gonna keep that one in mind.

Personally I would have waited for her to get off her cell and I would have made a smart arse comment like.....

"Sorry babe. If I knew you were going to spend so much time talking to your friends I would have invited them too."

If she's got half a brain she'd get the message (and she'd see that I'm capable of being funny even when I'm not happy about something - not a bad trait in my books).

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Originally posted by prosemont

But, I suppose that if my girl were constantly on the phone, I would be sticking my tongue down her throat while she was doing it, rubbing her puzzy, and manipulating her body into various sexual positions while she was gabbing away. I might even take her phone and shove it down my pants next to my johnson and tell her to talk into it from there. Or to "listen" to what my johnson had to say to her. Or, I'd shove it down the back of my pants, turn around, and tell her some azzhole wants to talk to her.
this guys pretty much got it in the bag.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
ok let me once again refer to the "paris hilton porn home movie" for valuable advise concerning your query.

once upon a time...

in the paris hilton porn home movie....

she was naked and about to fvck and her cell phone rings....

she is about to answer it when the guy about to fvck her says...

forget your toy, get back here...

at which point he fvcks paris hilton...

get it?


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
St. Louis Area
Originally posted by RandomGuy
just tell her that she have 1 minute to hang up.

After 1 minute, if she doesnt hang up. Take the phone from her and tell the person on the other line: "Kelly is busy having sex with me now, Bye!"
That's extremely rude. There are better ways to solve issues like that.

I like MVPlaya's idea and WizardOfOz's idea.

Prosemont's idea sounds crazy. People don't do things like that, they just don't. No one I know would do that anyway. I'd just love to see what would happen if someone actually tried that, and I'll bet it'd backfire big time. Someone should try that and prove me wrong.

Would it work to say something like "I didn't appreciate that. Please don't do that anymore." or not? Note that it's a statement, not a question asking her to stop.



Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
LA, California
I remember some alleged DJ Master (I forget who it was..... maybe Doc Love... I don't think so tho) saying that whenever a girl pulls out her cell phone on a first date, he WALKS OUT!
He literally gets up, walks out of wherever they are, and leaves!

I found that pretty funny, but you can be sure she won't disrespect you lol

The point is that **** is FVCKED UP! You do NOT answer your cell phone when you're with someone else like that. That is just so fvckin disrespectful to the person. It's like saying "yea, you're great and all, but this call - which could be any person in the world - is more important right now"
You can't accept that kind of disrespect.

MVPlaya's method looks pretty good. It worked for him, so I guess it must have something to it. I dunno, to me it seems a little too... connived. Plus some girls may not even get the connection.

To be honest, I'm hardly an expert on teh subject: it's only happened to me once... all I did is when she picked up her phone, I stopped eating, sat there with my fist under my chin and stared right into her eyes, as if to say "I'm amused, but please try not to disrespect me like this." She had started chatting, but when she noticed me, her voice trailed off and she said "I'm sorry, I gotta go" and hung up. Then she apologized, made some excuse about how her friend was upset because of blah blah blah.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
A girl did this to me when i took her out last weekend. She was talking to another girl though. I still think its extremely rude to do this on a date and I dont understand why girls dont get it?


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
I jokingly told this female friend who answered her phone while we were out that she had to make it up to me by paying dinner and she did. I'm glad she thought I wasn't kidding. When I said it, I had a kind of ironic look on my face so maybe that's why she didn't get defensive. Her phone conversation only lasted about a minute. If it had lasted longer, maybe I would have gotten pissed. Maybe I should have asked for oral instead.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
The really annoying thing is (and what I tried to hint at in my orignial post) is that this girl (and probably a lot of girls out there) have NO IDEA how rude and annoying this bull**** is! They think it's perfectly acceptable to just pick up their cell phone, anytime, anywhere, and start talking on it. What the hell?
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
u should have stopped bowling and left to talk to others babes and never come back......
or just stated that she obviously has more interesting people to talk to and walked out without turning back ------ one trait of a wh@re is rudeness and another is self-absorbtion............SAY NO TO HOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2002
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by Abbott
I like MVPlaya's idea and WizardOfOz's idea.
Thanks Abbott.

Originally posted by Abbott
Would it work to say something like "I didn't appreciate that. Please don't do that anymore." or not? Note that it's a statement, not a question asking her to stop.
It's very direct. Might make her a little defensive. Could dampen the mood.

In the early days, when you're still getting to know the girl, it's probably best to keep things light hearted and entertaining. That's why I like my smart arse approach (oh and also cause I am a smart arse).

Having said all that you'll probably find that one of these approaches might suit your personality more than the other. So I'm going to leave it up to you to decide for yourself.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2002
Reaction score
CA, Sacramento, USA
Remember, its not what you say, but how you say it.

Abbott, if your attitude is playful from the beggining then you shouldnt have to worry about offending her. The more you worry about these little details, the harder it is for you to become a DJ.

and I don't think its okay to tell her what you "feel" about her talking on the phone (ie. that you feel disrespected). You're being emotional here. It might be okay if she's already your gf, but this is still too early on.

remember, don't be an emotional wussy, and just be playful, funny, lighthearted. and most importantly the "Don't give a fvck"


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
St. Louis Area
Originally posted by RandomGuy
Remember, its not what you say, but how you say it.

Abbott, if your attitude is playful from the beggining then you shouldnt have to worry about offending her. The more you worry about these little details, the harder it is for you to become a DJ.

Nowhere did I say that I was concerned about offending any woman.

If I say that I don't appreciate it when she talks for a long time (longer than it takes to explain that she's busy) then I am not concerned about offending her. If I was, I'd probably say nothing and let it slide.

Even if saying that does offend her, too damn bad. I shouldn't have been ignored or put "on hold" in the first place.

Originally posted by RandomGuy
and I don't think its okay to tell her what you "feel" about her talking on the phone (ie. that you feel disrespected). You're being emotional here. It might be okay if she's already your gf, but this is still too early on.
I do. I'd say that to anyone I know or talk to. I abhor being put "on hold" because it is disrespectful of me, my time, and my thinking of inviting whomever to be there with me.

Originally posted by RandomGuy
remember, don't be an emotional wussy, and just be playful, funny, lighthearted. and most importantly the "Don't give a fvck"
Exactly. I'm not an emotional wussy because I'm not afraid of what the other person will think.

The "I don't give a care" attitude can only be carried so far. You have to care if others respect you or not. You have to care in order to improve (why else should you improve if you don't care?). If someone doesn't respect you and doesn't make any significant efforts to do better, then they aren't worth your time.
