Ghosting and blocking a girl i have been seeing for 2 months


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
A girl who we were on the verge of becoming serious together.

I usually never resort to blocking unless it becomes a case of that person is starting to interfere with my happiness and self respect.

First off she is my type physically like perfect what im always looking for. Perfect figure and ass. Dark complexion long dark hair very attractive girl like a swimsuit model. A legit HB9 looks wise to me. These types consistently are always bat**** crazy though in my experience. The ones with the perfect bodies and just get a **** tonne of male attention everywhere they go.

So i let the first few red flags go. Our first argument was over the notion that i dont text enough so it means im just using her for sex nothing else she claimed. So she basically issued an ultimatum that time one that any other woman i would have called her bluff and said okay beat it.

Things got better after and the sex was really good. Makeup sex ect.

Then she got upset a few days later claimed i raised my voice at her in her car. No actually i never did. She is beyond overly sensitive and insecure and has admitted this many times. Again i make the mistake of supplicating and telling her to stay with me that night.

So fast forward a few meetings later she says she is completely falling for me and it is terrifying her but now she trusts me so she can relax.

She randomly starts ordering me uber eats gifts 2 days in a row and initiates texts more. Everything is better seemingly but in the back of my mind i know the red flags and know that it is just a ticking tine bomb with her.

So last night she is late because her friend she hasnt seen in over a year comes to visit her comes over and she comes here to visit me late with a vad attitude in general.

So i overlook it we have sex we both ***. Then we are talking and i said something that triggered an insecurity i guess because she becomes very silent out of nowhere and pouty acting. So i get up to wash and walk her out to her car. So i feel awkwsrd tension because she us being so quiet. So i just kiss her on the cheek and tell her to get home safely.

So she freaks out and says you are just going to pat me on the head and barely kiss me. She starts huffing and puffing visibly upset so i say wait are u serious? What are you mad about this time? Why are you upset i had no bad intentions.

She says no no while like crying halfway....everything is okay. You cant even give me a proper kiss goodbye so i say you are always upset about something i was just giving you space and it doesnt mean anything bad like that kissing you on the cheek.

So anyways i try to leave it on good turns and kiss her but she refuses and is just acting like a pouty little baby in general trying to leave me hanging feeling bad like she has already done twice now.

It is extremely emotionally manipulative. This is the first woman i have tried to take somewhat serious in well over a year and my last girlfriend was super cool and chill. Never pulled BS drama like this.

So enough is enough i decided. I don't think any amount of talking will fix this and if i cater to her anymore i would lose a lot of self dignity i feel. So the only thing i can think if is just to get her out of my life completely. Got too invested and it backfired. Now is just time to move on.

Also, I was just thinking to myself last night why are you trying so hard for this one crazy chick? Her entire personality is one big buzz kill it seems. She genuinely seems like a very miserable unhappy individual. And her unhappiness has made ne unhappy since getting more deeply intertwined with her. It is very toxic feeling.

And i have 2 solid plates ready to go that i have been neglecting for her.

Anyways, i am just putting this out there for anyone else who us going through something similiar. It is not worth losing your happiness and dignity over no matter how much you are attracted to one of them.
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Senior Don Juan
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
Interesting. I always thought HB 8+ do not act like that since they have tons of options


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Interesting. I always thought HB 8+ do not act like that since they have tons of options
Peoples' personalities depend on both the internal mind and external conditions, not just one or the other.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
Interesting. I always thought HB 8+ do not act like that since they have tons of options
not if she thinks shes a 4 and you an 8

this is why you never go out with a woman who claims to be a victim of domestic violence.

the guy will have superstar status in her mind


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Am not going to lie. It does actually hurt. Most women usually never get to me now a days. Havent been this emotionally invested since 4 years ago with another HB9 i was dating. It is very true that HB7s make the best girlfriends in my personal experience. I just dont see anything good coming from this situation. She is not an emotionally stable trustworthy person and i got way too invested. Just worthy of PND then next as usual.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
not if she thinks shes a 4 and you an 8

this is why you never go out with a woman who claims to be a victim of domestic violence.

the guy will have superstar status in her mind

Funny because she said she was a victim of domestic violence before and it has greatly affected her. Way too much baggage i suppose.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
Havent been this emotionally invested since 4 years ago with another HB9 i was dating.She is not an emotionally stable trustworthy person and i got way too invested.
Keep hearing about emotionally invested and stuff like that. How do you actually prevent that?


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
she said she was a victim of domestic violence before and it has greatly affected her
she wont shut up about him for eternity, it would be insufferable.

imagine 1000 men offering you the world, then this guy comes along and pimp slaps you like you aint sh*t.

Ironically hes probably the scruffiest beta male you ever laid eyes on, means nothing in her mind, hes alpha.
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Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Keep hearing about emotionally invested and stuff like that. How do you actually prevent that?

Don't entertain the idea of taking them serious until they prove otherwise and never ignore red flags. Just keep it casual and fun regardless of her initial requests for you to take her serious.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
Don't entertain the idea of taking them serious until they prove otherwise and never ignore red flags.
I have been watching AMS recently and the guy advised to limit the time you spend with them. The more you meet and chat with them the more attached you become.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
I have been watching AMS recently and the guy advised to limit the time you spend with them. The more you meet and chat with them the more attached you become.
ofcourse your lizard brain takes a simple psychological-mental note of "investment"


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
A girl who we were on the verge of becoming serious together.

I usually never resort to blocking unless it becomes a case of that person is starting to interfere with my happiness and self respect.

First off she is my type physically like perfect what im always looking for. Perfect figure and ass. Dark complexion long dark hair very attractive girl like a swimsuit model. A legit HB9 looks wise to me. These types consistently are always bat**** crazy though in my experience. The ones with the perfect bodies and just get a **** tonne of male attention everywhere they go.

So i let the first few red flags go. Our first argument was over the notion that i dont text enough so it means im just using her for sex nothing else she claimed. So she basically issued an ultimatum that time one that any other woman i would have called her bluff and said okay beat it.

Things got better after and the sex was really good. Makeup sex ect.

Then she got upset a few days later claimed i raised my voice at her in her car. No actually i never did. She is beyond overly sensitive and insecure and has admitted this many times. Again i make the mistake of supplicating and telling her to stay with me that night.

So fast forward a few meetings later she says she is completely falling for me and it is terrifying her but now she trusts me so she can relax.

She randomly starts ordering me uber eats gifts 2 days in a row and initiates texts more. Everything is better seemingly but in the back of my mind i know the red flags and know that it is just a ticking tine bomb with her.

So last night she is late because her friend she hasnt seen in over a year comes to visit her comes over and she comes here to visit me late with a vad attitude in general.

So i overlook it we have sex we both ***. Then we are talking and i said something that triggered an insecurity i guess because she becomes very silent out of nowhere and pouty acting. So i get up to wash and walk her out to her car. So i feel awkwsrd tension because she us being so quiet. So i just kiss her on the cheek and tell her to get home safely.

So she freaks out and says you are just going to pat me on the head and barely kiss me. She starts huffing and puffing visibly upset so i say wait are u serious? What are you mad about this time? Why are you upset i had no bad intentions.

She says no no while like crying halfway....everything is okay. You cant even give me a proper kiss goodbye so i say you are always upset about something i was just giving you space and it doesnt mean anything bad like that kissing you on the cheek.

So anyways i try to leave it on good turns and kiss her but she refuses and is just acting like a pouty little baby in general trying to leave me hanging feeling bad like she has already done twice now.

It is extremely emotionally manipulative. This is the first woman i have tried to take somewhat serious in well over a year and my last girlfriend was super cool and chill. Never pulled BS drama like this.

So enough is enough i decided. I don't think any amount of talking will fix this and if i cater to her anymore i would lose a lot of self dignity i feel. So the only thing i can think if is just to get her out of my life completely. Got too invested and it backfired. Now is just time to move on.

Also, I was just thinking to myself last night why are you trying so hard for this one crazy chick? Her entire personality is one big buzz kill it seems. She genuinely seems like a very miserable unhappy individual. And her unhappiness has made ne unhappy since getting more deeply intertwined with her. It is very toxic feeling.

And i have 2 solid plates ready to go that i have been neglecting for her.

Anyways, i am just putting this out there for anyone else who us going through something similiar. It is not worth losing your happiness and dignity over no matter how much you are attracted to one of them.
Focus on the plates. This chick behaves like she is 13.

She doesn't want a relationship. She wants drama. You are doing the right thing. Next. Block.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Focus on the plates. This chick behaves like she is 13.

She doesn't want a relationship. She wants drama. You are doing the right thing. Next. Block.

Yep. Lots of drama. She isn't really interesting enough to have a good conversation with so i guess drama feels that obvious void in her haha.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Funny because she said she was a victim of domestic violence before and it has greatly affected her. Way too much baggage i suppose.
Some guys out there ( not saying this is a correct action to take,) can't control their anger and when a chick behaves like this, those who can't control their temper will hit them. Some girls know this and deliberately drive a guy to rage so they can play the abused victim.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
She's clearly suffers from narcassism, she's been love bombing you. These types of women very quickly turn into emotional vampires.

Emotional vampire is the most accurate description. Cant help but to feel very drained from all of this. It will take a few days to a week or so to get back to full strength. She is def a big time energy vamp. Feel borderline sick even. This is not the first experience i have had with one of these type of people. Next time will cut ties upon first red flag.
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Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Ghost and block? How about be an adult and let her know things aren't working out and ending things. Ghosting and blocking are what women do to avoid adult conversations. Be better.

Already been down that path 2 times and she clawed back in. Best way is to just cut all forms of communication. Like i said in the OP....i onoy block someone when i feel like they are effecting my mood levels. I am a naturally happy and content person. I dont believe in dwelling in negativity.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
Reaction score
Definitely some cluster B traits present here. If you don’t get out now it will just get more difficult as she latches into you deeper and deeper emotionally. You are making the right call.