GG election - being Alpha is now more important than ever


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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Does anyone else notice the underlying message of the election results?

I did.

Women run the western world.

Game, for men who want to have a chance of thriving in today's society, is mandatory. I started writing about this last night, but a contributor at Rollo Tomassi's RM beat me to it. It's a brilliant read, check it out. I added a few bits as to why I think this is and what can be done about it.

If you need any more proof of WHY game is absolutely critical to success in your life, I can't say much else.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
This election is great

I'll tell you why

It seperates the what you call "real alphas" from the "fake alphas" and a lot of yall ain't looking real

my advice?

hit the gym
get your money up
read books become more well versed

and you will be that dude

or you can read blogs and forums and cry about your lack of success with women

Just saying...


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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im confused. what does the election have to do with gym, travel and books?


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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Solomon said:
what does election have to do with you getting puzzy?

derp derp derp

nothing at all. so we're in agreement. :crazy:


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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Just wasted space , move along people nothing to see here


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
What does reading books have to do with getting puzzy ?

I bet those alpha cave people were reading like crazy so they could fawk.

Look well, be social, chase your dreams.

Everyone who's fighting for his own dreams, never letting them down, is alpha.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
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The Summerlands
ScottMustaine said:
What does reading books have to do with getting puzzy ?

I bet those alpha cave people were reading like crazy so they could fawk.

Look well, be social, chase your dreams.

Everyone who's fighting for his own dreams, never letting them down, is alpha.
The point is that no girl wants to continually fvck/date a guy that is a complete dillweed. If you read, you get smart. If you get smart, you know how to tell a b!tch from a woman. Besides, life isn't about women. We shouldn't be neanderthals anymore. Pick up a book and be smart.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
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Sneevox said:
The point is that no girl wants to continually fvck/date a guy that is a complete dillweed. If you read, you get smart. If you get smart, you know how to tell a b!tch from a woman. Besides, life isn't about women. We shouldn't be neanderthals anymore. Pick up a book and be smart.
Okay, but the elections fit in exactly where?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2010
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Solomon said:
my advice?

hit the gym
get your money up

read books become more well versed
That's great. Now tell me how we're going to have the means to do this under Obama's and the progressive's war against success?

When you have a president who thinks that someone who makes $200,000 annually is "rich" and that the solution to our social and economic ills is for the "rich" to just "pay a little more", the money people would be spending on traveling or saving to "get it up" keeps getting smaller and smaller.

This election is not great... it's an epic disaster!

And as an aside, the entitlement mindset that Obama and the rest of the progressives stand for is the most anti-DJ attitude ever. Entitlements create a dependent class and a nation of serfs. It presumes people are morons and incapable of success without the government. How many people on medicaid and welfare would truly starve if their state sponsored charity suddenly vanished - not very many. They would, perhaps very painfully, suddenly realize a capability they may have never known.

The hubris the dependent has developed sickens me. That some people think entitlements actually help people makes me crazy! So many people are entirely ignorant of the truly disastrous potential this man has to ruin our country.

And by the way, I'm not a Romney cheerleader. Romney's path would have been Obama's just slower.


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2012
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ebracer05 said:
That's great. Now tell me how we're going to have the means to do this under Obama's and the progressive's war against success?

When you have a president who thinks that someone who makes $200,000 annually is "rich" and that the solution to our social and economic ills is for the "rich" to just "pay a little more", the money people would be spending on traveling or saving to "get it up" keeps getting smaller and smaller.

This election is not great... it's an epic disaster!

And as an aside, the entitlement mindset that Obama and the rest of the progressives stand for is the most anti-DJ attitude ever. Entitlements create a dependent class and a nation of serfs. It presumes people are morons and incapable of success without the government. How many people on medicaid and welfare would truly starve if their state sponsored charity suddenly vanished - not very many. They would, perhaps very painfully, suddenly realize a capability they may have never known.

The hubris the dependent has developed sickens me. That some people think entitlements actually help people makes me crazy! So many people are entirely ignorant of the truly disastrous potential this man has to ruin our country.

And by the way, I'm not a Romney cheerleader. Romney's path would have been Obama's just slower.
Smart man. Social darwinism is kinda cruel, but dependency on government is slowly degrading u.s. citizens, and is responsible, in part, to women's improper perception of what an "alpha" really is.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2012
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perhaps. in my eyes, politicians are just AWs. it's a game to see who get the most attention. but like all games of power, an election will inevitably go to the one with the most charisma. the most social pull. its a competition to see who will get to be the next leader. of course people aren't going to decide based on what he says... or even his actions, apparently. they will decide based on the traits he displays. so it is with women. how do they choose their man? they always seem to go for the alpha. the man who displays the most confidence, charisma, and authority. in anything you do whether it be money, women, construction, and of course politics, its all about people power! if you can lead people, you will lead life!


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
ebracer05 said:
That's great. Now tell me how we're going to have the means to do this under Obama's and the progressive's war against success?

When you have a president who thinks that someone who makes $200,000 annually is "rich" and that the solution to our social and economic ills is for the "rich" to just "pay a little more", the money people would be spending on traveling or saving to "get it up" keeps getting smaller and smaller.

This election is not great... it's an epic disaster!

And as an aside, the entitlement mindset that Obama and the rest of the progressives stand for is the most anti-DJ attitude ever. Entitlements create a dependent class and a nation of serfs. It presumes people are morons and incapable of success without the government. How many people on medicaid and welfare would truly starve if their state sponsored charity suddenly vanished - not very many. They would, perhaps very painfully, suddenly realize a capability they may have never known.

The hubris the dependent has developed sickens me. That some people think entitlements actually help people makes me crazy! So many people are entirely ignorant of the truly disastrous potential this man has to ruin our country.

And by the way, I'm not a Romney cheerleader. Romney's path would have been Obama's just slower.
How does obama winning the election affect your ability to get puzzy?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2010
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Solomon said:
How does obama winning the election affect your ability to get puzzy?
you are thinking about this in terms of the short term - this is a long term issue. Your efforts with women wont be blunted today or tomorrow, but think about the potential impact of progressive policy exerted over the public.

I dont necessarily think things are as bad as what was posted on rollos blog, but i do agree that this election in general was a signpost indicating that both men and women will continue to get worse.

If all you want is a hole to stick it in, you can still get it. But think about why we even have this "pump and dump" mindset: neither of the sexes trust each other and for good reason! I am not going to discuss where it started or who's fault it is because it becomes circular. The point is, no one is willing to put down their arms.

What this election did was representative - the warlike position between men and women further increased. You may just be interested in p*ssy but i think that is foolish. I want good p*ssy. Obama's ideas are toxic as was the general spirit of this election. The consequences will manifest, but in the long term, not short term.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
ebracer your smart guy and I respect you but my question to you is what are you gonna do about it?

The last 4 years I've continually improved and I will strive to keep going(yes there have bee setbacks lost jobs, g/f, weight gain etc) but I gotta keep going. I'm further ahead now then I was 4 years ago in my life. Most women(and men) have an entitled mindset period and it's only gonna get worse. Women are gonna get sluttier cause now marriage is becoming obsolete. Does that mean all women are sluts? no there still plenty of good women left.

Blame our forefathers for failing us, the next generation is gonna be worse with all the single mothers we have, as a black man (not trying to make this a racial issue) I know this ain't pretty. So yeah you can blame politics cause of that but this issue is way deeper then Obama

All I'm saying is, continue to improve and evolve as a person, trust me you do this you will have women chasing you and you will be beating them of with a stick. I see my buddies who do this all the time and their not worried about women because women are always around. They are high value guys (or alpha as you guys like to call them). Their not worry about ***** their worried about going on vacation for the third time in 3 weeks

that's how I wanna live my life

Just saying


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2010
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i think your assessment is right on soloman and a perfect rx for the problem. I dont think there is a way to fix this, perhaps ever. Notwithstanding that we cant change it and that we do still have to keep going, it doesnt mean i have to be happy about it.

A man should never stop improving himself and as the ripples of the entilement attitude continue to build and manifest, it will be harder to do this in some ways. But that doesnt mean we stop, it means we keep going all the more.

But it still angers me on a deep level. I feel like i'm watching people drink Jim Jones' cool aid. As society further deteriorates, it forces our hands in a sense and limits our options. If there were more good women and marriage wasnt being turned in to a means by which women can hold women hostage, it would be a good option. I mean man, i know there are some good girls out there, but the numbers are just a little higher than a virgin's lay count!! It's getting to the point where it is difficult to find an LTR, not because you cant get a girl to stick around, but because you cant find a girl you *want* to stick around! When i see people en masse making decisions that further compound these problems, it makes me mad. I've never wanted to spend the bulk of my life pumping and dumping.

I know you are a religious guy and i have been taking comfort in the following - "in this world you will have troubles but take heart: i have overcome the world". This process represents a change that is manifesting and i dont like it. It doesnt mean we as men will become the slaves of women... But it does mean things will get worse.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Let me just say upfront that I was not very happy with the choice of candidates this year. I'm not a fan of either of them, which is why I voted Libertarian. But this line from Rollo's blog is telling:

"Women favored Obama, 54 percent to 44 percent, while men chose Romney by an almost identical margin, 53 percent to 45 percent."

Women outnumber us, so they have the political power. What's more shocking is that women are more likely to exercise their right to vote than men are.

One of the first women I saw after the election had this reaction to the results: "Yay, Obama won. Now I can keep my women's rights".


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
zekko said:
Let me just say upfront that I was not very happy with the choice of candidates this year. I'm not a fan of either of them, which is why I voted Libertarian. But this line from Rollo's blog is telling:

"Women favored Obama, 54 percent to 44 percent, while men chose Romney by an almost identical margin, 53 percent to 45 percent."

Women outnumber us, so they have the political power. What's more shocking is that women are more likely to exercise their right to vote than men are.

One of the first women I saw after the election had this reaction to the results: "Yay, Obama won. Now I can keep my women's rights".
Create fear that an entire party is composed of women hating bigots and racists.
Create fear that the other party are socialist dems that want to take away your civil liberties one by one.
Now offer a solution to the fear you are selling. If you gave them the right emotion (fear + enough hope) they will rationalize and use "logic" to support their emotional standpoint (of their support for you). That's how you get votes today, despite what anyone says.


Master Don Juan
Feb 23, 2012
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ArcBound said:
Create fear that an entire party is composed of women hating bigots and racists.
Create fear that the other party are socialist dems that want to take away your civil liberties one by one.
Now offer a solution to the fear you are selling. If you gave them the right emotion (fear + enough hope) they will rationalize and use "logic" to support their emotional standpoint (of their support for you). That's how you get votes today, despite what anyone says.
On point.