Gf says "let's stop here"


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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Htienvu said:
I will leave it for a week without contact then have a chat with her, if it don't work out then I will move on. Thanks guys for your opinions.
In the meantime, I'd suggest reading this thread. Quite interesting (if a little pedantic at times):

Girl lost interest, wanted to break up. Although guy cannot go NC for a while, he eventually comes through, realizing that he didn't continue Game, which you should always do.

Hopefully you'll realize too that starting anew is better. And hopefully you'll come through as well...


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2009
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Htienvu said:
wanted to kiss me for the last time but I refused saying there's no point.
You did the right thing. Next please.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2011
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The thing is we didnt even fight or argue about anything, everything was rosy right up till last night. Baffling really but that's women for you, it's probably over but I am glad I kept my self respect. Will keep my cool and frame when I talk to her next.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Seeing as you're gonna talk to her on Tuesday, I assume you've already had contact with her since Sunday? Well, you shouldn't...

You told her there was no point staying anymore and walked away that night. This was the right thing to do... But after that, you should remain steadfast and go 'no contact' on her @ss.

Agreeing to meet up and have a conversation is weak. It means you are chasing after her, jumping through her hoops... Women create drama, then they expect men to join in that drama. She just needs to say the stuff she did and BAM! all of a sudden there's this big drama situation and the two of you are gonna engage in this burdened conversation on Tuesday, where the fate of your relationship will be dramatic!!

As a man, you don't join along with this bullsh!t. It's her drama and she's responsible for it. Don't allow her to drag you into it and share the responsibility for it. By having this serious conversation on Tuesday you do just that, you go along with her drama and willingly share in the responsibility for it.

So DON'T :nono:

As much as it might go against your gut feeling, you should just throw this drama back at her. She told you "Let's stop here"... Fine! Then the relationship is over and there is no need for any more meetings or conversations, especially not some bullsh!t drama conversation about the fate of your relationship! Its fate has been decided already, by her... She proposed to end it, so now you give her what she wants. If she's unsure if this is really what she wants, then that is HER problem and it's HER responsibility to solve it, not yours. You do not get mixed up in it!

So go no contact and ignore the sh!t out of her. You do not meet up on Tuesday and you do not even tell her about this upfront, fvck that sh!t... You make her realize her mistake, you make her realize that you are the prize and you won't be played with. It's in or out, you don't have time to play silly games about that sh!t, there are hundreds of other girls who can take her place. Make her feel that! Not through some conversation, though…but through your actions! Don't say what you are gonna do, just DO it! Break contact, ignore the sh!t out of her, make her FEEL her mistake.

If she realizes her mistake and wants to be with you after all, she better come begging for it. On top of that, she'd better promise to never ever start this kind of bullsh!t with you again. She's lucky that you still allow her the chance to be with you after she pulled this stunt, she won't be that lucky next time.

Just my two cents…:cool:


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
good post DieHard, im commenting so that this will show up in posts that ive replied to, i really like this perspective on the drama a female presents and tries to drag you into. you're absolutely right, it should be up to her to fix it, not us