Getting them from online to meet


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
This is my basic structure. I'll post more at a later date but this is the raw structure I use:

- Have a kick ass profile with good picture. I like to use one that shows off my muscles (plus I look a bit unshaven). So I wear a sleeveless shirt. No flexing, just a natural pose. Plus my hair is kinda longish

- Send out smiles to lots of chicks on the personals site (I use lavalife). The ones that smile back I message with a "hi, feel free to add me to your msn if you have it, They usually add me.

- Once on MSN I chat with them. Flirt, rapport, tease. Nothing new here. Then after 30 min or so of this I get them on the phone (usually, if it goes well, otherwise we chat another time and I get them on phone another time). But i've met chicks without getting them on the phone. Some are just too shy but still like you, you can tell. So just set up a meet over the messenger or email. No big deal.

But say I get them on the phone. We talk, flirt, I SOI, tease, build rapport some more, then suggest a meet. They almost always say yes at this point and we then set up a time and place. I meet them and it's game on as usual.

*** Note that I DON'T use opener emails. It's too easy for them to weed you out that way since you are practically trying to qualify yourself (get the ball rolling etc).

I send a smile (on lavalife), or a wink (on campuskiss), and if they smile (or wink) back I send them a message inviting them to add me to their msn. It's also a way to get them to go through a hoop for you. Now sometimes the woman will just give you her msn and ask that you add her. Not a big deal. I do that.

Other women still will say they don't have msn but will ask that you email them instead. I usually don't since it sets up a bad dynamic for me where I'm going through a hoop for her. Besides, I think some chicks do that deliberately because they will simply not accept the no-supplication frame from you (even over the internet). I find that chicks that do this are almost always *****es/uptight anyway.

In fact, I know for sure that one chick created an MSN account just to chat with me. Her address was LOL

Now, not all sites will have the smiling, or winking feature. So in that case just send out a bunch of messages to differnet chicks saying, "hi, feel free to add me to your messenger if you have it," If they are interested they will add you. Much easier to set up the frame in your favor this way anyway.

Note that MSN is most common where I am, that's why I use it.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sofia, Bulgaria
What do you do if they do not add you, but respond with a message instead, disregarding the adress you gave them? Do you think it's a sh*t test or just general absend-mindedness?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
You spend way too much time diddling them digitally. Cut down (don't stop) the flirty, c/f stuff but come on, you send smiles, you IM them, you talk to them on the phone... How long does all of this take, a week or more?

Raise their IL right off the bat and stop letting them get use to conversing with you primarily online. Give them a little taste of your charisma and then tell her that you should meet. This should happen within the first week unless your schedules are full. But you should definitely meet sooner than later.


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Skydiver43127
What do you do if they do not add you, but respond with a message instead, disregarding the adress you gave them? Do you think it's a sh*t test or just general absend-mindedness?
If they response with their msn address then i'll add them.

If they ask me to email them instead I next them. I don't have time for that.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sofia, Bulgaria
If they response with their msn address then i'll add them.

If they ask me to email them instead I next them. I don't have time for that.
10x. It's obvious, of cource, but most of the online daters I know behave in very weird ways (showering the girl with funny BS, waiting before they shift to IM/tel., forcing an one way interaction and so on), and claim to get results. Yours is actually one of the few advices on online dating that didn't make me sick.