Getting over oneitis

Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Mile High City, USA
We've all been there, OP. It's what drives many to this site. Sorry some of the responses are from immature dumb-asses.

That said, a few thoughts come to mind on how to best get over a oneitis:

1- T-I-M-E. There is no quick-fix. Nothing. Give it time. Many women I was hell-bent on years back I look back now and think "What the f*uck was I thinking?!"
2- Go 100% NC. If you work with her, be cordial, friendly as it's a professional environment and leave it at that. Don't communicate with her socially or in your personal time any more--you'll be validating her decision to dump you. Plus, subconsciously it really wrecks your ego, psyche, and levels of confidence and self-esteem. Guys think they're being "nice" when an ex reaches out. You're actually being weak and supplicating--the very qualities that turn women OFF. Move the f*uck ON. Period.
2A- Don't EVER date or f*uck where you work. Never ends well. Ever. Got it?
**3- DON'T EVER GIVE IN TO HER ADVANCES.** This is SO common. A guy gets dumped, then he goes NC, the girl senses he's losing interest, she comes back pretending to be all interested again and wanting to rekindle things, the guy gives in and takes the bait, and she flakes, disappears, or dumps him--again. I must have read this story 1000 times in my years on this site.
4- Keep yourself busy. It works. The WORST thing you can do is sit around and pine over her. Some say "But, I can't help it." Weak ass s*hit. YES YOU CAN. JUST DO IT.
5- Make an effort to date. Use OLD, social media, whatever. Getting interest from other women will help your confidence and help you get over the ex quicker. You don't have to gf them or even have sex with them , just the attention from other women can be enough.

Good luck.

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Reservoir Dog

Don Juan
Jan 26, 2015
Reaction score
She usually gets back by sending something funny or reacting to something I post on social media, so we just exchange a few lines here and there, and the energy is always very good in person. I'll probably wait til the energy is good in person and suggest we hang out and ask her when she's available. I asked a couple of times in the past, and a few times she couldn't, and one time we did hang out. So I'm thinking I give it one last shot before completely erasing out of the picture. But I know it'll be hard, due to the situation, but I'll just have to do it, for my sanity's sake. She's an amazing person, incredibly decent and one of the most wonderful human beings I've ever met, so in case she doesn't feel anything for me, it'll be hard, but I'm ready for it.
What happened when you did hang out?

Also be careful about: She's an amazing person, incredibly decent and one of the most wonderful human beings I've ever met.

No-one is all good or all bad. We all have good and bad in us.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2016
Reaction score
She friendzoned you. Were you teasing her, putting your hands on her and leading the conversation in a sexual direction?