Gaji attempt (will not fail) .. how am I doing?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
So this girl I was hooking up with for about 9 months .. we break it off. Today is 1 day and 3 weeks after the last time I've said anything to her. It's the longest I've gone without acknowledging her existence since we started hooking up. I'm getting over her more and more each day, even on day 2 I realized I could never be hurt BADLY by anyone, because of how close me and this girl were, but yet I didn't feel that badly on day 2.

My question is something along the lines of how I'm doing. She contacted me twice so far, once to ask for my address to send me something, and another time to say happy birthday. She contacts me, I say nothing back. Am I doing it right? I'm supposed to stay NC until she does what? Meanwhile I know the main point is to get over her, which I'm doing, but what would she hypothetically have to say for it to be considered fair game to return and not her "winning?"


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
ive been in a similar situation with the same gal in the last 10 months..the longest we've been in NC is 2're doin great if u dont feel the need to talk to for ''winning'' its sort of relative concept..
i feel im winning when she desperately calls me 10-15 times..sends a few texts..does something crazy to get my attention...tht can be considered winning..however the downside here is u might feel attached again to her(has happened to me)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
Jack-Torrance said:
Why are you doing this do you still like her?
I'm doing it to get over her, and so I don't get attached. I would have been okay with a relationship except she didn't want it. I get criticized for getting with other girls, yet she knows I only wanted her. I offered her everything one day, and was told not to wait for her. I'm not waiting for her. From my point of view, I'm doing this because she will lose me before she is ready to lose me. If you read the thread on ganji games you'll know what I mean.